
Vie in Kangaroo Island del grado selezionato

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Tutti 18 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Cape Willoughby Lighthouse Wall
19 Finger in Seagull,
Trad 30m
19 Lenin on the Lamppost

The main diagonal crack on the wall L of Midnight Sun. If the start is wet, climb a crack parallel to and just R of the main line to a stance at 5m. Gain the crack proper and follow it all the way.

FA: David Cox, 1993

Trad 23m
19 Attila the Nun

Start R of Midnight Sun but make a rising traverse R to overlaps. Continue up to the thin crack 3m R of Midnight Sun.

FA: Pete Rigby, 1994

Trad 28m
19 Thunder Road

Begin 10m R of Midnight Sun, just L of a square cut block. Take the crack to the roof and pull through on the R to a stance. Step R and follow the L leaning flared crack to easier ground.

FA: Ryan Robertson & Glen Hordacre, 1987

Trad 28m
Cape Willoughby Easter Island wall
20 Rub a Dub Dub

The left most jam crack, easy start gets tougher as you get higher.

FA: Andy Keum, Mark Shelton & Frewin Ries, 9 Ott 2015

19 Chase the devil

Start on a small ledge 2 metres right of the start of Periwinkle pirouette’s offwidth section. Head up and right to reach the crux at an offwidth section then to fun double jam cracks, top out at the Boulder.

FA: Frewin Ries, James Sunjaya & Peter Hamnett, 21 Gen 2023

Trad 20m
Cape Willoughby Seafaring Fools area
19 Cracking Up

The most commanding line on the stunning wall.

Rappel down to a small ledge 5 metres above the water, with redirects as required. The belay ledge stays miraculously dry even with a big swell due to the shape of the rock below. Epic position. Bomber gear anchor. Climb gains a star for the belay alone!

Fun, easy corner jamming to ledge on the left, followed by more challenging jamming, bridging and face climbing up the diagonal crack system. 4m from the top take the RH vertical line up to the large top out ledge. (The wider diagonal continuation LH finish may be worthwhile?)

Standard double rack with cams up to BD#4 adequate.

FA: JasonB & Matt Sheppard, 20 Gen 2023

Trad 40m
19 Walk the plank

Feel the exposure. Walk out on the narrow black ledge and then up the thin crack until you reach the quartz seam. Follow the good sized crack up to the ledge and top out using the bulgy flake.

FA: Matthew Sheppard & Michael Stolk, 24 Apr 2021

Trad 15m
Cape Willoughby The wild west wall
19 Everything is 19 (direct start)

Take the direct line under the top crack. Interesting start that’s a bit better than it looks.

FA: Shane Mitchell & JasonB, Apr 2023

Trad 15m
Cape Willoughby Amphitheater Boulders Anvil Boulder
V1 Chiseled

Stand start a the base of the slab, just left of the step up. Follow the seam up and right until you reach the crack and top out as for "He'll Be Proud"

FA: Laurence Judd, Feb 2022

Boulder 5m
Cape Willoughby Willoughby Landing Penguin Boulders Happy Feet Face
V1 Wrong Crack

Sit Start in a more awkward start than its easier counterpart. Head straight up the vertical crack to a slabby finish.

FA: Laurence Judd, Feb 2022

Boulder 4m
Cape Willoughby Willoughby Landing Penguin Boulders The Channel
V1 Take A Break

Stand Start in vertical crack head straight up via good undercling to a big platform and top out.

FA: Feb 2021

Boulder 4m
Cape Willoughby Willoughby Landing Penguin Boulders Pingu Boulder
V1 Crab Crack

Sit start in big vertical crack left of "Noot Noot". Follow it straight up to top out.

FA: Feb 2021

Boulder 4m
Cape Willoughby Willoughby Landing Introductory Boulder
V1 Sea Mist Squeeze

Start with hands and feet in the 2 cracks. Compress or jam your way up the parallel cracks to top out.

Boulder 4m
V1 Sea Mist Slide

Step up into a match on the undercling before shuffling left to the cracks of "Sea Mist Squeeze" and top out for that line.

FA: Feb 2022

Boulder 4m
Harvey's Return Bottom of the stairs
V1 Outside L

FA: 2013

Harvey's Return The Cave
V1 Succulent Space

One of the best climbs of my life. Simply brilliant, and the only line on the outer right wall of the cave that could be done without crushing the plants. Climbing this was a real treat

FA: 2013

Harvey's Return Across the bay
V1 Crazy stone mantle

FA: 2013


Tutti 18 vie visualizzati.

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