
Ascensioni di The Shield

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Tutti 7 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Mer 14 Feb 2024 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes The Columns
20 The Shield - con Darren Trad Molto buona
I had always heard this was a bit of a testpiece, but apart from one move, I think it's actually easier than Sandy Bay Road. Still, it is a nice climb. Only needed 2x5BD, 1x4, 1x0.75, 1x0.5 and a large nut. Could eat up plenty more mid-sized cams in the easy stuff after the crux move, but not really needed.

Sab 18 Nov 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes The Columns
20 The Shield - con Chris Speer Trad Molto buona
Cameron Semple
Lead the first pitch which was a bit damp and vegetated. Fell seconding the offwidth start to the second pitch. Second pitch follows a really cool (although a little unnerving) feature.

20 The Shield - con Cameron Semple Trad Classica
Chris Speer
A forgotten classic! Led last pitch. Wouldn’t recommend the first pitch as it’s a bit dirty and vegetated, though the climbing is still good. Crux is definitely uncompromising as the guide suggests, but I wouldn’t say brutal. The rest is excellent grade 17 crack and face climbing up a really unique and interesting feature. Will do again. Rapping in from the top with a 60 m fixed line is the go for access. Flash as we rapped down the line.

Sab 11 Nov 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes The Columns
20 The Shield Trad Classica
Merciless overhung

Dom 18 Giu 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes The Columns
20 The Shield Trad Molto buona
Ben Armstrong
Beastly. Pitch two only. Thrashed my way through the crux thanks to pure reptilian desperation rather than technique. The thin flake above is somewhat disturbing.

Mer 9 Gen 2013 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes The Columns
20 The Shield Trad Buona
Alex Hartshorne
Mar 13 Apr 2010 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes The Columns
20 The Shield Trad
muki Woods

Tutti 7 ascensioni visualizzati.

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