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Tutti 4 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
21 Fill My Pockets

Start as for Cenotaph Corner Down Under, swing out right on large jug, clip the first bolt with the hanger then straight up using the pockets someone just put there for this climb, passing two carrots to the top.

FA: Rick Carey & Mark Tonkin, 2006

Sportiva 10m, 3
21 Shark Bait

Start as for Fisherman's Dunny, step left on break, then straight up the face past two carrots on thin holds to natural break, straight up to finish.

FA: Rick Carey Rope solo, 2006

Trad mista 10m, 2
21 New Balance

Directly up, balancey, with nuts to protect the initial moves. Up to the hand crack, straight up to the ledge, then the top.

FA: Rick Carey & Mike Law Smith, 2004

Trad 9m
21 R Sandy Hunt

Open book corner capped by a small roof crux. Beware of the loose looking block on left.

FA: Rick Carey, Matt Rogerson & Zac Zaharias, 2004

Trad 10m

Tutti 4 vie visualizzati.

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