
Nodi in The Steamers

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The Steamers

The Steamers is a series of rocky outcrops located in Main Range National Park in South East Queensland. The Main Range is a rugged mountainous area with steep dropoffs and spectacular views. The lack of traffic over the years is justifiable as the rock is falling apart, with loose rocks the size of small cars just hanging around.

The Prow

Located in Main Range National Park.

The Prow

Adventure climbing.

The Prow Adventureland
16 Magical Leopluridon

Some tricky placements and runouts, leader should be solid at the grade. Bridge up chimney to stance below small rooflet. Charge up crack to the left on fun pockets with reasonable gear. A short but unprotected traverse gains the TB above OAB.

16 R Magical Leopluridon VF

As for ML, but instead of traversing to tree continue straight up on imaginary gear to poor trad belay at base of large overhang. Either downclimb left to TB or sacrifice gear and rap. Not recommended.

11 On a Bridge

Approach ridge meets the cliff here. Stylish bridging up chimney with great pockets and solid gear. When chimney ends step right onto face with no pro but easily up to TB. Great fun!

12 Were On An Adventure Charlie P1

Up easy chimney until it narrows at half height. Either thrutch directly up chimney or step out and bridge up to large tree. No gear for the last 9m. TB

18 X Were On An Adventure Charlie P2

Only the very sick and twisted would repeat this pitch. Ramble up mank to the base of overhanging corner. Tricky bridging, exposure and suspect gear on loose and rotten rock gets the heart racing. Bowel-quiverring moves through the crux gains an extremely loose and dirty ledge. Very carefully up dirt and loose rocks to large TB. Scary stuff!!

The Meadows on Fire

Right side of shattered arete.

Start: About 50m left of WOAAC. Right side of shattered arete.

No More Microwaves Please

Named after a failed and dramatic onsight attempt.

Start: About 50m left of WOAAC. Left side of shattered arete.

11 We're On A Bridge

Stylish bridging up lift shaft with great pockets and solid gear. Head right at the top and run it out a little over easy terrain to tree belay. Great fun!

Start: Where the approach ridge meets the cliff.

The Prow

Northern facing cliffs of The Prow

The Prow Forecastle

The very northern tip of the Prow at the western end of the Forecastle

The Prow Forecastle Barnacles
14 Acorn Barnacle

Up the arete and traverse across to the large corner to rap off large spike or large tree

14 Goose Barnacle

Dirty and loose

15 Watch for loose barnacles

Lots of loose rock in this crack, then fight with the brush for the rest of the way

19 Cyprid

The line between Nauplius and WFLB, straight up to TB above the overhang

13 Nauplius

Follow the obvious crack around the left of the overhang and up to TB

6 Bilge Pipe

Just the quickest and easiest way to get to a nice spot above the Barnacles.

The Prow Forecastle
Starboard Hull

Access is via the Old Mill Road that enters into the National Park from the west of the valley. There are a number of creek crossings so a 4WD would be your best form of transportation unless you want to walk in from Emu Creek Road.

The Prow Forecastle Starboard Hull
16 Sailor

Access is via the Old Mill Road that enters into the National Park from the west of the valley. There are a number of creek crossings so a 4WD would be your best form of transportation unless you want to walk in from Emu Creek Road.

11 Little Sailor

Start at the smaller crack left of Sailor. Up to the small ledge and rap off tree.

12 Topside Pt1

An easy up to the Gunwale or rap back down off trees at 30m

The Prow Forecastle

This is the upper wall that you can see above the main wall from the eastern end of Forecastle

The Prow Forecastle Gunwale
14 Topside Pt2

Scramble directly up to the face after climbing Topside Pt1 and attack the large crack

The Funnel

Located in Main Range National Park.

The Funnel
9 Hanging Gardens

Start: From the Western end, walk about 60ft along the South face. Start on the right side of the patch of broken rock.

  1. 34m (12)

  2. 30m (14)

  3. 37m (10)

10 The Flake Route

Located in Main Range National Park.

10 Reptile
  1. 23m (14)

  2. 17m (12)

  3. 11m (12)

  4. 18m (11)

10 Reptile's Tail
  1. 16m (14)

  2. 22m (14)

14 R Flake Route

Start: About 100 yards from the Eastern end of the funnel on the North face. Foot of a large yellow-brown flake below similarly colored overhang.

  1. 14m (8)

  2. 10m (10)

  3. 34m (14)

The Mast

Located in Main Range National Park.

The Mast
7 R Jericho

Named so because it would all collapse on a single trumpet note.

Start: Climb the Pinnacle and walk to the Western end of the summit ridge. Rap a short distance until you can swing the void to the Mast and clamber onto it.

  1. 24m (10) Scrub bash away.

  2. 34m (12) Keep an eye out for unstable rocks.

  3. 25m (11)

9 Standard Route

Start: From the Western end about 30 meters along the Southern face is a chimney/gully.

  1. 34m (10)

  2. 12m (12)

  3. 25m (13)

  4. 38m (13)

11 North Face
  1. 32m (11)

  2. 25m (11)

The Pinnacle

Located in Main Range National Park.

The Pinnacle
10 R North Face
  1. 32m (11)

  2. 25m (11)

The Stern

Located in Main Range National Park.

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