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Pages Pinnacle

Several sectors around the Pinnacle facing both east and west for shade options all day long. Sectors vary in style, difficulty and quality. Pocketed slabs, steep jug hauls and full mountain multi’s. Walk-in is approximately 50min with two single trail access points circuiting the Pinnacles base. WEAR A HELMET - there have been instances of people throwing rocks down from the lookout above the crag.

The first sector encountered when walking in from the upper access trail (350m left of The Gold Coas

The first sector encountered when walking in from the upper access trail (350m left of The Gold Coast Wall).

12 Do The Line

Somewhere close to where the rock starts to appear on the walk-in. Well before the other routes. Arching corner crack.

16 Summer Slabtown Funk

About 30m left of Attack of the Marshmallows. Starts at a clearing before the track rises. Cruise up the slab with many pockets and no hands stances. Slightly steeper section to make you think before a couple of easy moves over blocky sections to the anchor.

17 Slabathon

Start 4m right of SSTF. Climb up the fun slab, have a think for a moment and blast up the steel wall and mantle. A few more moves to the anchor.

15 Attack of the Marshmallows

Climb up the faint corner to the top of the left pillar.

23 Time to Party

Interesting start followed by some fun climbing up the thin seam.

19 Party Girls

Starts where the track narrows between a tree and the cliff. Starts up a corner then continues up the face.

18 Trixster

Hard start and technical climbing, follow the obvious seam to the top. Marked "T"

18 Party Time

A bit of thought required on this. Grade may be harder if placing the draws.

21 Penguin Sport Crack

Hybrid climbing, sport climbing leading into a solid crack feature. Has enough sting.

Jaw dropping orange bowl 20m off the deck, up and left of The Gold Coast Wall. Equiped with three be

Jaw dropping orange bowl 20m off the deck, up and left of The Gold Coast Wall. Equiped with three belay stations it’s left is easily accessed via a bolted scramble up the vegetated ‘Valencia’. Traverse across for the right belay or access directly via an extension of ‘Are We Dancer’ / ‘Rock n Surf’. Receives an afternoon breeze with shade from 1:30pm in summer and 3:30pm in winter. Best avoiding the morning sun when tackling this beast.

**The following routes start from the left anchor.**

The following routes start from the left anchor.

21 El Nino

Traverse left from the belay (runout to start) past 3 bolts to where the wall goes vertical. La Nina goes straight up. This steps further left. Follow the left most line of bolts up the vertical to slightly overhung wall. Steep, pumpy climbing on big holds and great rock.

24 La Nina

Shared start. Traverse left from the belay and head up the steep wall to stance. Bouldery crux follows and trends left with an airy feel to an easier finish at anchors over the lip.

26 Global Warming

Nice line, spoiled only by a ledge rest. Bouldery to ledge then suck it up for 4 more bolts of bouldering, will get flight time up top. Bomber rock. New belay, down and left from original, avoids choss corner run out start.

Closed Project - Glenn

Closed. Shares start with the previous 2 climbs. At the good ledge where La Nina goes left, go right into a steep shallow groove with great edgy moves and a brilliant gaston lock.

19 La Resistencia Es Inutil P1

Climb to the base of the steepness and lower-off autolocker and long permadraw.

27 La Resistencia Es Inutil

Straight up from the LH belay past 6 FH on nice orange rock to the break below the steep wall. The business starts here (permadraw). Very nice climbing on interesting features give classic moves all the way to the chains. 60m rope required for the top lower off or 70m to get back to the ground.

26 Sun's Out Guns Out

Directly up from belay passing shared bolt, then step R onto ledge. Two close bolts, then into the biggest corner on the wall. Up, then quaker flake laybacks up the steep wall. Fingery crux caps things off.

26 Dusk Til Dawn

From LH belay, climb diagonally right to first FH on vertical black wall. Up past FH’s into orange corner (chosstacular). Directly up the steepo headwall with a cool, punchy boulder problem that ends with a slam dunk. Feels pretty airy and 'out there'.

**The following routes start from the right anchor.**

The following routes start from the right anchor.

25 Water Is Optional

Accessed by climbing Are We Dancer. Climb the smooth marble, orange wall and head into the steep black corner. Steep and adventurous with excellent movement. A must do!

24 Drinks For The Soul

Climbs Water Is Optional up orange wall to below the break. Traverse right across ledges at this point and then up the steep wall following the line of FH's. A couple of longer draws are helpful for the traverse.

21 Spanish Fly p1

Starts at WIO belay. Up and right passing FH to stance then up the orange wall to a lower off where the wall steepens. The extension past two bolts is 23 and is juggy - go for it!

23 Spanish Fly

The full version continues past the first set of lower-off's at 20m. Some nice moves on big holds extends the route another 5m.

Closed Project - Tim

Only a few bolts in this incomplete line on the margin of orange and black rock.

The Gold Coast Wall

The most popular sector at Pages Pinnacle, ground level climbing below and right of The Sun Bowl. Northeast facing, it receives full shade from early afternoon - fortunately the tree canopy also provides shade for most of the morning.

3 Valencia

10m or so L of Are We Dancer. Vegetated right-trending access ramp (line of least resistance) to the L side of the Sun Bowl sector (with lower off). First FH at about 10m.

19 Are We Dancer

Bolted with FH's and finishing at DUBB. Can be used to access The Sun Bowl sector.

17 Rock n Surf

2m R. U-bolts to anchor shared with Are We Dancer.

16 Tinka

8m R of Rock n Surf. U-bolts. Ledgy slabbing with good holds where you need them. Good beginner climb.

17 Tinka Extension

Will get you up to the right side of The Sun Bowl.

Closed Project - Gordon

Line of U bolts above Tinka Extension.

18 Nerangutan p1

About 20m right of Tinka is this slab route. Bolted with FH's. Slightly runout to where it steepens. A bit adventurous. Chains on right.

16 Nerangutan p2

From anchor of p1, walk left along ledge and up easy steps. Follow the snaking line up the orange streak on big holds. Routefinding is the main challenge. Can be climbed from the ground in one 45m pitch with some long slings.

19 Gnarley

Some people find it that way! 3m R. FH's.

22 Strip Clubs

Slab with some nice pockets (don't you wish this went on for 50m?), then sustained headwall which should make your arms feel warm.

22 Beach Bum

More bouldery than Strip Clubs. Start just right and up the slab (like all routes in this sector). Daunting black overhang then headwall. Where's that finishing jug...?

23 Sandbanked

Climb 'Beach Bum' to the 6th bolt, move right at the big ledge and then it's on. No hard moves but keeps going until the anchors.

24 Budgie Smuggler

The one route on ground level which always stays dry. Climb the first 3 UB's of The Green Room then head left to the line of FH's on the orange streak and blast off. Save something for the finish.

25/26 Straight To The Green Room

Climb The Green Room to the ledge and instead of going right, climb directly up without deviating past 4 UB's to another anchor.

25 The Green Room

3 UB's up the shallow corner and slab to base of the steep wall with seam running up it. Long and strong moves on big holds up this (welcome, gym climbers) to ledge. Two rings off the ledge then move R into the the sustained finish of Over The Falls.

25 Over The Falls

Slab to some tricky pocket pulling. Sustained headwall also not a giveaway. Probably the stiffest 25 here.

25 Bikinitown Direct

U-bolts then FH's. Up easy corner as per original, but then straight up the face. Really great pocket moves. Some deviate briefly into OTF just before the ledge which makes it easier. Possible to go direct - both are fun.

24 Bikinitown

U-Bolts. Up the easy corner to ledge. Clamber onto ledge on right then up wall with cool pockets through steep wall. First bolt on headwall is a stretch, then onwards to glory.

26 Meter Maids

Start as for previous but once off the ground, step right to first bolt in R-leaning black corner. Up this til possible to lean left and clip UB on steep wall. Punchy moves up this (2 UB's) then easier headwall.

21 Yule Corner

Page's first bolted route. Start as for previous in the corner. Up the black R-leaning corner then push through bulge on headwall to a large set of chains. The upper wall has some superb rock and should be experienced.

23 Yule Tide

3m R. Direct start to Yule Corner on black-painted U-bolts. Unfortunately a bit contrived but the top is great.

22 Bombay Rock

2m R. Stickclip first bolt. Independent (and tricky) start up black wall. Once through, romp up to rest ledge. When ready, tackle the headwall.

18 TOS

Short and fun - a popular warm-up. Most find this a pumpy little 18.

21 TOS Extension

If TOS didn't warm you up, keep going through the bulge past 4 more bolts to high anchor.

Link Up’s - GC Wall
26 Kater

Link-up. Climb Bikini Town Direct 3 bolts into the steep wall then traverse left clipping a bolt on OTF and The Green Room, hand traverse the break then climb Budgie Smuggler to the last bolt and traverse left to the last bolt and anchor of Sandbanked.

27 The Pumping Jetty

Link-up. Starts up The Green Room to the steep bit, then traverses right across the steep wall passing one camo carrot bolt into the business end of Meter Maids and finishes up this.

26 Drop-in

Link-up. Up Bombay Rock to first bolt then over YT to YC. Shake out then into the pockets of MM and BT to break. Up and across to finish up The Green Room.

27 Supe Bank

Link-up. Same start as Drop in but at the break continue up and left to clip the last bolt of STTGR and Budgie Smuggler to finish at its anchor. Pumper.

The Gold Coast Wall - Right
22 Silicone City

FH's. Often wet, but the key holds remain dry. You'll be surprised. It climbs better than it looks. Half a star.

23 The Pink Poodle

2m R. FH's. Slabby start to a corally roof crux. Also seeps after rain.

23 Crime Capital

3m R. FH's. Nice slab to small roof. What follows is a non-obvious sequence on scraggly, weird holds. With some chalk on the holds it's about 23. Without, it'll feel harder!

21 Dirk Goes Missing

About 5m R. Technical climbing on some unusual angles. Climbs away from the bolt line at one point.

25 Let's Go Streaking

4m R. FH's. The slanty looking “cruxy” route up the orange streak. Get ready for some serious “Body English”.

23 Less Ego, More Amigos

Climb the slanty looking line, with body positional movement, on U-bolts. FA’d and named by a visiting group of climbers, who thought it was the 21.

20 Striptease

U-bolts. Up the slab and trend right until it steepens. Shares high anchor with previous route.

16 What Were We Thinking

FH's up blocky black slab to beneath steep black wall.

14 I'm Lichen It More

Nice moves and easy climbing to the right of the shrub. Shares the anchor with What were we thinking.

14 I'm Lichen It

About 2m R on grey slab. Look for FH's. There's two lines here. This is the left one.

10 I'm Lichen It Longer

Climb I'm Lichen It past the anchor and continue right for another 2 bolts and an anchor. Pitch 2 trends right and provides access to the Summit Wall.

14 I'm Lichen It Too

3m R. Shares last bolt and anchor of ILI.

**Summit Wall Access****Option 1 - Multipitch**Climb 'I'm lichen It' & step right at the anchor

Summit Wall Access

Option 1 - Multipitch

Climb 'I'm lichen It' & step right at the anchor for another 2 bolts to find nicer belay in shade (if you have 70m rope, keep climbing to the next belay). From here continue trending right, climbing/bushy scrambling along 'I'm Lichen It Longer' until next anchors. Straight up from here climbing 'What's The Password' to Summit Wall belay ledge above.

Option 2 - Rap in

Hike to the summit from the fire trail. When you are at the highest point you will see a slight trail on the right through some long grass, that leads to a small clearing. Head left and down slightly (and carefully!) before finding rap anchors. These are directly above ‘Reign Day’ and you can safely get to the ledge with a 70m (no shorter). Re-rap from RD anchors if you wish to avoid unwanted rope drag or you have a shorter than 70m rope.


Falcon nest directly under the rap station from August to as late as December, your rope will land on the nest if your are not careful, the nest is not visible till you are just above it.


From the anchor on the LHS of the fixed ropes, rap down and left (facing the cliff) back to 'WTP' belay (30m). From here, head straight down by pushing through the gap in bush to find rap anchors below (30m). Then from here straight down to the path (35m but can be done with 60m if you walk down the slab at the bottom). Tie stopper knots, watch out for loose rocks & wear a helmet!

22 What's The Password?

Straight up from the anchors with some really fun climbing (extend 5th & 6th bolt). Traverse right at the slabby ramp to meet the headwall. Crux bolt has perma-draw for safety. Take a deep breath & pull hard through the steep but short lived crux before finding easier ground over the lip. Stay left of bolts after lip to avoid chossy blocks as you approach summit wall belay & fixed line. (14 bolts)

23 Climate Change

Left most route on the Summit Wall with varied but fun climbing. In typical pages style, slab-vertical entree with a steep headwall for the main course. Save some pump coins for the top & enjoy stellar, exposed climbing on beautiful orange rock.

24 Reign Day

From the ledge, follow 5 bolts up some easy, enjoyable vert/slab, then set off up the steep orange head wall. Some awesome holds and movement. Extend the 2nd last draw and save some beans for the end!

Open Project

Right most route. Steep and airy. missing bolts.

Elevated scoop of gently overhung streaked goodness 20m off the deck. Seen midway between The Gold C

Elevated scoop of gently overhung streaked goodness 20m off the deck. Seen midway between The Gold Coast Wall and Yorkshire Wall. Receives afternoon shade.

12 Dropped Cone

The first route you come to below the Ice Cream wall. Access to the left hand routes above. Nice easy climbing on good rock.

13 Sundae Slab

Access for the upper routes on 'Ice Cream Wall'.

24 Corona Floats

Furtherest lookers left route goes straight up, off the left belay. Long moves leave the ledge that gives way to the first crux, which consists of nothing but burl up the streaked wall. The 2nd crux is a blend of balance and technique.

24 Meltdown

The second route lookers left- starting about 3m’s left of AWAWB and climbs the black and white streak to a bulge up high. Slightly similar to Banana Split at an easier grade.

25 Cookies & Cream

This technical line climbs the black and orange streak in the centre of the wall, landmarked by a perma-draw half way up the route. Cruxy and engaging. Get your hips into the wall and earn your cookies

25 Banana Split

The classic of this wall begins at the top of Sundae Slab DBB. From the ‘Cream ledge’ climb the line of hangers just right of the large black & orange streak up the centre of IceCream wall. Great sustained climbing on solid, marbly rock. The last boulder problem is cryptic and of very high quality- so leave some gas in the tank!

Closed Project Glenn

Thin and technical with committing bolting. Pages hardest route.

27 Stracciatella

From the belay, go up (same bolt as Closed Project Glenn) and then hard right (run out). This second-rightmost line of bolts provides climbing which builds in difficulty as you go. Once you reach the underclings, it’s ON all the way to the anchor clip

25 Lickety Split

This route climbs the obvious beauty double white streaks on the far right of the wall. To access, climb Sundae Slab, then traverse fixed line R to DBB on dirt ledge beneath scoop. Edge up the scoop to easy choss ledges (easy does it) beneath steep wall. Clip first FH on steep wall with a screwgate to limit potential fall distance, then blast the wall above.

10 Hello There

Rightward traversing line, 3 bolts to the anchor.

15 Heyward

Nice slab climbing. Good rock.

Rona Wall

Elevated face of black and orange streaks 20m above and left of Yorkshire Wall. Sporting panoramic views, this wall boasts a broad grading of 2nd pitch routes all splaying from the one belay (most routes share their early first bolts). Best climbed in the afternoon shade with a party of three or less. Access by climbing ‘G4201’ on the far left of Yorkshire Wall.

22 Blazed Wolf

Line of UB’s furtherest to the left, stepping left at the 9th for a teetering traverse. Don’t forget to shin the rope!

21 Iso’s Antidote

Direct finish - Straight up from the 9th UB avoiding the leftward traverse.

20 Hunk-Erup

Black streak at belayers 11 o’clock with chain anchors above the roof crack’s left corner. Shares the first three bolts with previous routes then split right for the 4th.

22 Ruby Princess

Orange centre streak through double undercling. Mantle the roof and continue to ridge top chain anchors for a 360deg top-out view. Rappel on descent to avoid rope drag & Stopper.Knot.Your.Rope!

19 Maggie’s on the Bogroll

Black streak at belayers 12 o’clock trending the roof cracks right side corner. (for added adventure: clip & punch past the anchors, clip another lone UB then step left into Ruby Princess for it’s ridge top finale. 30m rap... Stopper.Knot.Your.Rope!)

20 Ripple Effect

A mix of slab, cave, vert and crimp. The only Rona Wall route to have it’s own first bolt, up and right from the belay station. Shares the anchors with ‘Maggie’s on the Bogroll’.

Landmarked by an obvious square-cut east facing arete midway along the base circuit between Entry Wa

Landmarked by an obvious square-cut east facing arete midway along the base circuit between Entry Wall and The Western Wall. Receives shade in the afternoon.

17 G4201

Bold lead up the corner line providing access to Rona Wall. Bolt line zigzags to avoid unsuitable rock… veer left for the 3rd UB hiding around the bulge.

16 The Tyke

Climb up the left side of the arete. Shares chains with FC&W and both 21s

18 Flat Caps And Whippets

Climb the right side of the arete on cool knobby rock. Shares chains with The Tyke and both 21s to the right.

21 Bobby Dazzler

A bit of a runout at the top. Starts 1m right of FC&W. Shares chains with FC&W and YT.

21 Yorkshire Terrier

Climb the steep start (Stick Clip recommended) and into the scoop.

1 - 100 di 121 nodi.

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