
Vie in Mount Beckworth

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1 - 100 di 532 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
The Main Group Elephant Rock
13 Clingle

Overhanging crack on south side.

FA: Tony Wilson & John Holgate, 1988

Trad 6m
12 Gimme

A few M L of Clingle. Jump to starting jug then up arete. Solo FA. No gear.

FA: Goose, 2008

Trad 7m
5 Solo You Wimp

Diagonally L to R up West face.

FA: Tony Wilson & Mark Arnup, 1988

Trad 8m
8 John Colgate

Vague crack on L side of slab

FA: Chris Watson, Nathan Weinrich, Tony Wilson & Mark Arnup, 1989

Trad 7m
10 Prawn Of Death

Chimney and corner crack on North of rock

FA: John Holgate & Tony Wilson, 1988

Trad 9m
13 Baby Elephant Walk

Chimney, Corner and then traverse left past BR. Up arete

FA: Chris Watson & Bruce Somerfield, 1992

Trad mista 11m, 1
19 Tusker

Shallow corner on East side. Up crack.

FA: Phil Robertson, 1988

Trad 12m
17 Balance Of Power

As for Tusker, then left to bolt and around corner. Up and left past 2nd BR.

FA: John Holgate & Tony Wilson, 1989

Sportiva 12m, 2
24 Ivory Coast

Starts under the first bolt of Balance of Power. Continue straight up via a second bolt.

FA: Martin Lama, 1992

Sportiva 10m, 2
17 Trunk Line

Starting left of Tusker at black streak. Up to 1st BR of Balance of Power then as for that climb

FA: Bruce Somerfield & Wilma Oomen, 1990

Sportiva 10m, 2
23 Slave

steep face L of Trunk Line. FH, PR.

FA: John Miller & Mark Sulivan, 1992

Sportiva 9m, 2
24 Slave Varient

As for Slave to 1st FH then L past 2 more FH.

FA: John Miller

Sportiva 10m, 3
12 Laydown Mrs Marsh

Traverse along horizontal from Clingle to Prawn of Death.

FA: Tony Wilson, 1989

Trad 10m
The Main Group Bat Boulder
V0 Rabies

Sit-start (kind of - your head is actually the last thing to leave the ground). Headstand into a bat-hang on the very point of the prow, then invert into an easy mantle. Very much a goof, but pretty entertaining.

FA: Dan Treacy, 5 Ott 2019

Boulder 2m
The Main Group Rabbit Boulder
V5 The Match

Likely to draw blood.

FA: Alain (of France), 2015

V5 Around the World

Start crouched in the scoop, balance your way right.

FA: Evan.C, 2014

V7 1080 Baits

Because its a serious rabbit problem. Sit start with a low right hand and compress your way to glory.

FA: Evan.C, 2015

V3 Special Demented

Sit start on the sloping rail 1m right of 1080 Baits and mantle into the scoop.

Boulder 3m
The Main Group Fox Boulder
V4 Bombs over Becky

SDS - left hand on rounded crimp down low and in middle of face, right hand on slopey sidepull low on arete, both feet in notch near arete. Bump right hand up on arete then step back left onto face and top out over left. Stand Start done at V2, Eliminate not using arete done at V5ish


V3 The Inner Thoughts of a Fox

SDS - Left hand and heel hook on low undercling left of arete, right hand on good low jug on right side of arete, up the arete. Stand start done at V2 - both good fun

The Main Group Hare Boulder
V5 Hare Raiser

Sit start in the slot. Interesting, but no stars.

FA: Evan.C, 2015

V3 Long Ears

FA: Evan.C, 2015

V4 Harey Feet

Sit start from the side pull and move to the edge out left. Avoid moving into Long Ears when topping out.

FA: Jake, Mag 2020

V3 Good Hare

Sit start and stay left.

FA: Evan.C, 2015

The Main Group Slug Boulder
V4 Slug Life

Sit start and mantle through the poor slopers.

FA: Evan.C, 2016

V5 Snail Trail

Looks like a doddle but is far from it. Sit start under the bulge.

FA: Evan.C, 2016

The Main Group Stranger Stone
V5 Anhedonia

A common symptom of the COVID era. Stand start a couple of metres down the hill from Three Moves to Nowhere. Tricky moves lead up to a good edge and one final thin move. Finish easily, tending left to avoid the tree branches.

FA: ross taylor, Ago 2020

V0 Three Moves To Nowhere

Originally a Grade 8 climb. Flake crack on upper western side

FA: Phil Vawdrey, 1989

V1 Bruxism

Grab the bottom of the fang just right of Three Moves to Nowhere and climb directly up it.

FA: ross taylor, 2017


The dirt is never gone, just take a brush. Stand start recommended. The sit start done recently by Mr. Wilson adds two grades and removes the stars.

FA: Kade Wilson, 2015


Sit start on good ledge facing uphill. Throw for good hold over the bulge.

Boulder 3m
V2 The First

Has historical significance you can feel - in the form of crimps.

FA: Evan.C, 2011

V2 Actually

A metre or two right of The First. From a stand start, grab a side-pull and a pinch and slap up to easier conclusion.

FA: ross taylor, 2017

21 Give Me Danger Little Stranger

Big splitter crack on lower Eastern corner.

FA: Charlie Creese, 1989

Trad 7m
The Main Group Good Times Boulder
V3 Tough Times

Sit start on the sidepull, head left to interesting mantel.

FA: Evan.C, 2015

Boulder 3m
V4 The Double Sit

Sit start as for Tough Times.

FA: Stuart Beekmeyer, 2015

Boulder 4m
V4 Good Times

Sit start as for tough times, traverse right to top out. Deceptively steep and slopey.

FA: Evan.C, 2015

V4 Bed Time

Lowball traverse. SDS with RH on crimp rail and LH on good side pull. Traverse left with with big moves on good holds and try not to dab! Finish the top out on jugs.

FFA: Ashton Miller, 16 Mag 2020

Boulder 5m
V1 Easy Times

Start LH petruding pebble and RH on block. Head up over through few moves to top out.

V1 Bed Time Story

SDS with RH on petruding pebble and LH on obvious crimp. Shuffle your way around and over the bulge and top out.

FA: Charlotte Malina, 16 Mag 2020

Boulder 2m
The Main Group Caterpillar Boulder
V5 Caterpillar Traverse

A fun sloper traverse that's gentle on the skin. Sit start on the juggy flake on the downhill face, bust a move up and then traverse left up the hill, topping out on the highest point.

FA: ross taylor, Ago 2020

The Main Group Easter Rocks
9 Rhythm And Blues

There is a corner crack facing W about 30 m below Easter Rocks. Climb this then the slab on R

FA: Phil Robertson & Chris Watson, 1990

Trad 12m
14 Crank Start

Up to BR 2m R of RaB near meter round dimple.

FA: Chris Watson & Steve Hains, 1990

Sportiva 10m, 1
4 Cross Roads

Slab 7 m R with features and good pro

FA: Phil Benson, 1990

Trad 8m
16 Cessation

Arete L of main corner of Easter Rocks proper (Fancy Pants). BR

FA: Chris Watson & Steve Hains, 1995

Sportiva 9m, 1
18 Hot Cross Buns

Clip BR as for Cessation then L 2m. R a bit then up.

FA: Ben Eichler & Luke Eichler, 2001

Trad mista 9m, 1
16 Hot Pink

Between C and FP. The middle of face. Side runner in FP and RP's.

FA: Phil Robertson & Bruce Somerfield, 1989

Trad 9m
10 Fancy Pants

The corner

FA: Chris Watson & Tony Counsel, 1987

Trad 10m
19 Loose Connection

Wall just R of FP avoiding walls on either side. BR

FA: Chris Watson & Steve Hains, 1995

Trad mista 10m, 1
9 Easter 'eads

Back of pinnacle R of LC

FA: Chris Watson, 1990

Trad 7m
23 The Resurrection

Front of pinnacle, starting at SW arête, onto W face and up past 2 BR.

FA: Chris Watson, 1995

Sportiva 8m, 2
12 JC Was Here

Start at a small crack 1m R of arête R of pinnacle, past horizontal 1/3 of way up and into vertical crack running through roof.

FA: Chris Watson, Phil Benson & Steve Hains, 1990

Trad 12m
13 Strolling Bones

Up L of hole in middle of face to horizontal then L over lip.

FA: Phil Benson, 'Steve Hains & Chris Watson, 1990

Trad 9m
14 Rolling Stone

Just R of hole. Straight up.

FA: Chris Watson, Phil Benson & Steve Hains, 1990

Trad 8m
15 The Deception

30m R (uphill) from RS is another boulder. Centre of scoop to BR then R and up crack.

FA: Nick Ping & Daniel James, 1996

Sportiva 7m, 1
10 Rejected

There is another group of boulders further uphill. Go up wall from NW corner to roof. Hand traverse R. From ledge go up L face.

FA: Chris Watson, 1990

Trad 7m
15 Cloud 9

A tree has now grown over this route on another set of boulders L of Rejected. On E side is an overhanging crack line. Up this.

FA: Graham Whyte & Chris Watson, 1987

Trad 6m
11 A Step In Time

There is a slightly overhanging E face with a series of large ledges on a long thin boulder further left.

FA: Chris Watson, 1990

Trad 6m
10 Kookaburra

50 m Down and E from Cloud 9 is an orange boulder. 50m across the hill from this is a large dead gum tree. 20m S is an erosion gully. On S wall of gully is a narrow crack in a shallow corner. If you actually went to the trouble of finding this climb you might as well go up it.

FA: Tony Wilson, Phil Robertson & Alex McClure, 1989

Trad 5m
The Main Group Almost Easter
V4 Underclinger

Sit start and follow the seam of sidepulls/underclings to the top.

FA: Evan.C, 2015

Boulder 3m
V4 Just what the doctor ordered

Sit start with left hand side pull, through the crack. Starting rail of Jump Up helps.

FA: Jakub Juchum, 17 Ago 2019

V3 Jump Up

Start on the thin crimps.

FA: Evan.C, 2012

Boulder 3m

Oh so thin. Underlings then ??? then top.

V3 Block Party

Sit start on the lower block. Bridging behind you is cheating.

FA: Evan.C, 2012

Boulder 4m
V4 Jonah 95

Sit start on the incut LH side pull and the high, slopey ledge for the right. Climb straight up the blunt Arete and top out the slab and eventually the ramp. Holds IN the scoop are out. Laugh at yourself as you pass the old carrot bolt.

Mono Proj

The slab with monos.

No Mono Proj

The slab without monos.

Scoop Project

Weird scooping into a side pull.

V0 Warm Up

2m left of Underclinger. Sit-Start with side pulls and good feet. Straight up.

FA: Adrian Yeet, 10 Ott 2021

Boulder 3m
The Main Group Slab without a name
The Slab without a name

Balance up the friction slab to a technical top out. Engaging and delightful!

FFA: 1984

Trad mista 6m, 1
The Main Group Edge Boulder
V3 Edge of Reason

Sit start in the unprotectable hole with low left foot and high right heel. Top out carefully on opposite side of boulder.

FA: Evan.C, Mag 2016

V0 Edge of Glory

Stand start. Switch sides of the boulder to top out.

FA: Evan.C, Mag 2016

V1 Edge Traverse

Great moves. Start as for Edge of Reason and traverse the face right, avoid the chossy break to top out the slab far right.

FA: Evan.C, Mag 2016

The Main Group Palmistry Slab
V4 Palmistry

"I see frustration in your future." Fantastic technical slab climbing.

FA: Evan.C, Mag 2016

V5 Palmistry Reverse

Reverse layback palmistry crack direct to top avoiding arete

FA: Mitch Currie, 26 Ago 2023

Boulder 3m
The Main Group Goat Boulder
V2 Goat Boy

Sit start on the left of the crack and climb up through the scoop.

FA: Evan.C, Mag 2016

V3 Romancing the Goat

Sit start on the right of the crack.

FA: Evan.C, Mag 2016

V5 Scapegoat

Sit start with high right gaston and low left sidepull. Move up and left through sharp vertical slot.

FA: Jake, Mag 2020

V2 A Goat for all Seasons

Sit start good right side pull to climb the blunt arete.

FA: Evan.C, Mag 2016

The Main Group Thingamejug
22 Over The Moon

There is a sustained overhanging finger crack on the uphill side of the gully, just L of Gecko. Climb this if you can.

FA: Phil Benson & Chris Watson, 1990

FFA: Kevin Lindorff, 1991

Trad 9m
14 Gecko

On the uphill, eastern wall of the gully is a curved overhanging flake.

FA: Phil Robertson, 1987

Trad 7m
20 Thingamejug

On the downhill side of the boulder downhill from Gecko is a blackwood tree in front of an arching overhang. Follow the arch past a low nut and 2 BR then straight up.

FA: Simon Fenton & Ray Renton, 1988

Trad mista 8m, 2
13 The Bridge

On the boulder in this group closest to Cosy Corner there is a 1.5m high block near the SW corner. Bridge to face from block. FH and 2BR. Single FH on top. (There's actually 3BRs, but the last is so thick you'll need an odd hanger or a wire to slip over).

FA: John Holgate & Chris Watson, 1988

Sportiva 8m, 3
17 Tiptoeing The Arches

follow the crack from the bottom R hand end L to and across the to of The Bridge.

FA: Mark Sullivan & John Miller, 1991

Trad mista 15m, 1
14 Every Step I Take

As for TTA but straight up arête to L side. Finish up arête or L 1m then up.

FA: Iain Sedgman, Stephen McDowell & Andrew Webb, 1989

Trad 7m
16 Crumbling Confidence

There is a large boulder half way between Thingamejug and Elephant Rock. Climb the NW corner on sandy rock with no pro.

FA: Chris Watson & Phil Benson, 1990

Trad 7m
The Main Group The Alcove Boulders
25 Simple Simon

On uphill end of face outside and downhill of alcove entrance. Overhanging corner line, starting off block then finger traverse under roof. Originally 18 with some nuts for aid.

FA: Bruce Somerfield & Phil Robertson

FFA: Simon Parsons, 1991

Trad 10m
12 Out Of The Hat

L and lower down from SS. Up body width crack off detached face to gain face then continue.

FA: Phil Robertson & Bruce Somerfield, 1993

Trad 14m
12 Reborn

Unto detached block downhill from SS. Follow weakness to up and L. Great Pro. Finish either at blocks, or at rap chains.

FA: Phil Benson, Chris Watson & Steve Hains, 1998

Trad 14m
16 Bongo Bob and the Becky Beat

Starts up reborn, moves left to the arete then past 3 carrot bolts to the top.

FA: Chris Watson, Bob Bull & John Morris, 2010

Trad mista 22m, 3
V5 Tylden Slot

In Yosemite some fool would have crawled in and thrutched their way to glory before grading it 5.9. Much better sit or stand start on great edges on the nose up left of Blackwood arete. Traverse up left to the gaping maw… look in, tremble then do the only sensible thing and undercling out to the lip/arete on the left side of the chimney. Power up via some slopey burley moves to gain jugs at the top, traverse left and simply step off into the boulder. Quite cool.

V1 Blackwood Arete

Climbs the left arete of the face down right from Reborn. Stand start just left of the shoulder-high boulder and climb featured arete. Scramble off right.

FA: ross taylor, Ago 2020

V5 Lockdown Blues

Nice problem with a great slopey finish. From a sit start off two opposing side-pulls in the middle of the face right of Blackwood Arete, climb the face finishing through the slopey bowl. Scramble off right.

FA: ross taylor, Ago 2020

V2 Trenam Arete

Right arete - sit start, techy moves up arete to right of Lockdown Blues

3 Reaming Me Sleazy

On extreme uphill end of wall uphill from Alcove and around L of Sophie. Climb corner and crack.

FA: Tony Wilson, 1989

Trad 12m
10 Bribing Miss Beazly

Dogleg crack R of RMS.

FA: Mark Sullivan & Scott Schrieke, 1990

Trad 14m
16 Seamingly Easy

2m L of alcove entrance, up bulging seam.

FA: Simon Fenton & Ray Fenton, 1988

Trad 16m
The Main Group Cozy Corner
18 Sophie

Arete L of Cosy Corner and NKiT starting at ramp before traversing towards alcove entrance. 3BR.

FA: Simon Fenton & Ray Fenton, 1988

Sportiva 16m, 4
23 Revelation

Climb wall in between Sophie and NKiT. No pro. (BR have ben chopped)

FA: Mark Sullivan & John Miller

Corda dall'alto 16m
20 New Kid in Town

Slab just L of Cosy Corner. BR.

FA: Tony Counsel & Chris Watson, 1986

Sportiva 16m, 1

1 - 100 di 532 vie.

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