
Ascensioni in Sutherland come vari tipologie da Kit

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Tutti 9 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità
Sab 6 Ago 2005 - Bangor West
13 Whippersnapper (Midway) Sportiva 8m, 3 Buona

17 Python Sportiva 8m, 2 Buona
A cam would've been nice for the break above the 2nd bolt. 4/9/04. TR - Nice.

16 Grandma's Python Sportiva 10m, 5 Buona
Lots of fun. Abs of steel, and good hooking action needed.

10 Side Tracked Trad 10m Buona
Actually worth doing for the smear factor practice .

14 Zulu Trainer Sportiva 10m, 2 Buona
First step is the crux. Good to warm up on.

17 Pitted Arete Trad 10m Buona
Good to warm up on.

Sab 4 Set 2004 - Bangor West
17 The Whorl Sportiva 10m, 3 Buona
Great if you're short. Many banged shins if you're not.

16 Grandma's Wheelchair Sportiva 10m, 4 Media
Watch the holds on the overhang, some are loose, weak, or now, missing.

16 Andrew's Bulge Sportiva 8m, 3 Buona
Don't stray to the lhs crack, this is much nicer.


Tutti 9 ascensioni visualizzati.

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