
Vie come boulder in Sydney Metropolitan

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Hornsby and the North Ku-ring-gai Chase Nameless
V2 Karate Kick

Sit start down low on flat hold and make way directly up and over.

Open Proj Scoop

Sit start in cave and follow lip rightwards.

V8 The Captain's Arete

Rounded arete

FA: Neil Wallace

Boulder 5m

Featured wall. Blank top?

BoulderProgetto 5m
V7/8 Neil's Arete

Right arete of freestanding block. Fantastic.

FA: Neil Wallace

Boulder 5m
V3 Scott's Arete

Just off the freestanding boulder.

FA: Scott Campbell

Boulder 5m
V3 Slab

Slab in behind

FA: Neil Wallace

Boulder 4m

Left of Sharik's Arete.

BoulderProgetto 7m
V7 Sharik's Arete

Up the arete over the fallen block.

FA: Sharik Walker

Boulder 7m
V3 11

Just behind Sharik's Arete. Sit start on sidepull to mantle onto boulder.

FA: Neil Wallace

Boulder 2m

The egg. Seam/groove on the left.

BoulderProgetto 5m
V6 Connors Little Bulge

Start low in compression on a right hand crimp and left sloper. Climb straight up. Super morpho but fun for the tall.

FA: Connor Macpherson, 14 Ago 2021

Boulder 3m

High and scoopy.

BoulderProgetto 8m

High and slopey.

BoulderProgetto 8m
V3 In Choss We Trust

Feature up the guts.

Boulder 5m

The lip.

Boulder 5m

The prow.

BoulderProgetto 3m
V6 The Sandman

Pleasant climbing through juggy pinches to a heinous mantle crux

Boulder 3m

Left up the ramp.

Boulder 4m
V5 Broken Egg

Follow the rib from low around the scoop.

FA: Neil Wallace

Boulder 5m

Bulgy wall.

BoulderProgetto 4m

Slabby looking wall, actually overhung.

BoulderProgetto 4m
V3/4 Millennium Falcon

Up the hanging rib and top out left.

Boulder 3m
V4 I Bent My Wookie

Top out rightish but not using the jug fin out right crack and bulge.

Boulder 3m
V5 Hyperdrive

Up the hanging rib and top out right.

FA: Neil Wallace

Boulder 3m
Hornsby and the North Ku-ring-gai Chase Resoloop Bloc
V5 Derelicts Direct

From slot, unwind directly up the narrow line of crimps, slopers and sidepulls to top out.

Boulder 4m
V3 Derelicts

From flat jug, go straight up the line of crimps to a jug and top out.

FA: Kenny Hadiwinata, 23 Ago 2020

Boulder 3m
V3 Bullrush

Dyno from the slot to the jug and top out.

Boulder 3m

Up line of small holds and nasty slopers to tricky topout. Maybe v7/8

Hornsby and the North Ku-ring-gai Chase Treharne cove Lower Cliff
V1 cooko

Tracciata: Kobi Bennett

Boulder 4m
V3 avocado aficionado

Tracciata: Kobi Bennett

Boulder 4m
V5 daiquiri

the start holds seep a lot after rain. v4 if it is all dry

V1 lonely fellow
V3 the socceroos

traverse on the overhang using only the holds on the edge of the roof.

V2 transparency
V3 got wasted

never been done clean. too sandy

Hornsby and the North Ku-ring-gai Chase Treharne cove Upper Cliff
V3 Bat soup

start under the roof facing out holding the obvious big sloper with your right hand and the jug out to your left (facing out from the crag) swing feet up for heel hook. Top out finish

Boulder 3m
V5 Hotbox

start down in the back of the cave on large hold and traverse out to the lip of the roof then continue on the same as smoko. V5 if you climb this, the main climb and the extension. Take caution on move climbing out of the cave as it is close to the edge of the cliff.

Boulder 12m
V5 Jamrock

Start on Jug in cave, swing out left. Match on final pointy hold to finish.

V8 Project X

Starts on jug deep in cave, finish with mantle over the lip. Crag Classic

Boulder 3m
V3 Smoko

this climb goes from the very left side of the overhang and continues all the way around the corner with an optional high ball top out

Boulder 7m
V4 A very long Smoko

extension to smoko. continue up from the finish of smoko heading left a bit after the big jugs to find hidden crimps that lead to the top. sketchy but satisfying finish with a great view on the top.

Boulder 4m
V2 cyclone

start low in the back of the cave in the middle of the ledge. traverse all the way around to the left and head straight up onto the big rail on the roof and finish at the and of it.

Boulder 5m

This will shred your hands, dyno to finish hold of cyclone

V2 willow tree
V0 Bright blood
Boulder 5m
V2 Bright blood direct Boulder 4m
V4 Human snowball effect

dangerous fall. hard mantle at the top. practice on top rope using the big tree as an anchor

Boulder 5m
V4 Predator Crack

hard small pockets and crimps

Boulder 5m
V2 baby predator

Not much to it but it's a fun warm up if you don't mind a bit of dirt

Boulder 4m
V0+ Ugly mother f***er
Hornsby and the North Thornliegh
17 Graffiti choss

Located near and to the left of a little cave with graffiti in it.

FFA: Stephen pope

FA: Stephen pope

Boulder 4m
Hornsby and the North Sewerside Slabs
V2 St Andrews Cross

Start on right side of slab, right of E, and traverse along the whole lower slab. little cave on left hand side is a bit thin and chossy, watch holds carefully.

Tracciata: Michael Sramek, 25 Nov 2017

FFA: Michael Sramek, 25 Nov 2017

FA: 25 Nov 2017

Boulder 2m
Hornsby and the North Eleanor's Bluff Bat Rock
V1 Eleanor's Muff

A fun climb on sandstone above the beach (no need for mats).

Start on the right side of the pocketed boulder, (dry on low tide but wet feet on high). Stem up and left to large jugs. reach higher and avoid the sleeping bats deeper in the pockets. traverse to the left end of the jugs then head up until you reach slab.

Tracciata: Al Brad

FFA: Al Brad

FA: Al Brad, 12 Dic 2016

Boulder 5m
Hornsby and the North Mount Colah Camalot Outer Wall
V2 Louie The Fly of Camalot

Sit start below overhanging block, mantle right side of said block.

FA: Al Bradley, 8 Set 2020

Boulder 3m
V1 Sir Lancelot Link

Sit start, mid-left side of Outer Wall matched on large crescent shaped crimp-jug. Trending right to mega pocket (say hi to spider), mantle finish.

FA: Al Bradley, 8 Set 2020

Boulder 2m
Hornsby and the North Mount Colah Camalot The Keep
V0 Roger the Shruberist

The far right end of the slab

FA: 8 Set 2020

Hornsby and the North Fishponds
V8 Cry Baby

Crouch start on the shelf. Head out the great underclings to move over the nose to the top.

Boulder 4m
V4 Shark Head

Crouch start on the rail. Head up and over the prow.

Boulder 3m
V10 Distasteful Kai

A slightly harder right hand variant to Cry Baby. Start on the shelf about 2m right of Cry Baby, move out to the slopey under cling, pounce to a crimpy rail then move into the under clings to top out as for Cry Baby.

Hornsby and the North Sandy Cave
V5 Exit Strategy

Match Start hold, power through rail and dish to finish on right rail.

Tracciata: Liam Coffey

V9 Ethnonym

Start on the two good underclings inside the roof under the line of old carrot bolts, left and up to the final jug of Exit Strategy via the seam of underclings in the roof and some holds on the face.

FA: Ben Aves, 5 Giu 2022

V5 Hourglass

Sit Start on undercling, big right hand then trend right to finish on the big horn up high on the left.

FA: Liam Coffey, 14 Gen 2021

Boulder 3m
V6 The Horn

Sit Start on undercling and dyno to start slots of 'Hour of the Horn'. Right hand to jug then dynamic move to slot. Make your way through the slopers to finish on the horn. All holds on 'The Hourglass' are out.

Tracciata: Liam Coffey, 14 Gen 2021

FA: Ben Aves, 5 Giu 2022

V4 Hour of the Horn

Start on two slots left of 'The Hourglass'. Same as 'The Horn' but right hand jug from 'The Hourglass' is in as a footer.

Tracciata: Liam Coffey, 14 Gen 2021

FA: Liam Coffey, 15 Mar 2021

Boulder 3m
V5 Hour of The Horn Direct

Start as for Hour of The Horn, use crimps to finish directly above start holds instead of the horn. Slightly harder using more difficult holds. The good hand hold just below the horn is out.

FA: Liam Coffey, 9 Ott 2021

V5 Blue Lou

Sit Start in the under cling, don't hold broken edge work your way out and up to the top

FA: Liam Coffey, 10 Lug 2021

V6 The Blue Hour

Link 'Blue Lou' into 'Hour of the Horn'. Adds a little bit of pump to the original.

FA: Liam Coffey, 31 Lug 2021

Closed for Business

Start as "The Hourglass" then make your way through the holds of 'The Horn' to cross the face and end up high on the left.

Tracciata: Liam Coffey, 14 Gen 2021

Carrot Tops

Start at the under cling of Blu Lou, stay underneath and work you way along and then come up and around to the top Have not completed believe will be a V10 plus, any one welcome to climb it and grade etc Further potential to extend an alternative route further extension as well

V6 Downpour (Stand Start)

Start left hand sloper pinch right hand crimp side pull. Move straight up to finish on highest rail. Early crux.

FA: Liam Coffey, 28 Set 2021

V3 Ferguson's Fireplace

Start on the big side pull and work your way up to finish directly above the start hold.

FA: Paul Noble, 26 Set 2021

Boulder 2m
V4 Flight of the owl

Start hands matched on the left most pocket / rail. Move right to exit.

Tracciata: Jack Ryan, 20 Ago 2021

FA: Jack Ryan, 20 Ago 2021

Boulder 3m
V3 Chicken Nugget

Small boulders located just to the right in the valley as you approach the cave. Climb is traverse around the boulder starting right hand side when looking up the hill and work your way around to the left, keep feet low and no heel hooks. Mostly just awkward start

FA: Peter Rothwell, Feb 2020

V2 Work your way up

Boulder located right next the track as you approach the cave Start at the bottom standing on mantle and work your way up bring your feet as low as possible, feet stay low the whole way up.

FA: Peter Rothwell, Feb 2021

V4 Straight up

Simple climb with a stand start, but make it spicy and start with both hands and feet touching the bottom mantle making it a lot more fun

FA: Peter Rothwell, Feb 2020

V4 Letter Box

Start both hands on bottom mantle and get you self up

FA: Feb 2020

Sutherland Alfords Point Alfords 2 Point 0 Alfred's monument
V4 Rage

A fairly burly but surprisingly technical roof fist crack. There are only a few points where it contracts down enough for a jam, so it's big moves between these. You need to get deep so long sleeves are recommended. Start at base of crack with both feet and hands in crack before first constriction. Stay in crack until rounded flake on top left after lip. Tom Bes FA

FA: Tom Bes, 2021

Boulder 3m
Sutherland Alfords Point Alfords 2 Point 0 The Project Wall
V3 King of Wessex

King Alfred, King of Wessex! Butt start just right of ramp and tree. Up and slightly right through nice territory. Then necky to the top. Tough for the grade?

FA: dwebster, 2012

Boulder 7m
V4 Alfred the Great

Butt start between KoW and AP. Up nice moves to break, then more boldly to top. Easiest to stay just left of tree. The big ramp is on for feet only.

FA: dwebster, 2012

Boulder 5m
V5 Alfred's Point

Butt start just left of tree and KoW. Feet can be jambed low, but not on separate rock. Great hard pulling through pocket, to ledge, then carefully up left.

FA: dwebster, 2012

Boulder 4m
V2 Sam and the Golf Ball

5m left of AP. Standing, just right of the chimney. Take the easiest route up via the pocket.

FA: dwebster, 2012

Boulder 4m
V3 Have to start somewhere...

First problem done here. Just left of the chimney and the bulging arete type feature. Use the feature on right for feet only (otherwise v2).

FA: dwebster, 2012

Boulder 4m
V5 Sam's Adventure

Hands on ledge and pocket about 3m left of HtSS. Move straight up via little ripples, finishing rightwards. Tough for the grade?

FA: dwebster, 2012

Boulder 4m
Sutherland Chiusa Alfords Point Bouldering
V3 Me

1st problem in the cave.

Boulder 2m
V5 Wet Pants

Same start as Me

Boulder 6m
V6 Jetski Jerks

Start under the roof slighty left of the arete. Make a couple of big moves out past jug at the lip to base of the arete and then straight up where an amazingly huge 'thread' jug awaits.

Z Swan

Boulder 5m
V10 Atrocity

Start Jetski Jerks & staying below the break & holds on break until into Love Gun & finish same as Love Gun. Pumpy.

FA: Damien Alexander, 4 Ago 2014

V7 Stringybark Massacre

Crag Classic! Start on a jug at the back wall and move out the roof, along the sloping shelf and powerfully into the broken corner before heading left and straight up the groove to a thought provoking top-out.

Z Swan

Boulder 6m
V10 Love Gun

Probably the best route of its grade in Sydney! Start right of Stringybark on little shelf left of the corner. crux at start using a undercling then climb through a variety of holds to a hard drive-by moving rightwards and then up into the back-breaking press into the roof and a quick campus through to top-out glory.

V7 Love Gun Stand Start

Standing start, straight into the back breaking press.

Boulder 5m
V9 String 'Em Up

Excellent! Link the start of 'Love Gun' into the finish of 'Stringybark Massacre'. Good moves.

V8 Strung Out

Link the Start of Stringybark into the 'Love Gun' finish. Hard!

V7 Humpathon

Start on the shelf low and just right of the corner and make powerful move straight up to gain a good hold before taversing left and finishing up either 'Love Gun' or Stringybark. Pumpy and hard for the grade.

V5 R Humpathon Direct

Same start as 'Humpathon' but from the good hold in the corner, traverse right to finish up backslam. Worthwhile.

V5 Back Slam

Start in front of the black tree. Left then up.

Boulder 3m
V2 Lift Off

Start right of the tree and climb the chossy wall on crimps and sidepulls.

Boulder 4m
V2 Reward

Start 1m or so right of 'Lift Off' and climb the wall using the obvious pocket. Mossy and chossy.

Boulder 4m
Sutherland Little Moon Bay The Slabs
V2 Big Spy Boy

Big moves on fun block.

Sit start

FA: Sam Louie

V4 Spy Hard

In the cave of the walk in to the slabs, one move to big mantle. Sit start on good crimps to slopers and mantle out.

FA: Sam Louie

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