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Tutti 10 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Harold Reid Reserve Middle Cove Crag
17 Like Christmas Morning

Start 5m right of Ept, just R of tree. Tricky start, staying away from flake till its top. Easily up slab.

FA: Daniel Webster, 30 Nov 2014

Corda dall'alto 8m
Harold Reid Reserve Ranger Daves School Yard For The Gifted Climber
18 Balance and Crimp

A balancy climb requiring some confident crimping and edging on a slabby face. Avoid the cracks either side to keep the grade.

Perfect route to establish a top belay using the set back gum tree with an extended anchor. Belay from the ledge above the ring bolt anchor.

FA: Ranger Dave, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave, 20 Ago 2015

Sportiva 7m, 3
17 Snoz Saddler

Start beneath first bolt heading straight up to right side of small cave. Straddle the nose with feet either side of it. NOTE: Once third draw is clipped recommend unclipping second draw to avoid rope drag over sharp edge.

Shared lower offs with Clingwrapper.

FA: Ranger Dave, 2013

Sportiva 8m
18 Sundown Showdown

Follow the rounded arete straight up the entire way.

FA: Ranger Dave, 2013

Sportiva 8m
18 The Most Fabulous Star

15 right, facing main wall.

Short, overhanging, sustained. 2 x BR for top roping.

Tracciata: Siobhan Sullivan, 10 Ago 2019

FFA: Siobhan Sullivan, 13 Giu 2021

Corda dall'alto 5m
Harold Reid Reserve Brendons Blackboard Is Covered In Chalk
V0+ Whales Make Rude Dinner Guests

Start 1 meter right of SFC. Using the two deep scoops to start, head up and tend right to top out above the right hand scoop.

FA: Ewa Siedlecka, 2014

Boulder 3m
Harold Reid Reserve The Lookout
17 Crispy Thin Thing

Up edge of orange cave on very thin things.

Corda dall'alto 5m
Harold Reid Reserve The Eastern Outpost
18 1-1-18

Corner crack, exiting via wall to left, or clean out the leaf litter and go Over The Top. Gritty either way.

No doubt done before.

FA: Graham Dowden, 1 Gen 2018

Trad 6m
17 Not living on bread alone

The left side of the corner about 5m r of LO. For the full experience (20) start seated directly below the first bolt of LO on a sloping edge. Move up then all the way along the break rightwards before heading up.

FA: dwebster, Feb 2016

Sportiva 6m
18 Sans Mains

Up cave to full body rest on sandy ledge, turn out to jam crack, then big moves up the lichen layback. Beware the chockstone that goes "boomp" and any other loose bits.

FA: Graham Dowden, 1 Gen 2018

Trad 5m

Tutti 10 vie visualizzati.

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