
Ascensioni in SuperHardToFind Wall come Retreat

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Tutti 3 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Gio 25 Ago 2022 - White Rock Conservation Area
SuperHardToFind Wall Warm-up slabs
V2 Chicken Run - con Daniel Cox, Alice Graham Boulder 5m Media
Kai Becks
I say no to this top out, not enthusing at all

Gio 24 Dic 2020 - White Rock Conservation Area
SuperHardToFind Wall Warm-up slabs
V3 Unknown - con Isaac Buckingham Boulder 4m Buona
Dylan Glavas
Bailed off the top-out, would rather take a whipper on a small nut than do some of these slopey top-outs. Sadly has chipped holds at the top, which ruins an otherwise nice climb.

Sab 22 Set 2018 - White Rock Conservation Area
SuperHardToFind Wall Main wall
V5 Commitment issues Boulder 5m
Philip Xunlix Ly
9/10 Commitment issues with two mats and a single spotter


Tutti 3 ascensioni visualizzati.

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