
Vie in Iceman Wall

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Tutti 16 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
24 Sun Machine

FA: Rod Young, 2000

Sportiva 25m
22 Icypole

Up sun Machine then up on left of arete all the way to top left set of anchors

FA: G Hill

Sportiva 20m
23 Iceman Direct

As for Dry Tooling but at the last bolt on it go up and left to break, one more bolt, and anchors at the top of the arete.

Sportiva 20m
22 Dry Tooling

Up for snowman then diagonal up the wall in from arete, then to arete near little roof. From here go right then up to hole and anchors. Makes iceman obsolete as it should.

FA: G Hill

Sportiva 20m
23 Iceman

FA: Ant Prehn & Dav Filan, 1990

Sportiva 20m
23 Snowman

FA: Ian Hoffstedder & Mark Baker, 1990

Sportiva 20m
22 Kings Cross

FA: Colin Berry & Rod Young, 1995

Sportiva 20m
21/22 Wack Attack

Up left of Jester. This can give climbers with knee troubles the chance to go to hospital.

FA: G Hill

Sportiva 20m
21 Wack Attack Right Hand Start

Avoids the groove start

Start: At 'Jester'

FA: G Hill, 2000

Sportiva 20m
19 Jester

Anchor Replaced - B. Rattenbury 10/9/10

FA: Colin Berry & Rod Young, 1995

Sportiva 20m
19 Worm On A Razor

Varied climbing with great exposure. Start in the crack, then slightly right on to the arete/slab, all the way up through the chimney. Take lots of draws, consider stick-clipping the first.

FA: Mathew Grabovsky & Mark Doherty, 1995

Sportiva 30m
18/19 Fat Marks Really Hard 16

Way hard for a 16 better climb solid 18 before you jump on this little number, now consensus grade is 19

Start: At undercut groove thing just right of WOAR

The arete right of Worm. Bloody hard for a 16.

FA: Fat Mark

FA: Mark Woodard, 2000

Sportiva 8m
22 Getcha Goolies

Up The Shoot Root etc then continue up black wall. Hard to get on the wall feel free to molest the little fig tree.

FA: G Hill

Sportiva 25m
22 The Shoot Root & Drive A Ute Mob

The crack to the ledge. Quite good!

FA: G Hill Fat Mark

Sportiva 20m
21 The Dawes Solution LHS

A great route as you still have to do the Johnny Dawes move that i learnt after a coaching clinic with the man himself. Though i never used it again after this climb.

Start: The left start of the direct line that goes up the black wall to mid height.

Black wall right of worm. Go up crack then across right to do the Johny Dawes dyno.

FA: G Hill

FA: G Hill, 2000

Sportiva 15m
23 The Dawes Solution

This is the direct. Hard to believe it goes at just 23. Well it does if you don't rip your finger nails off trying.

FA: G Hill

Sportiva 15m

Tutti 16 vie visualizzati.

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