
Vie in The Greenhouse

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Tutti 40 vie visualizzati.

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Off ya tree cave
V4 Off the cuff

Start both hands on the slope below the finish of the GH. Campus and finish as for GH

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 3m
V4 Colour Run

Start as for CS on the jugs in the roof below the pinches at the crux of TG. Finish up TG

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 4m
V5 The Greenhouse

Start low deep in the back L of the main cave. Move diagonally R around the man scoop then back L and out the jugs and scoops to top out. Everything you need to top out has been clean since at least 2021 (current at July 2022).

Phillip Booth

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 8m
V9 Compression Session

Very Cool hard problem. Start in the roof under the pinches just before the crux of TG. Go direct to the first pinches on TG. From here move R into the obvious rib and the eventual jugs. Finish out LYTD, the back wall is out!

Alex Lopes

Tracciata: Matt Brooks, 2014

FA: 15 Nov 2014

Boulder 15m
V2 K Pop

A good juggy warm up. Start as for TG and traverse the back of the caves finishing at the sandy jugs in the back right of the cave.

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 12m
V6 Stinky Old Fox

One for the big birds. From the jug at the end of the compesssion session crux make a big move to a pinch and continue to the horn below the lip of the cave.

FFA: Ben Jenga, 25 Lug 2016

Boulder 4m
V5 Love you to Death

Start in the centre of the cave and climb up into the scoop and then L and down to join BB half way out. Follow this to the lip.

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 6m
V5 Blood Brother

Jugs to an awkward finish. Start low in the R end of the main cave. Follow the jugs along the inside of the lip to the the finish.

Phillip Booth

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 5m
V4 Chalk Is Thicker Than Blood

Start by establishing yourself on big sloper rail (where Compression Session finishes). Traverse inner lip towards back of the cave (reversing Blood Brother) and then bust out of cave to slot and then top out. Note that the back wall is in (but could probably be eliminated for harder version).

FA: Kezzadawg

Mull up boulder
V3 Chop Chop

Start low in the middle of the sccop with the slopers. Mantle up and out L. A little Font like!

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 3m
V4 Mullin Up

Start with hands on the L edge that you mantle on for CC. Move down onto the slopes and traverse R and up around the corner to a good jug and top out.

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 4m
Hobo Cave
V4 Once was a hobo

Just L of the Hobo cave on the little arete. Try not hit your head or back on the flake sticking out on the R.

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 4m
V2 Harry the hobo

Start in the arch of the lower cave. Directly up the wall to the mantle.

Tracciata: Chantelle Bryson, 2014

Boulder 4m
V4 You taking the piss harry

Start right down the back of the lower cave on the jugs. Go around the R side of this and join HTH

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 6m
V3 One horny hobo

Start low on the R side of the cave about 2m in from the L arete. Straight up and mantle the top.

FA: Wade Stewart, 2014

Boulder 4m
V3 4 ladies 2 hobos

R to L traverse of the cave.

FA: Chantelle Bryson, 2014

Boulder 5m
V1 Grumpy Old Hobo

Start out on the right arete and head upwards to the final scoop.

FA: Ebony Bennett, 15 Ago 2015

Boulder 4m
Flat Dog boulder
V4 Brushed aside

The diagonal breaks on the upstream side of this boulder. Stand start, Sit start is a project!

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 4m
Honey Comb Cave
V3 Ingleburn Roll

The L leading line on the L end of the small face L of the main cave. Start from the pinch jug combo, move up and L to the top an mantle.

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 3m
V3 Pockets full of Hornets

Same start as IR but go direct through the small pockets an mantle the top

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 3m
V1 Two L feet

Start as for IR but traverse low on the jugs to the big flake and move from this to the top. A foot out R makes the top out easy!

FA: Wade Stewart, 2014

Boulder 4m
V2 The Big Left

The crack. Start very low, almost bum dragging on the slab and follow the jugs out the crack.

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 4m
V4 Anaphylactic Reaction

Super fun big holds in a roof. From the slopes in the centre back of the cave go direct out to top out and mantle just L of the tree.

Phillip Booth

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 8m
V4 Sting in the Tail

Big roof holds again but longer. Start in the far bottom R of the roof on the massive horn like jugs. Come R about 2m then straight out to join AR for the top out mantle.

Phillip Booth

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 8m
V5 Around the Beehive

Start as for SITT, go R about 4m before heading out just in from the lip to join AR at the top!

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 10m
V4 Chiko Roll

Very cool, named after Wades original unique mantle technique on the FA. Start as for SITT but keep going out R to the lip and a burly mantle

FA: Wade Stewart, 2014

Boulder 8m
The Weapon Wall
V4 The Reverse Chop

Start toward the L end of the wall at a low flat hold. A big move up then follow the line of slopey holds L.

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 4m
V3 FrankeNuts

Start at another flat hold 2m R of TRC. Straight up to the crimp, the break, then a big move to the summit jugs and top out!

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 4m
V4 Without Warning

Start on the jugs in the middle of the scoop. Up to a hold up high R then a big move L to the jug before topping out!

FA: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 4m
V6 Lethal Weapon

The R to L traverse of the wall starting on the big jug under the roof at the R end and topping out on the far L end jugs.

Tracciata: Matt Brooks, 2014

Boulder 20m
Gold Pass wall
V7 Gold Class

Super cool moves, cool pockets. Start far over L on slopey jug. Traverse R and finish up GP

FA: Matt Brooks, 28 Nov 2014

Boulder 8m
V6 Gold Pass

Superb rock and cool moves. Start on the low flakes in the middle of the wall. Power straight up to finish at the high jug.

FA: Matt Brooks, 21 Nov 2014

Boulder 4m
V5 Daddy Long Legs

Long legs are handy. Easier if your taller. Start low on the L at a jug just R of the boulder. Big move R into the Huntsman.

FA: Matt Brooks, 28 Nov 2014

Boulder 3m
V3 Huntsman

One move. Start at the pocket at the base mini corner flake and up this to the break to finish.

FA: Taraidh Colquhoun, 28 Nov 2014

Boulder 3m
V4 Hairy Legs

The one to do here. Start on the farR end I the low break. Traverse this to the L and finish up the Huntsman.

FA: Matt Brooks, 28 Nov 2014

Boulder 6m
The Beach
V4 The Beach

The link traverse from the low L jug to the roof lip.

FA: Matt Brooks, 28 Nov 2014

Boulder 8m
V3 Surfs Up

Fun moves to the lip. Start low power up and R past the cool knob to the lip.

FA: Matt Brooks, 28 Nov 2014

Boulder 4m
V4 Breakers

Tops out. Cool holds start low centre and powers straight up and out.

FA: Matt Brooks, 28 Nov 2014

Boulder 4m
V3 Whitewash

Cool pocket at the start. Power up R to finish up RT

FA: Taraidh Colquhoun, 28 Nov 2014

Boulder 4m
V3 Riptide

Fun easy problem. Straight up from the horns down low. No use of the ramp.

FA: Taraidh Colquhoun, 28 Nov 2014

Boulder 4m

Tutti 40 vie visualizzati.

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