
Vie come boulder in Beach Boulder

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Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
V1 Below Deck

Sit Start on on big sloping edge, move out right to a good edge under arete via a small intermediate. Lock up to a good edge just below the lip and right to good jugs to top out just right of arete. Crux is not dabbing, harder if you are taller.

Boulder 2m
V2 Sailor's Delight

Sit Start on slopers. Move up to pinches and slopers on the lip and top out.

Boulder 2m
V1 Portside

Sit Start on shallow jug, move up to slopers on the lip and good sidepull out right in the break in the rock to top out.

Boulder 2m
Traverse Project

Open project(s). Sit start as for Portside and traverse right into Jam Donut, or left into Sailor's Delight. Another longer option would be a full boulder traverse starting got Sailor's Delight. Will be quite a challenge.

BoulderProgetto 5m
V1 Jam Donut

Sit start on good slopers on the left hand side of the lower horizontal crack. Traverse the crack left and top out when it ends on the right hand side. The top of the boulder is out. Interestingly enough you don't actually want to use it!

Boulder 2m
V0- Rigging

Squat start on good holds in the breakline, move up to the lip via a decent pinch and top out.

Boulder 2m
V0 Mantle the Bow

Sit Start on good jug on the lip. Make a big move up to the upper ledge and mantle.

Boulder 2m
V0+ On Deck

Start on good side-pull edges and make a big move to the lip. Traverse slightly up and mantle.


Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

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