
Nodi in Cosy Corner

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Cosy Corner

Bouldering area. V0 to V7. Probably a lot more added by Andy since the miniguide came out... but the info is hard to come by.

Read for a guide.

Wave Wall
Wave Wall
15 Calcilting
26 Drop In

Steep and powerful boulder problem on a rope. Single carrot at the top if you look hard enough.

24 Unknown

Powerful sport route deserving of a name. 2 carrots at the top to use as an anchor.

24 Wipe Out

Jugs to a No.4 Camelot placement. There is a bolt on the head wall. Tricky moves at the lip. Top out and be creative to clean this line.

21 Big Girls Blouse

Hard moves to gain the crack and then follow the line to a top out.

Top-Rope Arete
15 Body Wedge
24 Innocent Looks
11 Thrutch
Main Area
Main Area
17 Indecision
17 Loose Lips
16 Chicken Point
4 Descent Route
15 Access Traverse
12 Sinus
16 Pat-a-Cake
19 Petropunster
12 Crystal Corner
9 Bland
15 Cut Crystal
18 Sink or Swim

Awesome traverse with limited feet in exposed position above the water

16 Escape Hatch
15 Three Little Birds

Three Little Birds 15m 15 Sustained and continually engaging climbing, approx. 10m right of Crystal Cut. Tackle the larger of the flake systems on this wall, after mounting the flake take a slightly left trending line for best value. Seewraj, Howe 19/11/16

18 Away from the Nest

Away from the Nest 15m 18 The thin undercut flake immediately left of the blank face. The flake provides a very fine but committing crux sequence, finish direct using the shallow right facing corner. Howe, Seewraj 19/11/16

9 Bad Directions
Main Boulders
Main Boulders
V0 - 1 #1

Various warmups up well featured face with options for sit starts.

V5 #2

Sit start on low sloper - up scoops & right corner. Hard start. Harder for tall people.

Link Up

Link #2 into #3 or #3 into #2.

V4 #3

Sit start low in back of cave, strong move off pinches to lip and up the slab.

V1 #4

Sit start and up left of the left hand seam to the top.

V0 #5

Sit start then up between the two seams.

V0 #6

Sit start and up right of right hand seam to top.

V4 #7

Standstart using undercling & smear. Strong start to a delicate finish straight up slab to top on tiny edges.

More traffic may either improve (clean) the holds or make this harder.

V2 #8

Sit start with side pull crimp. Up face smearing & crimping to top. Around to the right from '#7'


Stand start with the obvious trunk feature and straight up avoiding the left boulder.

V6 #10

Stand start with the trunk feature, up & right to crimp & jug, then top, avoiding left boulder.

V1 #11

Stand start. Up the crack.

V0 #12

Sit start with horizontal crack. Up slab to top using crack

V2 #13

Sit start on horizontal crack. Up steep face. Around the right from '#12' Alternate: using crack only V3

V3 #14

Stand start with small pockets straight up to top

V1 #15

Stand start. Follow zigzig feature to top

V1 #16

Stand start on undercling to top.

V0 #17

Stand start. Straight up left side of slabby face.

V0 #18

Stand start. Straight up right side of slabby face.

V1 #19

Stand start and up using cracks. Around the right from '#18'

V5 #20

Stand start with jugs then up using compression

Cosy Boulders
Cosy Boulders
V1 #21

Sit start in mini-cave. Up on cracks – avoid exiting left early. Contrived.


Sit start. Up smooth crack to slopey top.

V2 #23

Sit start at bottom of crack to top.

V1 #24

Sit start using small, low crimp.

V0 #25

Sit start. To top using obvious vertical edge, nice top-out

V3 #26

Sit start using low sidepull, straight up.

V0 #27

Sit start in hole to top on pockets and crumbly edges

If Only Area
If Only Area
V7 The Prow

All time hugging! Stand start on low left edge and right crimp and work your way up the prow. Finish on upper horizontal break and step off right.


To the left of 'If Only'

V4 If Only

Sit start down low and work through the various holds to the top

VB Low Tide Wall

Easy warm up face over an often wet landing.

V0 Bookended

Sit start with obvious jug and up avoiding the diagonal crack.

V3 Slick

Sit start with slopey holds and diagonal crack. Awkward start.

V2 Numerology

Sit start left hand pocket, right hand edge and out left avoiding using the detached lower tongue of rock.

Sector #4
Sector #4
V1 #31

Stand start on pocket & undercling traverse around left using flake then up.

V1 #32

Stand start as for '#31' and head straight up.

V0 #33

Sit start. Up the obvious flake

V0 #34

Easy. Up slabby face using vertical cracks

Tutti 71 nodi visualizzati.

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