
Vie in Cathedral Rock

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Tutti 6 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
20 The Bishop

Climb up the steep face straight above the belay. After the fourth anchor the climb trends leftwards to a U and then goes further left and into a corner. Up this for a few more U's before climbing the last bulge on the arete right of the final corner. Nine or ten U's.

FA: Roger Parkyn & Steve Goss, 2011

Sportiva 20m, 9
22 The Actress

Climb The Bishop to the fifth U then, instead of going left to the corner, blast straight up through the headwall. After 3 more U's go right into The Bells (instead of the flakey arete above). Nine U's

FA: Roger Parkyn & Steve Goss, 2012

Sportiva 20m, 9
23 The Bells

From the belay climb rightwards to the first bolt then follow the line of U's upwards; sometimes using the arete but mostly on the face to its right. Gently overhanging and sustained; a great forearms workout. Nine U's.

FA: Steve Goss & Roger Parkyn, 2012

Sportiva 20m, 9
19 No Fucking Sardines in the Pesto

Route starts at the sloping ledge directly below bells buttress rap station.

FA: M Lopez, YC Foong & T Gallagher, Gen 2017

Trad 60m, 2
22 Alter Ego

A LH alternative to the first pitch of With The Angels. Face climbing L of the corner. Briefly climb on the L of the arête after the seventh bolt.

FA: R. Parkyn & A. Hill, 2007

Sportiva 19m, 10
19 With The Angels
  1. 19m 19. 10B. Start by going down from the belay before crossing R onto the face.

  2. 18m 19. 6B. Continue up the face.

  3. 5m 12. 1B. Easy exit scramble.

FA: R. Parkyn & A. Hill, 2007

Sportiva 43m, 3, 17

Tutti 6 vie visualizzati.

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