
Vie come boulder in Adventure Time

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Tutti 5 vie visualizzati.

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Adventure Time Walls
V2 Earl of Lemongrab

Sit start on the horn and follow the diagonal trending crack right and all the way around the walls to a committing mantle section. Either down climb the corner on the right or scramble up to the walking track.

FA: Kris Penn, Feb 2021

Boulder 8m
V1 Princess Bubblegum

Start on the same horn as Earl of Lemongrab and head straight up and over the highest bit of the wall. Careful at the top as it is rather high, easiest way down is to jump onto the walking track and hop the handrail on the other side back into the gully.

FA: Tommy Krauss, Feb 2021

Boulder 6m
Adventure Time Slabs
V1 Critical Reception

Sit start with left hand on the big sidepul and right hand on the good low gaston/pinch. Move up via hard first move and mantle using the left hand arete of the boulder. Having a spotter is advised!

FA: Tommy Krauss, Feb 2021

Boulder 3m
V3 Letterbox Jam

Sit start with left hand on the same hold that Critical Reception uses for the right hand. Right hand in the flaring crack as low as possible, hard first move with bad feet and top out via mantle using the good crack in the centre of the boulder. Stand start goes at around V1 from the slopers on the lip.

FA: Tommy Krauss, Feb 2021

Boulder 3m
V6 Distant Lands

Stand start with your left hand in the flaring crack as close to the lip as possible and right hand on a good sloper low on the arete on the right. Make some hard moves and mantle straight over the lip. Goes without saying but the block on the right is out.

FA: Tommy Krauss, Feb 2021

Boulder 3m

Tutti 5 vie visualizzati.

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