
Nodi in The Eastern Bloc

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Tutti 21 nodi visualizzati.

The Eastern Bloc

This medium sized boulder sitting in front of The Main Wall definitely has some little goodies. It is almost never wet.

V1 Eastern Bloc Arete

Up the overhanging arete on jugs and slopers. Perhaps the best V1 of the Frontline!

Start: Sit

V3 Eastern Block Impossible

Start up Eastern Bloc Arete, finish up Mission Impossible.

V3 Border Patrol

Trav the whole bloc & finish up Eastern Bloc Arete.

V6 R Blame Us Scots

From break to slopers on top and over without any of the holds on Eastern Bloc Arete or Mission Impossible.

Mauricio Chino

V3 R Mission Impossible

Up the crack finishing left. Quite a sting in its tail unless you're tall.

V3 It ain't no Omaha Beach

Start up Mission Impossible, traverse the rising break and finish up left side of Eastern Bloc Arete for an exciting top out.

V3 Coffee Anann

Quality moves from pocket to little pocket up right then delicately up and over.

Mauricio Chino

V5 Coffee Crew

Links sit-start Crewcut into Coffee Anann.

V1 Crewcut

Start on pocket and then go up left and top out around ramp.

V4 Crewcut Sit Start

Sit start on right side of arete then up to pocket to join the rest of the problem. Worth Doing

Start: Sit

V7 Swiss Cheese Mind

Link the Crewcut sit-start into Dog Tags. Desperate and crimpy.

Start: Sit.

V5 Dog Tags

Not quite a sit start but close. Up the left side of the rounded arete on crimps.

Start: Sit

V3 Double Agent

Layaways up the middle of the face

V4 Heaps Whatdoyamean

Starting with two crimps in between 'A' and Double Agent, with foot in small hole at the bottom of the rock, crimp up to finish and walk out.

V4 A

A truly low start - in the good pocket barely off the ground. Straight up.

V5 Berlin Blockade

Sit start at the small cave. Move right and up to top.

V6 A Tonic for the Troops

Link the start of Berlin Blockade into Double Agent with a low traverse, avoiding the good holds on Berlin Blockade. Fun.

Start: Sit.

Mauricio Chino

V3 B

Same start as Berlin Blockade, but move left and up.

V3 Violent Crumble

Just down the hill below the main boulder of The Eastern Bloc. Start at the back of the cave, head out following the biggest jugs you can find to a mantle. Careful of the cracked footer on the left.

Start: Sit.

Mauricio Chino

V9 Dynamite

Out sharp pockets in the roof to desperate mantle keeping hands left of Violent Crumble. Watch out for exploding holds…

Start: Sit.

Tutti 21 nodi visualizzati.

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