
Vie in Sundial Peak del grado selezionato

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Tutti 21 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
South Face
20 Lion Hearted
Trad 75m
East Face
20 Frumious Bandersnatch

Once well-known as one of the earlier grade 20s in Victoria but has sunk back into deserved obscurity. Still one of the cleaner climbs here though.

Trad 83m
21 Frabjous Day

A clean technical start leads to varied and sometimes loose and/or dirty ground in the second half. Start 12 metres left of 'Manxome Foe' at a prominent left-facing corner.

  1. 35m (21) Sustained up corner then step right and up easy ground to ledge.

  2. 25m (17) Go 4 metres right on ledge and go up attractive hand-crack in excellent rock.

  3. 25m (18) Corner above until it ends abruptly at overlap. Hard move up left to ledge. Left up this to prominent, twin cracks in right-facing corner. Up these (loose rock) to exit up left to loose ledge/ramp.

  4. 35m (15) Straight up loose ground from top of ledge/ramp for 4 metres. Go 2 metres left to gully, up this then veer up left.

FA: Chris Baxter & Kieran Loughran (alt), 2000

Trad 120m
20 Corum's Corner

A superb right-facing black and yellow corner, a landmark at the right-hand end of the cliff. Scramble up to starting ledge. Escape off right at the top.

FA: Paul Kinnison & John Margetts, 1973

Trad 25m
20 Gimbling

The shallow L-facing corner immediately right of Corum's Corner. Scramble off to the right.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Peter Watson, 1979

Trad 20m
20 Curioser and Curioser

a little left of the base of Queen of Hearts are a few distinct natural crack or crack and corner lines. Curioser and Curioser takes recessed twin/opposing corners. When one thins out to virtually disappear it is possible to do a groin-busting bridge to help move across to the other crack then up more easily.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Ross Timms, 2014

Trad 18m
Epicurean Terrace
21 Through The Looking Glass

Beautiful clean corner. The climb had been done earlier by others with a couple of aids. Start on terrace 5 metres left of 'Brillig'

  1. 15m () Easy, wide crack in right-facing corner to overhang. Step left, up to ledge and go left to below the clean corner.

  2. 20m (21) Corner with hard moves at top. Exit right to bushy ledge (this is left end of first belay of 'Brillig' and 'Epicurean'

  3. 20m (14) Step left and pull over overhang above pitch two. Either traverse 3 metres left and go up (as led) or go up and left in attractive diagonal seam (20; as followed) to left arete of buttress. Follow wide line up and slightly right, finishing up cleft to ledge below lookout.

FA: Kieran Loughran & Chris Baxter (alt), 2000

Trad 55m
The Bleachers Railon Boulder
V2 Swarm up

From a stand climb the shield just right of the left arete.

FA: Evan Campbell

Boulder 3m
The Bleachers Royal Box
V2 Prince Albert
Boulder 6m
The Bleachers Courtyard Area
V2 Sir Earl

Up the slab wall left of Courtyard Arete.

FA: Pete

Boulder 2m
V2 Courtyard Arete

Up the slopey compression from a sitstart on the arete.

Boulder 2m
The Bleachers Nicholas Cage Memorial Face
V2 Face Off

FA: Chook Betts

V2 Leaving Las Vegas
Boulder 5m
The Bleachers Identity Crisis Buttress
V2 Bleached Balls

All the way up the terrifyingly high left arete of the buttress

FA: Chook Betts

The Bleachers Beige Boulder
V2 Earl of Brown

Stand start as for "Hymen Gorillas". Traverse left and head up.

FA: Chook Betts

Boulder 3m
The Bleachers The Three Sisters
V2 Hylander
Boulder 4m
The Bleachers Slappers Boulder
V2 Pimply Pinches

The groove using eponymous pimply pinches.

Boulder 3m
The Bleachers Den of Dwarfs
V2 Dwarf Power
Boulder 3m
V2 Dwarf Bleaus

Sit start on sloping rail (2m right of Dwarf Power), move left then straight up good holds of Dwarf Power.

FA: owyongtc

Boulder 2m
V2/3 A Dwarf's Delight

Sit start on low big edge directly opposite Dwarf Power. Move up on sloping sidepulls and edges around the vertical weakness to an easier top out.

Boulder 2m
The Bleachers Frankston Boulders
V2 Chooks Grovel

Tutti 21 vie visualizzati.

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