
Ascensioni in Mountain Quarry da Trent che possiede sport-cpr o ascent-date

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Tutti 58 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Dom 1 Nov 2020 - Mountain Quarry
Hangten Buttress
27 Cranial Void (Cranian Void) - con Chris Sportiva 16m, 6 Buona
Figured out most moves. Need to figure out from the last draw to the anchors, and become more flexible haha.

Lun 5 Ott 2020 - Mountain Quarry
Playboy Area
10 First Date Sportiva 14m, 4
17 Bumble Aye Sportiva 12m, 4
13 Bumble Sea Sportiva 11m, 4 Media
Sab 3 Ott 2020 - Mountain Quarry
Mull Up Buttress
16 Frustration and Contempt - con Lewis Sportiva 25m, 6 Buona
Be careful cleaning/lowering the leader as you can fall off the side and hit the ground!

Sab 3 Ott 2020 - Mountain Quarry
Fuzzbucky Wall
19 Inside Out - con Lewis Sportiva 25m, 11 Molto buona
Putting the draws on for a mate. Pretty fun.

Sab 3 Ott 2020 - Mountain Quarry
Woomera Wall
27 Choad Warrior - con Emdehn Sportiva 15m, 5 Molto buona
9th session on the climb today and I sent! Got to the pinch just off the arete leading last session twice and fell. Sent first attempt this time ✊🏽 Nice to be done this pulley popper crimp fest 😂

Sab 8 Ago 2020 - Mountain Quarry
Skywalker Wall
25 The Alchemist - con Emdehn Sportiva 25m Molto buona
3 goes to send Running with the alchemist (had to remember the alchemist crux throw moves). Start up bulls, then from the middle break (where the climbs meet) swing into alchemist. When you get to the top clip the chains only using alchemist crimps. Makes you climb both cruxes of each climb 🤙🏽✊🏽🙃 (also did 3 bulls laps today for enduro).

Sab 25 Lug 2020 - Mountain Quarry
Hangten Buttress
27 Sweet Pea - con Emdehn Sportiva 16m, 6 Molto buona
Super sweet to send! Got to the ball last session. Second attempt in the rain today. Pretty good climbing considering it’s man made 🤙🏽 Climbing my age again is beaut 🙃

Sab 6 Giu 2020 - Mountain Quarry
Skywalker Wall
24 Running With the Bulls - con Emdehn Sportiva 18m, 8 Mega Classica
Been lapping this lately. 2 today, 2 Wednesday and 4 the week before. No falls 😂.

Sab 6 Giu 2020 - Mountain Quarry
Hangten Buttress
27 Sweet Pea - con Emdehn Sportiva 16m, 6 Molto buona
3 burns today. Got to clip the draw out of the break, but fell before moving on 🤣 progress is good.

Mer 13 Mag 2020 - Mountain Quarry
Hangten Buttress
27 Sweet Pea - con Tom Wiltshire, Emdehn Sportiva 16m, 6 Buona
Two attempts. 3 falls on the best. Slowly...

Mer 13 Mag 2020 - Mountain Quarry
Skywalker Wall
22 Urban Ethics - con Emdehn Sportiva 25m, 7 Buona
Belayed Em up after me then we both Abseiled. Forgot how run out this is! Keeps ya going right to the top sent clean first go.

Ven 8 Mag 2020 - Mountain Quarry
Hangten Buttress
27 Sweet Pea - con Emdehn Sportiva 16m, 6 Buona
Quarry Open again! Got to the top 3 times, best attempt with one sit. will have to figure out the beta to best get into the break.

Mer 25 Mar 2020 - Mountain Quarry
Hangten Buttress
27 Sweet Pea Sportiva 16m, 6 Buona
Worked top moves out from break with a gri gri self belay. Good fun, now to climb the bottom with less energy and get better at hitting the ball.

Sab 14 Mar 2020 - Mountain Quarry
Hangten Buttress
27 Sweet Pea - con Tom Wiltshire Sportiva 16m, 6 Buona
Will get out of the break some day.

Lun 2 Mar 2020 - Mountain Quarry
The Black Bay
24 Monday Weak - con Emdehn Sportiva 15m, 6 Buona
Finally sent on my second go today. Stuck the first crux after clipping the third then pulled the lip didn’t expect to send was going up to get the gear back

24 Vombatia - con Emdehn Sportiva 15m, 4 Molto buona
First go today putting draws on! Killer fun. 3rd attempt overall if you include two cracks yesterday

Dom 1 Mar 2020 - Mountain Quarry
The Black Bay
24 Vombatia - con Emdehn Sportiva 15m, 4 Molto buona
Two cracks after 2 attempts on Monday Weak. Some good whips trying to clip the chains

24 Monday Weak - con Emdehn Sportiva 15m, 6 Buona
Ah man.

Sab 1 Feb 2020 - Mountain Quarry
The Black Bay
24 Monday Weak - con Emdehn Sportiva 15m, 6 Buona
Two lead attempts and a second to clean. super hard on the fingers, crimpy as. Need fresh hands!

Mer 29 Gen 2020 - Mountain Quarry
Skywalker Wall
24 Running With the Bulls - con Emdehn Sportiva 18m, 8 Mega Classica
2 laps on lead clean. One more to clean seconding.

21 Conflation - con Emdehn Sportiva 12m, 5
First crack today. Been 2 years since I tried it.

Mar 10 Dic 2019 - Mountain Quarry
Fuzzbucky Wall
25 The Wiz - con Emdehn Sportiva 25m, 10 Buona
Second attempt today Send! Sat on the break in the middle for 5mins before the over hang. Super nice to get this one. Such a sweet varied route! First attempt dogged around putting on and extending draws. The second draw after the break is super hard to clip unless extended with a 60cm.

Dom 8 Dic 2019 - Mountain Quarry
Fuzzbucky Wall
25 The Wiz - con Emdehn Sportiva 25m, 10 Buona
First attempt with multiple sits, second with one sit falling on the second draw. Can go now!

Dom 1 Dic 2019 - Mountain Quarry
Fuzzbucky Wall
25 The Wiz - con Tom Wiltshire Sportiva 25m, 10 Buona
Figured out the bottom section on my last go, dogged it clip to clip on the upper over hang. Now to put it all together

Mar 5 Nov 2019 - Mountain Quarry
Playboy Area
12 Black Slab - con Brent Sportiva 18m, 6 Buona
Top rope solo with school to get stuff back.

16 Left edge - con Brent Sportiva 28m, 6 Buona
good fun

Dom 27 Ott 2019 - Mountain Quarry
Fuzzbucky Wall
19 Inside Out - con Nick Sportiva 25m, 11
Was teaching lead belaying while climbing on first attempt so had a couple of practice falls. Easy done on second go. Surprisingly good despite the gym holds down low

23 Carroterrorism - con Nick Sportiva 30m, 9 Molto buona
Some great moves, will have the friction to do it next time when it’s not 37 degrees and now I know the sequence

Dom 20 Ott 2019 - Mountain Quarry
Fuzzbucky Wall
22 Luck of the Draw - con Tom Wiltshire Sportiva 25m, 10 Molto buona
Great fun, stick clipped the 3rd to stop ledge fall. Got it clean on my second attempt

25 The Wiz - con Tom Wiltshire Sportiva 25m, 10 Buona
Darn this was hard. Top roped. Lower crux may have lost holds? Hmmmm had to pull on a lot of gear

Mar 17 Set 2019 - Mountain Quarry
Skywalker Wall
25 The Alchemist - con Emdehn Sportiva 25m Molto buona
Whipped going to the chains while putting the draws on. Sent on my 3rd attempt today . Do I get the FA since the bottom section fell off last weekend?

Dom 15 Set 2019 - Mountain Quarry
Skywalker Wall
25 The Alchemist - con Emdehn Sportiva 25m Molto buona
Led from crux to chains. Now I just need to fluke it

Dom 8 Set 2019 - Mountain Quarry
Skywalker Wall
25 The Alchemist - con Tom Wiltshire Sportiva 25m Molto buona
Had 3 attempts today. Can dog my way up it now and do most moves. Evidently a big chunk fell off down low today. hopefully still climb-able! Dang the rock in the quarries sucks.

Dom 25 Ago 2019 - Mountain Quarry
Hangten Buttress
27 Sweet Pea - con Chris Sportiva 16m, 6 Buona
Had a number of burns, need to figure out the undercling move from the break, got stuck there. Good fun

Sab 24 Ago 2019 - Mountain Quarry
Playboy Area
16 Bumble Bee - con chris Sportiva 12m, 4 Buona
Mer 31 Lug 2019 - Mountain Quarry
Skywalker Wall
24 Running With the Bulls - con Emdehn Sportiva 18m, 8 Mega Classica
Climbed alchemist into bulls at the ledge no rests

25 The Alchemist - con Emdehn Sportiva 25m Molto buona
Stuck the crux! And eventually got to the top. Interesting, hard to know between the last clip and the anchors what is in Good times!

Lun 29 Lug 2019 - Mountain Quarry
Skywalker Wall
24 Running With the Bulls - con Emdehn Sportiva 18m, 8 Mega Classica
Great, good to re send this clean on lead first crack

Dom 28 Lug 2019 - Mountain Quarry
Skywalker Wall
25 The Alchemist Sportiva 25m Molto buona
Climbed up to the crux twice, maybe got a little closer?

Dom 26 Mag 2019 - Mountain Quarry
The Black Bay
22 Crazy Horse - con Emdehn Sportiva 16m, 4 Buona
First go today. Nice to see the progression

Dom 24 Mar 2019 - Mountain Quarry
Woomera Wall
23 City Limits - con Emdehn Sportiva 15m Buona
First outdoor climb today since pulley rupture. Had one sit the first time then climbed it clean on top rope on the second go ☺️

Dom 19 Ago 2018 - Mountain Quarry
Hangten Buttress
24 Hang Ten - con Emdehn Sportiva 12m, 5 Molto buona
On my 9th attempt over 3 days I finally sent it. Good times with a heap of different moves

Dom 12 Ago 2018 - Mountain Quarry
Hangten Buttress
24 Hang Ten - con Freddy Simmons Sportiva 12m, 5 Molto buona
2 sits on the last bolt. almost there

Sab 11 Ago 2018 - Mountain Quarry
Hangten Buttress
24 Hang Ten - con Tom Wiltshire Sportiva 12m, 5 Molto buona
Got to the top eventually the first day out, Hopefully this will go soon!

Dom 24 Giu 2018 - Mountain Quarry
Skywalker Wall
25 The Alchemist - con Emdehn Sportiva 25m Molto buona
Let the proj begin! The crux is epic

Sab 16 Giu 2018 - Mountain Quarry
Skywalker Wall
24 Running With the Bulls - con Emdehn Sportiva 18m, 8 Mega Classica
Ah, the sweetness of getting this clean on sunset was epic

Ven 4 Mag 2018 - Mountain Quarry
Skywalker Wall
24 Running With the Bulls - con Emdehn Sportiva 18m, 8 Mega Classica
Dogged, got to the top in the dark

Sab 28 Apr 2018 - Mountain Quarry
The Black Bay
22 Shut 'em Down - con Emdehn Sportiva 16m, 5 Buona
Got it first go today

19 Aquaterra - con Emdehn Sportiva 17m, 5 Media
Clipping the 2nd is pretty sketchy. A heap of potential for grounders

Mer 24 Gen 2018 - Mountain Quarry
The Black Bay
22 Crazy Horse - con Jerome Sportiva 16m, 4 Buona
Got to the last roof clean. The sweated it up.

19 Turbodiesel Excavator - con jerome Sportiva 16m, 5 Buona
Mer 28 Giu 2017 - Mountain Quarry
Skywalker Wall
22 Urban Ethics - con Em Sportiva 25m, 7 Buona
Red pointed after falling off putting on the second draw. Too run out for my liking.

Sab 24 Giu 2017 - Mountain Quarry
Mull Up Buttress
20 Mortal Wombat - con Em Sportiva 20m, 7 Molto buona
A little run out

Sab 24 Giu 2017 - Mountain Quarry
Playboy Area
18 Penthouse - con Em Sportiva 28m, 7 Molto buona
Climbed it after Em

Dom 5 Feb 2017 - Mountain Quarry
The Black Bay
18 Motherlode - con Em Sportiva 15m, 4 Buona
18 The Ride of the Valkyries - con Em Sportiva 25m, 6 Buona

Tutti 58 ascensioni visualizzati.

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