
Vie come boulder in Lake side boulders

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Ordina per: Modifica in blocco (max 100)

Tutti 17 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
V3 Speed Bump

Start at peak of bulge and mantle

Boulder 2m
V1 Gutter Trash

The off-width

Boulder 2m
V2 Fisher and Paykel

Sit start. Between the crack and arête, hug this thing like a fridge and use teeny feet to walrus your way to the top.

Boulder 2m
V5 Architrave

Sit start and up the thin arete

Boulder 3m
V0 ArchiCrack

Sit start straight up between crack and arete

Boulder 2m
V1 Wall Crack

Sit start and up the seam

Boulder 2m
V3 Jump the fence

Jump start to slopers and mantle

Boulder 3m
V4 Under the fence

Low start left hand on square cut section of arete right hand on good undercling edge. Move straight up compressing both aretes. Don’t touch the other boulders!

V0 Gutter Pipe

Sit start straight up crack

Boulder 2m
V0 Gutter Cleaner

Sit start and traverse crack.

Boulder 2m
V0 Redback layback

Layback the crack then move to gutter cleaner and up.

FFA: Hugo T, Mag 2019

Boulder 2m
V2 Sex scandal with a garden gnome

Sit start, up the face.

Boulder 2m
V2 The big Squeeze

Climb the arete

Boulder 2m
V3 Deception

CLimb the not so big rail.

Boulder 3m
V1 May as well give it a crack

Use the small crack for hands and the small feet at the baseto start. Slap the top finger jug and mantle.

Boulder 2m
V4 Last Stand

Climb slightly right of the line up arete from sit start.

V1 Cramp

Other side of boulder between #11 and #12. Cramped! V0 if you can fit in there.

Boulder 2m

Tutti 17 vie visualizzati.

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