
Via in Wanderlust

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15 Wanderlust

Even more indirect than The Lorelei. Lots of traversing and a great last pitch.

  1. 26m As for 'The Lorelei' but keep traversing to belay on the gum tree.

  2. 15m Straight up the wall above the tree to a cracker (nut) belay at the blocks at the base of 'the prow'.

  3. 40m A gently rising traverse left past clean corner on pitch 3) of The Lorelei to base of headwall.

  4. 34m Semi-hand-traverse up left along cracked, along and down a little until the headwall relents to a juggy, brown wall. 8m up to small ledge.

  5. 45m Up and right on mosaic wall to very exposed arete. Up arete, corner on right and right wall.

FA: Ian Brown, Justin Gouvernet & Warwick Payten, 1981

Trad 160m, 5

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