
Vie in Southern Tablelands del grado selezionato

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1 - 100 di 271 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Cinderella Crag Pitt Street Wall
21 First Blood

Up white stuff to punchy crux, well actually tricky down low as well

FFA: Simon Vaughan, 2013

Sportiva 15m
20 Django

First large rock cairn. Up toughish start to a series of stepped overlaps. Anchors halfway up wall at large horizontal break.

FFA: Simon Vaughan, 2013

Sportiva 15m, 5
Bungonia Gorge North Wall - Main
21 She Wolf in the Closet

FA: Chris Warner, Set 2014

Sportiva 22m
21 Arctic Cat

FA: Chris Fitzgerald, Lug 2014

Sportiva 25m
21 The Bachelor

A superb direct route to the top of the wall, with a mega second pitch. Similar in difficulty and commitment to Strangeness, but with comfortable belay stances the whole way. Take a single rack (maybe double up on red and yellow camalots), heaps of draws and slings, and double ropes.

  1. 20m (20) Start at a honeycombed wall 2m left of a glassy left-facing corner. Up delicately to an excellent horizontal gear slot at 4.5m, then boulder leftwards onto jugs. Up to a pod at 10m (look for a bomber wire in a white slot to the left), clip the high bolt (short climbers should bring one of those reachy-clippy draws) and boulder to easier ground. Belay off threads or trees in an amazing big hole (don't use up too much rope!).

  2. 58m (21) Spectacular! 9 or 10 bolts, but rather spicy nonetheless. All the bolts have good clipping holds, which should reduce the stress somewhat. Step rightwards out of the belay and boulder up to a good thread (back clean any gear below the thread to make things easier for your belayer). Wander up steepening ground past bolts and the occasional gear slot. When the bolts run out, trend left slightly to a stance with threads and wires at 50m (optional belay). Step left aiming for a high final bolt, taking care with hollow suspect mega-flakes. Pull over the bulge and up past a couple of cam pockets to a hilarious belay hole. (Using the optional belay allows one to watch the leader through the slightly sketchy stuff at the top of this pitch. The leader can then link into the last pitch.)

  3. 45m (15) Shared with Right in the Bunghole. Step left off the belay then wander up easy slab past three bolts and a bunch of gear slots.

Rap down Right in The Bunghole (45m, 25m, 50m).

FA: Carl Godfrey, Oliver Story, Sarah Truscott, Damian Jovanovic, Dane Evans & Jaime Valdivia, 25 Nov 2018

Trad mista 130m, 3, 13
20 Roger Ramjet

Large sized choss glazed with micro-choss, utterly petrifying.

  1. 20m (19) "Up the thin wall to the big ledge." Nobody can work out where this pitch goes. Nothing in the area looks remotely sensible as a ground up boltless onsight. 80s climbers were tough!

  2. 45m (20) Follows discontinuous crack features up dirty rock with a few death-blocks thrown in. The belay/rap is a bunch of archaic slings tied through a massive bombproof thread.

FA: Matt Madin & Dave Magregor mid 80s, 1986

Trad 65m, 2
21 Solar Wind
  1. 20m (17) Same as Rum, Bum and Gramophones pitch 1. When at the big ledge walk left to belay at the prominent flake.

  2. 40m (21) All natural. Climb the flake then traverse left to easier ground. Now straight up to tree belay.

  3. 30m (14) Follow ledges and scoops and belay where convenient.

  4. 25m (12) Continue rightwards to 5th belay of 'Strangeness and Charm'.

FA: John Fantini & W Moon, 1987

Trad 120m, 4
21 Rum Bum And Gramophones

Classic jug pulling in places, wandering and scary in others.

Starts under the right side of a big ledge at 20m, in rather vegetated terrain.

  1. 20m (17) Up to belay on right side of big ledge.

  2. 45m (21) Ape up some wild jugs for 8m (bomber threads). Step right and move up leaving the steep ground and good holds for tenuous slabbing. Follow a series of snaking grooves (sparse protection) to belay in a recess (thread and sapling).

  3. 40m (20) Continue straight up for 4m then left to the buttress. Follow the loose corner system on its left side. Look for a good stance at 40m.

  4. 30m (12) Finish more easily to the 5th belay on Strangeness and Charm.

FA: John Smoothy & W Moon, 1984

Trad 140m, 4
21 Wailing Cockatoo Direct Finish

A variant out of the bathtub belay on Strangeness, which makes a good direct finish to Wailing Cockatoo (or if you just want to try something different on your 50th lap of Strangeness).

P1 30m (21) Step right out of the bathtub and follow bolts and gear to mantle left into an aesthetically pleasing giant bunghole belay.

P2 35m (16) Right out of the hole, duck right under the shrubbery, then straight up the fun cruisy slab. Rap station is off to the left where the angle eases way back.

FFA: Nick Brown & Andrew Bull, 19 Ott 2019

Trad mista 65m, 2, 10
21 Microwave

Just right of 'Comet Chaser', a single pitch direct to the 1st belay of 'Strangeness and Charm'. The crux is at the bulge.

FA: John Fantini & Mike Law-Smith, 1986

Trad 45m
21 AID:A1 Galactic Wanderer

Good. If only the corner were 10 times as long.

Start: Start as for 'Strangeness and Charm'.

  1. 40m (19) Up Strangeness to ledge and tree, follow it leftwards a few metres to scoop with wires. 'Galactic Wanderer' departs Strangeness here, and trends up and right past a bolt to a double bolt belay.

  2. 20m (25) (Or 21M1) Up with care to a bolt at 8m, then slightly left to the overlap and more bolts. Either aid up and left or pull impossible looking moves to the base of the dihedral (the last bolt is hidden behind a bush). Bridge up the corner (wires) to the belay.

  3. 50m (21) With care up and right to a bolt, over a terrifyingly poised and dangerous flake. Up past another two bolts and trend leftwards to the belay.

  4. 50m (20) Continue a leftward trend aiming for the protruding grass tree above.

FA: Pitches 1, 2: Giles Bradbury, Greg Moore. Pitches 3, 4: John Fantini & Matt Madin, 1985

Artificiale 160m, 4
21 AID:A1 Chicken Head Row

The overhanging line.

  1. 20m (25) Up past the overhanging block (crux) to gain the tree belay above.

  2. 25m (20) Up the wall past a bolt and a series of chicken heads to hanging double bolt belay.

FFA: Richard Watts

FA: John Fantini & Dave Magregor, 1989

Artificiale 45m, 2
21 Crab Nebula

Probably good for sussing out the hard stuff below. Pitch 1 is not great.

  1. 50m (19) Start at the very downstream end of the roofs. Up choss to a tree.

  2. 35m (20) Scoops cracks and ledge left to tree belay.

  3. 30m (17) Leftwards past a tree to a good stance.

  4. 30m (16) Traverse left to 2nd belay on 'Jewel Box'.

  5. 40m (21) Up 'Jewel Box' for 5m then diagonally left to the 4th belay on 'Coal Sack'.

  6. 35m (21) Same as 'Coal Sack' pitch 5.

FA: John Fantini & Dave Magregor, 1985

Trad 220m, 6
Bungonia Gorge South Wall - Main
20 Stardust

The next line right with four spaced FHs. Apparently there is no rap anchor so after the last bolt and below the overlap traverse left a long way to rap anchors above Pulsar.

FA: Scott Camps, 1985

Sportiva 50m, 4
20 Antique

Up the slab past three bolts to ledge and tree.

Sportiva 50m, 3
21 In The Lap Of The Mountain Gods

Can be used as a variant start to Red Supergiant.

  1. 40m (21) Up the thin crack and wall to overlap. Follow the line leftwards and up past a fixed peg to a ledge and tree. Now either take the crack above all the way or merge into the left crack. Finish easily up the arete to a good stance with bolts.

  2. 25m (17) Move up the right side of the arete and continue trending right to the 2nd belay on Red Supergiant.

FA: Will Moon & Bruce Cameron, 1985

Trad 65m, 2
20 M1 AID:A1 Red Supergiant

An alpine mega classic. Long loose and natural. Finishes at the highest point on the cliff, the Cooee Lookdown. Take plenty of long slings and big friends.

Start: A chipped square marks the start.

  1. 45m (20) Delicate moves up the slab to a series of ledges. Move leftwards into the corner and up it. A steep pull onto the ledge leads to the anchors.

  2. 45m (20) Up 2m, then follow holds leading right. Continue right to a corner in the overlap (wires). Over this (crux) to easier ground and tree. Trend leftwards, through overlap at 6m, then onto belay 8m above.

  3. 50m (16) Left to a corner, up this and through the overlap. Up the ramp to a tree.

  4. 50m (12) Scrub bash up the ramp to a tree.

  5. 45m (13) Deciding when to move right is tricky. Up for 10m. Move right on ledges, over and across some loose big blocks, moving horizontally right. Belay at the top of a block at the foot of the orange rock with some corners above.

  6. 30m (18) Much steeper, but well protected. Step right and up the corner. Over some choss, left a touch then up the next corner to belay.

  7. 50m (20) This pitch wanders, is fairly run out, and has a hard pockety start. Beware rope drag. Up over the bulge and trend right. Weave rightwards to avoid the very steep stuff, then step up and trend horizontally left to the splitter crack. Follow this corner up, then step right onto the ramp and set up belay in the cave.

  8. 50m (17 M1) (17A1) Scramble rightwards past a large stalactite to the end of the ramp. Drop down and right to a ledge at the base of the corner with the bolt in it. Aid past the bolt to a high #4 friend. This can be freed at grade 23. Pull onto easy ground and up this to a big overhang with large pockets. Move delicately up and rightwards onto the wall. Go up and over right to a #4 tube chock in a neat pocket. Now up the corner to the old lookout.

FA: John Fantini & Dave Magregor, 1985

Artificiale 370m, 8
20 Storm Front

Storm Front basically runs to the right of Evolution. Nasty loose blocks on ledges, very dirty rock, and vegetation filled cracks are the selling points of this gem. The climb either starts up Evolution, or 5m right (up the horrible hole thing), no idea which start is correct. On pitch 1 there is a 10m wide, delicate, rock arch/flake that you actually climb through (about 40m up, can be seen from the creek bed). "The last two pitches are not recommended" (first ascentionists)....a more objective view might be that the last seven pitches are not recommended!

  1. 45m (20) Up the flake?, step left and up to a ledge, traverse 3m left, up, then right through the obvious arch on the right. Now up to the belay.

  2. 40m (20) Slightly left to a tree bowl and climb the steep wall at the rear (seriously scary stuff here. Loose blocks, dirty rock, and vegetated cracks). Go to where the crack splits, left is Red Heat, right is 'Storm Front'. Up the right crack and over a block to belay on nuts.

  3. 40m (20) Follow up the crack.

  4. 40m (17) Up the easy crack above to big cave (probably the same as Red Heat here).

  5. 35m (20) Go left from the left side of the cave on a rising traverse left to a ledge.

  6. 40m (21) From the right edge of the ledge, go straight up to a bolt and nuts, then up and right (crux) to a tree belay.

  7. 30m (10) Continue easily to the top.

FA: Mark Wilson & Richard Watts late '80s, 2000

Trad 270m, 7
Bungonia Gorge South Wall - Phantom Menace Wall
20 Auto Arrest

Start about 30m upstream of Polenta Pumper. Scramble up easy flowstone to small ledge covered in vines. Sketchy flowstone choss for 6m to reach crack, then up major corner to belay ledge. Not recommended until bolts added to start.

FA: Tony Barten & Mike Peck, 1986

Trad 30m
20 Jabba the Short

Jabba the Slut, stopping at the ringbolt under the roof. A good warm up if you get dragged up here on a 5 degree day.

FA: Neil Monteith, 2012

Sportiva 15m, 7
Bungonia Gorge South Wall - Little Thai Wall
20 Lame Duck

To the right of Gilding The Lily. Finishes just under the roof at half height.

FA: Chris Warner, 2003

Sportiva 15m
Bungonia Gorge South Wall - Cooee Point
20 The Fat Controller

The top is down and right (facing out) of the top of 'In the Realm of the Senses'. Rap in from 'In the Realm of the Senses' anchor, but using a directional bolt on the nearby arete to get to double rings at the base.

Up a dirty loose crack on natural gear and then some nice face climbing (ring bolts).

FA: Mike Peck 90s, 1990

Trad 25m
Bungonia Gorge Reflux Crag
20 A Ranger Deal

Start on the face and right side of the arete, behind a large tree. Very high first bolt - stick clip recommended. Upper third is a bit odd... Nice climbing to be had direct up the bulge, but the third bolt is actually hidden down and right behind a small bush and the route finishes with a traverse across to the rings on Angry Ants.

Sportiva 12m, 3
20 Punchy

FA: Mike Law Smith

Sportiva 12m
Bungonia Gorge SRC Crag
20 Unknown 1

The contrived line of bolts furthest left, just left of the arete.

Tracciata: jason hayes, 1995

Sportiva 12m
20 RB

Marked start. Good climbing throughout (especially up the arete up high), but with a low crux with tricky protection.

Trad 40m
20 #2 In The Hole

This routes starts in a water runnel directly below three holes.Climb up and right towards the steel hanger. Then continue up to top out. A #2 Camalot is handy for the crux move below the steel hanger

FA: Mike Law Smith, crew & 1980s-1990's?

Trad 20m
Bungonia Gorge Bungonia Bouldering Gorge Main
V2 Rock Over

Sit starting on same block as Dabling Bottom. RH to good crimp, rock up on heel to triangular pocket to top out.

FA: Nathan Condon, 12 Set 2020

Boulder 2m
V2 Jugo De Naranja

Sit start on arete. And top out

FA: Jarred Bof, 12 Set 2020

Boulder 3m
Bungonia Gorge Bungonia Bouldering Upper Gorge Sector 1
V2 Caravans

Sit start and straight up.

Boulder 2m
V2 The Cut Away

Sit start and straight up.

Boulder 2m
V2 Make Do

Sit start straight up.

V2 Ah, Push It

Sit start straight up.

V2 Crouching Tiger

Sit start straight up.

V2 Make A Stand

Stand start and up the slab.

V2 Break


Boulder 3m
V2 The water slide

Sit start with right hand in slot.

Boulder 3m
V2 The Water Slide Out

Sit start with left hand in slot and using right arete.

Boulder 3m
V2 Chocolate Fondue

Sit start and straight up blocks to top out.

V2 Pumpkin Soup

Sit start and straight up the wall.

Bungonia Gorge Bungonia Bouldering Upper Gorge Sector 2
V2 Riverside

Stand start and up the right arete.

Boulder 3m
Nerriga Nerriga Bouldering The Old Wool Road
V2 Calculate

Stand start on the head high edges. Head up trending left. Escape right off the ledge.

Approach: After walking through the gap as described in the area approach, climb is located on the slabby face directly to the right.

FA: Jack Folkes, 8 Lug 2018

Boulder 4m
V2 The Wool Road

Stand start with RH on the arete and a LH pinching a conglomerate rock. Head up the arete on the llft side.

FA: Jack Folkes, 8 Lug 2018

Boulder 3m
V2 Indecision

Climb the vague slopey crack from a sit.

FA: Jack Folkes, 2013

Boulder 3m
Nerriga Nerriga Bouldering The Green Room
V2 The Turn

Compression sit start, head straight up and over.

FA: Jack Folkes, 11 Lug 2020

Boulder 2m
Nerriga Nerriga Bouldering Working Title Car park boulder
V2 Bogans stole me tent

Sit start under the overhang on jugs. Up and slightly left to mantle.

FA: James Lister, Mar 2021

Boulder 2m
Nerriga Nerriga Bouldering Working Title Story Train Boulder
V2 90% cum gutters

Hard sit start. Straight up.

FA: James Lister, 3 Apr 2021

Boulder 3m
Nerriga Nerriga Bouldering Working Title Draft Dodgers
V2 Fantastic Fustercluck

Stand start with hands on large horizontal rail. Up Right on sharp holds to finish on obvious high pocket and mini jug.

FA: KM, 9 Mag 2021

Boulder 3m
V2 Blue Meanie

Stand start on big holds up to comfy undercling then finish on big holds to the right. Undercling and finish holds seep and stay wet for some time after rain.

FA: Ken McKeon, 6 Giu 2021

Boulder 4m
Nerriga The Gym and Environs Meat Slab
21 Istanbull

First route done on the crag. Start at the left hand end of the wall at a bolt belay. Up to horizontal break (friend), then roof and wall past four more bolts.

FA: Andrew Bull & Tony Barten

Trad mista 10m, 4
21 Great Ways With Steak and Chops

Another great wall climb (well protected). #2 Friend in break. Tricky moves through bulge (bolts) with #1 Friend higher up.

FA: Mike Peck, Peter Mills & Tara Sutherland

Trad mista 20m, 2
Nerriga The Gym and Environs Mexico Wall
21 Gringo

FA: Brogan Brunt

Sportiva 8m
Nerriga The Gym and Environs Pussy Buttress
21 Savage Kittens

Pumpy arete with plenty of bolts

FA: Richard Watts & Brogan Bunt

Sportiva 20m
Nerriga The Gym and Environs Dead Head
20 Viva Contreros

Start further right and traverse upwards to the ledge. Up the heucos above

FA: Brogan Bunt & Andrew Dunbar

Sportiva 15m
20 3 Arseholes

Straight up the wall from the start of Viva

FA: Pat Cotter & Mike Peck

Sportiva 15m
Nerriga The Gym and Environs Flintstone Slab
20 Animal Appliances

Middle line and quite sustained

FA: Brogan Bunt & Tony Barten

Sportiva 20m
20 Pebbles

FA: Pat Cotter & Tony Barten

Sportiva 20m
Nerriga The Gym and Environs orange wall
20 midget madness

Approach to wall above (Sumo Dancer) 2 bolts ?

FA: mike peck

FA: broganbunt

FA: richard watts

FA: tara sutherland

Sportiva 8m, 2
Nerriga old wool north Oh Baby Buttress
20 Transport of Delight

Bouldery start tending left through overlaps

FA: Gavin Oliver, 2004

Sportiva 18m
20 Passion for the Possible

Start on narrow rib

FA: Gavin Oliver, 2004

Sportiva 18m
20 Fear is a Mind Killer

Start as for PftP, after the second tend right before heading up.

FA: Gavin Oliver, 2004

Sportiva 18m
21 Silence is Loud

FA: Corey Sawyer

Sportiva 15m
20 Pleasantly Warm

just right of AO

FA: Corey Sawyer & Gavin Oliver, 2001

Sportiva 15m
21 Admit One

Around the corner, the far left line

FA: Gavin Oliver & Corey Sawyer, 2001

Sconosciuto 15m
Nerriga old wool north West Side
20 Dust Brothers

4 FH to shared DRBB

Sportiva 15m, 4
Nerriga old wool north Austin Powers Ledge
20 Where's my Mojo

Pull onto the steep wall and clip bolt, trend right following more bolts to DBB.

FA: Rick Carey & David Cameron

Sportiva 15m, 6
21 Frau Farbissina demands discipline

A couple of thin moves mid height.

Sportiva 15m, 5
Bundanoon Bouldering Coal Mine Boulders The Cave
V2 Low traverse

sit start on rock at right end of cave. low traverse staying below jugs on shelf. sit finish on rock.

Bundanoon Bouldering Coal Mine Boulders The Boulder of Fortune
V2 Slab mantle

a novel problem. stand on slabby section

Boulder 2m
Bundanoon Bouldering Echo point boulders Pickpocket wall
V2 Pickpocket

sit start on left end of wall. follow line of pockets to match on wide slopey pocket

FA: Casey Robinson, 2011

The Monastery Sector 1
V2 Rabbit Arete

Sloper corner arete around the corner from Bulbous. Up from the jug to top out left of the arete.

Boulder 4m
V2 Acrophobia

Right of Suck It Mr Phillips, just right of the wet streak. Nice moves up to the sloper rail finish. Jump off. Horrific topout not recommended.

Boulder 4m
V2 Paula Abdul

Stand start and straight up.

Boulder 3m
V2 Ridge-Matic

Stand start and straight up.

Boulder 4m
V2 Reagan

Stand start and straight up to a high finish.

Boulder 6m
The Monastery Sector 2
V2 Scabby

Stand start over large tree toot and straight up on jugs.

Boulder 3m
V2 Closer

Stand start and straight up. After the 2019-2020 summer fires a large log is balanced right over the top of the crack necessitating topping out to the side.

Boulder 4m
V2 Global Rover

Stand start and straight up.

Boulder 3m
V2 Buckets Of Grapes

Sit start and up left to finish on the big ledge.

Boulder 2m
V2 Increasingly Less

Sit start and up right to finish on the big ledge.

Boulder 2m
V2 New Gadgets

Sit start and up along ramp to top out.

Boulder 3m
V2 Unappetizing

Stand start and straight up.

Boulder 3m
V2 Sudden Stop

Sit start and straight up.

Boulder 3m
V2 Flick Chicks

Sit start and straight up.

Boulder 3m
V2 Trend Setter

Sit start and up left of the prow

Boulder 3m
V2 Above & Beyond

Stand start up right of the prow.

Boulder 3m
V2 Rewarding Oportunities

Stand start and straight up.

Boulder 5m
V2 Corporate Disorder

Sit start and straight up.

Boulder 5m
V2 Trail Snail

Sit start and straight up.

Boulder 5m
V2 Impact

Stand start and straight up. Start by juggy hole then up through the obvious dinnerplate.

Boulder 3m
V2 Clutter Free

Stand start and straight up.

Boulder 3m
V2 Cabinet Maker

Stand start and straight up.

Boulder 3m
V2 Volunteer

Stand start and straight up.

Boulder 3m
V2 Cuban Fury

Sit start and up the arete.

Boulder 3m
The Monastery Sector 3 -The Big Cave
V2 The Monk With No Wings

Start at the The flying monk pockets then head up the diagonal line of good holds to the right. Finish matched on the final hold of The flying monk.

Obviously climbed before, please rename/regrade as required.

Boulder 3m
The Monastery Roped 2
20 Back in the Saddle

2 metres right up the gully. Follow tufa to ironstone ledge, balance with difficulty to next ledge. Throw to sloppy top.

Tracciata: Matt Tranter

FA: Matt Tranter, Giu 2019

Sportiva 9m, 4
Wingello Gulp Road Effugio (Escape) Wall
21 Top Shelf

Start: where access gully hits ledge. Climb long wall past cave to anchors.

FA: Renato

Sportiva 15m
21 Combat Drill

Slabby route 3m right of RR. Fingery and sustained.

FA: Vanessa Wills, 2008

Sportiva 16m
Wingello Gulp Road Noli Ne Tangere Wall
21 Smiley Face

Left of Cafeine on the darkish rock. Climb thru the smiley to the eye, up and over right. Under small roof to link into Cafeine.

FA: Bundy, 2008

Sportiva 18m
Wingello Gulp Road La Paz
20 Spondonicals

The leftmost climb on this wall of gold. Bouldery start (the block is off) to gain wall, couple more moves, clip, then its all over. Yay !

FA: Bundy, 2008

Sportiva 8m

1 - 100 di 271 vie.

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