
Ascensioni in Hornsby and the North come vari tipologie da John Thirlwell

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Tutti 32 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità
Ven 21 Mag 2010 - Berowra
Bullet Hole Wall
18 Mental Fatigue Sportiva 13m Classica
Tricky in middle on slopers

18 Fox Sox Pox Sportiva 12m, 5 Molto buona
great to convert this to a clean lead

Ven 30 Ott 2009 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Middle Wall
18 Care Factor Zero Sportiva 9m Media
seems harder than 18, I suspect a few holds have broken off in the crux

18 Ecstatic Addict Sportiva 10m Buona
one big reach.

19 Best of the Shaved Sportiva 8m Buona
reachy move, then dodgy holds to clip the top rings - there is a good handhold over the top

17 Well it Ain't Everest Sportiva 7m Buona
big first move, then easy

17 Well it Ain't K2 Sportiva 7m Molto buona
desperate move off the ground, needing to find finger jam in the crack. Easy from there

Gio 22 Ott 2009 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Moto Cross wall
17 Extinction Never Felt So Good Sportiva 10m, 4 Buona
big first move, then easy to crux - left side cling up to anchors

Gio 22 Ott 2009 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Fossil Wall
16 Elbow Abrasions Sportiva 15m, 4 Buona
mantle!! but otherwise unmemorable other than sharing the finish with Legoland

17 Political Prisoner Sportiva 7m, 2 Media
bit reachy, thin in parts

Gio 22 Ott 2009 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Moto Cross wall
16 Malibu Rider Trad 10m Media
In the guide as a 13, hands free, poorly protected traverse

Gio 22 Ott 2009 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Fossil Wall
20 Professor Poopy Pants Sportiva 8m, 3 Molto buona
easy traverse to crux move up to break

16 Legoland Sportiva 15m, 4 Molto buona
good moves throughout on mostly great holds

18 Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Wicked Wedgie Woman Sportiva 11m, 3 Buona
fairly straightforward for an 18 up to clipping the anchors, which is the crux

20 21 Ruddock the Ring Wraith Sportiva 12m, 3 Buona
good climbing. thin and reachy down the bottom, mantle move at the top!

Ven 16 Ott 2009 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
15 The Meaning Of Life Sportiva 11m, 4 Media

16 Intelligent Design Sportiva 9m, 3 Buona
only gets a good for the move off the ledge - high legs then big reach. Really needs a clean.

14 Ding bat Sportiva 11m, 3 Molto buona
good route for first time leaders

17 Evolution Sportiva 9m, 3 Media
v thin start, then easy. Very chossy

17 Ben Trad 10m Media
cracks like this make me glad I've got Friends

14 Brokerib Mountain Sportiva 12m Media
interesting holds to clip into the anchors for a 14, but otherwise just a chossfest.

16 Lactose free Sportiva 13m, 4 Buona
thin start

15 Lost property Trad mista 15m, 1 Buona
fairly easy crack climb with bomber placements!

17 Foundlings Sportiva 15m, 6 Molto buona
good holds on flakes, good side pull move sustained and fun

18 Lichen A virgin Dog Sportiva 15m Buona
good and sustained, bit thin in parts, best not to stuff around

Gio 8 Ott 2009 - Berowra
Pimple Buttress
15 Taylor Made Sportiva 6m, 2 Buona
one big reach out left after 1st BR

15 Taylor Made Sportiva 6m, 2 Buona
really short and there's one big reach after the 1st BR out left, but apart from that, very easy.

Gio 8 Ott 2009 - Berowra
Ladder of Gloom Area
14 The Mantle Machine Trad mista 12m, 2 Media
pretty difficult for a 14! I have no desire to climb this again, even top-roped!

Gio 8 Ott 2009 - Berowra
Blackboard Wall
17 Yesterday's Heroes Sportiva 12m, 4 Mega Classica
awesome ciimb!! some very sand filled holds

Gio 8 Ott 2009 - Berowra
Ladder of Gloom Area
14 The Mantle Machine Trad mista 12m, 2 Media
good for the head, but I'll never be doing that again.

Gio 8 Ott 2009 - Berowra
Pimple Buttress
18 16 It's For You Sportiva 10m, 3 Buona
easy for an 18

15 Taylor Made Sportiva 6m, 2 Buona
one big reach out left after 1st BR, otherwise straightforward


Tutti 32 ascensioni visualizzati.

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