
Vie in The Corner Store

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Tutti 10 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
22 Greasy Chiko Roll

start under leaning arete, stick clip first bolt, fun start with mantle kinda squish move then steeply up to anchors

FA: rick phillips

Sportiva 18m
24 Big YAK Value Meal

Start as for GCR, but where GCR goes right to anchors continue directly up the steep orange tube. Finally step onto headwall and up on jugs up the anchors.

FA: Bundy

Sportiva 24m
1 Hill - PROJECT

Some sweet rock climbing past some ring bolts

Start: Clip 1st bolt on GCR.

Hill Project

Puts the bight back into the line that mustad traversed away from.

Start: Same start as With Mustard

25 Avec Moutarde

The conglomerate seam running thru the start may put you off, but you only use it for two holds. Hard bit is low down where you want all hard bits to be with the rest a jug haul. Soft for the grade!!!! Truely!

Start: Just right of BF a little to the left of the main line of bolts. Can be started direct if you need to add half a grade.

FA: G Hill, 2009

Sportiva 22m, 10
24 Boule et Frit

The best 24 in all 'Nowra'. Stella Bella. Apparently a hold has broken at the start making this quite a bit harder. Grade undetermined.

FA: Graham Hill

Sportiva 20m
23 Boulet Frit Left Hand Start

One of the best climbs at TJF. Great rock up a slightly overhanging wall with lots of bolts and great holds. Start up YMN to the first bolt and then head directly right across slopey seam to join into BEF and finish up this. This is a good way of climbing the route if you want to avoid the boulder problem start of BEF.

FA: V Hill, 2009

Sportiva 22m, 10
21 Yak My Nuggets

Nugget stretching bridging leads to the picnic ledge on top of the block. Get someone to chuck up a big yak meal deal before proceeding to the top.

Start: Same as B et F in the corner formed by the block and the wall.

FA: G Hill, 2009

Sportiva 22m, 10
26 Froggie's OPEN Project
Sconosciuto 20m

Tutti 10 vie visualizzati.

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