
Vie in Skywalker Wall

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Tutti 21 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
22 The Force
Sportiva 30m
22 The Thin Red Line

Line is between The Force and Vader and is obvious to the eye. 8 bolts and a sling for a blast hole.

FA: M. Rosser, J. Truscott & D. Zonta, 2003

Sportiva 35m, 8
22 Vader
Trad 31m
23 Fringe Benefits
Sportiva 30m
25 No Wasted Space
Sportiva 30m
23 Skywalker

This route should not be climbed due to face falling apart.

Sportiva 40m
21 Go For Broke

Aid climb for Premature Evacuation

Artificiale 30m
25 Premature Evacuation
Sportiva 30m, 5
29 Death Star

WARNING: Same issues surrounding rockfall as the rest of this section of wall (I believe this has lost at least one bolt since the FA)

Logan's description:

"Got the project up the middle of Skywalker wall yesterday (7/3/2011). It was chipped and equipped by Mark Wilson and i got his permission to do it. It starts left of skywalker and goes up the thin face to where the corner block of skywalker used to be. It then goes through the overlap and finishes up premature evacuation. It is awsome technical fingery climbing and a full 30m. Gives your forearms a good pump. Needs some others to attempt it to give an idea of grade as i am not too sure. Could be 28 or 29 but i am leaning towards 29.:

FA: Logan Barber

Sportiva 30m
24 Star Wars

This route, and routes to the left should not be climbed because of recent rock fall. Too bad... since it was a classic!

FA: Phil Calais

Sportiva 25m
23/24 Urban Wars (Link Up)

Start up Urban Ethics then branch left into Star Wars. The more common way of doing Star Wars since the rockfall

22 Urban Ethics

Hangers required. Start left of obvious crack (Power Play), and traversing left around arete (can go straight up to third bolt - same grade). Continue up run out section using ever smaller crimps. Excellent climb and probably the best for this grade near Perth. Shares anchors with Power Play.

July 2020: the large side pull after the runout in the middle of the route feels loose - CAREFUL where you hold on to to get that clip. The block is large and it would be a disaster if it falls. Great candidate to receive some glue soon.

FA: Ron Master, 1988

Sportiva 25m, 7
23 Urban Direct (variant)

Starts up as "Urban Ethics" then from 2nd carrot go straight up to the bolt and continue on the wall staying on the right side of the arete. After climbing crux moves above 4th bolt finish up same as original.

FA: D.Cieszynski & J.Stefanski, 1 Dic 2023

Sportiva 22m, 6
20 Power Play

Originally and aid route called Band Aid, this overhanging finger crack will result in you laybacking like never before. Protect with nuts and small to medium cams. Perhaps best natural route in Perth.

Shares anchor with Urban Ethics. The anchor sits after a sharp ledge. It would be recommended when top roping to use a fixed rope and when decending rappel or walk down.

FA: Greg Butler & Ron Masters, 1988

Trad 25m
24 Running With the Bulls

Technical, pumpy and un-relenting.

FA: M. Rosser, 2007

Sportiva 18m, 8
25 Running with the Alchemist (Link Up)

Bulls - Alchemist link up.

25 The Alchemist

Start in groove 3m right of Running with the Bulls, and reach jug under roof. Extended draw here makes life easier. Move right and go up using some big moves to reach anchors.

FA: K. Swain, 2008

Sportiva 25m
24 The Alchemist's Bulls (Link Up)

Alchemist - Bulls Link Up.

Start up Alchemist to the jug rest, then go left to finish up Bulls

21 Chrysalis

Most of this route has fallen down and the remainder is threatening to fall any day now. So beware!

FA: H. Buttler & R. Master, 1989

Trad 22m
21 Conflation

Start just to the left of “The Last Splash” pinnacle around 15m right of “Powerplay” at the recessed corner. Up past 4 bolts to the 5th bolt which is the 3rd bolt on “The Last Splash”. Lower off fixed carabiners. Very stylish and technical stemming. Worthwhile if you are at the quarry.

FA: N. Gledhill, 2008

Sportiva 12m, 5
20 The Last Splash

Unfortunately the middle section of this route has been subject to the foibles of gravity and has long since fallen down. Not recommended !

FA: Ross Weiter & J. Gregg, 2002

Sportiva 20m

Tutti 21 vie visualizzati.

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