
Vie in Central Western Slope and Plains del grado selezionato

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Tutti 31 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Warrumbungles Mopra Rock
11 Errol Street

A good easy slab route. Once (and may still) had a cairn at the base. Start 30m left of Gold Gold Gold at a big block sitting on slab.

  1. 30m Water·streak to twin, small (probably big by now!) kurrajongs. On to ledge

  2. 50 m Out round small roofs on R, then scramble up.

FA: Joe Friend (solo), 1976

Trad 80m, 2
Warrumbungles Belougery Spire West Face
11 If the Spirit Doesn't Moveth

One of many variants on If the Spirit Moveth. Variants are possible up to the foot of Dr Dark's Chimney, and from there on to S Face. A better description might read 'Up SW Arete to foot of Dr Dark's Chimney. Traverse R to face. Up'.

Start above access gully on SW Arete.

  1. 18 m Up corner on R, traverse L. Up to large block, then grassy ledge.

  2. 12 m Mantelshelf, then up to tree belay. Walk to foot of Dr Dark's Chimney.

  3. 24 m Traverse R. Up to tree belay in gully.

  4. 30 m (crux) Up in gully, then R. Up to R past jug. Thread belay near tea-tree.

  5. 36 m Up to rib. Up rubble, then chimney to bush belay.

  6. 30 m Easily up.

FA: John Pickard & G Rosie, 1966

Trad 150m, 6
Warrumbungles Chiusa The Bread-Knife
11 South Arete

The original route to the top. Exposed. Start at gap between Bread-knife and Butter-knife. Scramble along ridge for 15 m to base of arete.

  1. 12 m Two little walls, mantel, then up to pinnacle.

  2. 21 m Down, then L round arete to W face. Up and L to gain ridge.

FA: Russ Kippax & Bill Peascod, 1954

Trad 33m, 2
Warrumbungles Crater Bluff
11 Cross-cut

Originally referred to as 'St Andrew's Traverse' by Allen, Cross-cut appears to be the name used by FA party. Start in middle of N Face at obvious weakness.

  1. 30 m Up and R.

  2. 35 m Wall for 3 m, then continue R.

  3. 25 m Up towards 'green pocket' on R.

  4. 9 m Round nose, then wall to 'green pocket'. [This seems to be the name for the vegetated pocket to the left of the main arête on Cornerstone Rib].

  5. 27 m Cross rib, then up.

  6. 15 m Diagonally across wall leading to gully. Belay half·way.

  7. 21 m Up, then to top of gully.

The topo line is a guess. May be inaccurate. Please update.

FA: John Davis & Jack Pettigrew, 1963

Trad 160m, 7
Warrumbungles The Needle
11 Colour-blind

Start just L of middle of E Face, L of tree and 2 m L of abseil gully. Overlapping crack for 15m, then R to vegetated crack. Up.

FA: B Spry, A Gallagher & M Thornton, 1979

Trad 35m
11 Safe Bet

The next major line R is quite vegetated. This is the E Face abseil descent route.

Small pillar just R of abseil gully, then L side of loose-looking arete.

FA: Greg Croft & Paul Croft, 1991

Trad 35m
Warrumbungles Canyon Cliffs
11 Prologue

Arete L of Descent/'Abseil Gully'

FA: John McKenna & Phil Draper, 1991

Trad 25m
Warrumbungles Nature Track Cliffs
11 Amazon

L-sloping crack filled with vines.

FA: John McKenna & Graeme Bowden, 1991

Trad 30m
Warrumbungles Blackmans Bluff
11 Skinks

Corner with slightly cavernous base 15 m R of Just Visiting.

FA: Greg Croft & Dan Croft, 1990

Trad 7m
11 The Cross

Start on S side at large, detached block. Up to alcove, then flared, off-width crack.

FA: Greg Croft, Dan Croft & Rod Kerr, 1991

Trad 10m
11 Tornado

Obvious V-line 10 m R of Kaifji.

FA: Phil Draper & Graeme Bowden, 1991

Trad 12m
Cowra Col Stinson Park Little Blob
VB+ LB2.2

Sit start on right as for LB1.2 finishing up LB2.1.

Boulder 2m
VB+ LB5.2

Start as for 3.1 move left to finish via LB5.1.

Boulder 2m
Cowra Col Stinson Park Ruggs'
VB+ R1.1

Direct up the main slab from the low pod.

Boulder 1m
VB+ R2.2

Sit start as for R1.2 and finish right via the shelf as for R2.1.

Boulder 2m
VB+ R3.1

Start as for R3.1 traversing left to and up the brown slab.

Boulder 1m
VB+ R5.1

Climb as for R2.1 continuing a rightwards mid level traverse around boulder to finish up R1.1.

Boulder 4m
Cowra Col Stinson Park Carpet Call
VB+ Carpet Direct

Sit start at rail and ascend direct.

Boulder 1m
VB+ Right of Carpet

Sit start at rail moving right to escape via the slab.

Boulder 2m
Cowra Col Stinson Park Fungi
VB+ FG0.2

Sit start as for FG1.2 traversing left and up FG0.1.

Boulder 2m
VB+ FG0.3

Alternate sit start to FG0.1 from the good sidepull.

Boulder 2m
Cowra Col Stinson Park Porkorama
VB+ PR1.6

Left of PR1.5 from the low step move up and right finishing directly up the slab.

Boulder 4m
Cowra Col Stinson Park Chunky & Mantle
VB+ C&M1.2

Right side of far slab, all good footers on far left are out.

Boulder 2m
VB+ C&M4.1

Right of C&M3.1, rockover onto the shelf with right foot.

Boulder 1m
VB+ C&M5.1

Mantle the scoop right of the shelf.

Boulder 1m
Cowra Col Stinson Park TPA
VB+ TPA1.2

Sit start to TPA1.1.

Boulder 2m
VB+ TPA2.1

East slab sans low step.

Boulder 1m
VB+ TPA8.3

Start left arete traverse right to finish via right slab (TPA4.1).

Boulder 3m
VB+ TPA9.2

Start as for TPA9.1 finishing via right arete (TPA3.1).

Boulder 3m
Cowra Col Stinson Park PT Boulder

Star far left and back slab moving right to drop down into a low traverse exiting only once right of the short corner.

Boulder 3m

Sit start and up the short corner right of the boulder.

Boulder 1m

Tutti 31 vie visualizzati.

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