
Vie in Roadside Rocks

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Tutti 21 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Splitrock Boulders
V0 Left Cracks

Nice climbing on great rock, very easy access. Bit tall, might want to rope up

V0 Centre Crack

Nice climbing on great rock, very easy access. Bit tall, might want to rope up

V0 Right Crack

Nice climbing on great rock, very easy access. Bit tall, might want to rope up

V1 Sickie Slab

25m to right of SplitRock.Slab on small features

Boulder 5m
V1 Bad Prawn
Boulder 5m
V1 Suspect Sushi
Boulder 5m
V2 Dodgy Curry
Boulder 5m
VB Much Less Suspect Sushi

Walk back from the road past the start of Dodgy Curry / Suspect Sushi to the substantially shorter boulder immediately behind.

Sit start just to the left of the crack which goes up off to the right. Straight up.

Boulder 3m
V0- Much Less Dodgy Curry

A forced eliminate.

Start as per Much Less Suspect Sushi, keeping your feet on the right hand side of the crack which heads up off to the right.

Tracciata: Tim S

Boulder 3m
Tourbus Boulders
V1 April Fool

Up the left of the slab on flake and thin seam. Carefully top out between slightly chossy bulges.

FA: 2012

V2 Welcome to You're Doom

Up Right side of slab on unlikely holds. Delicately up to jug, then suck it up to top, or escape to left. Sit start might also go

FA: 2012

V1 Pity the fool

Sit. Crimp, jug, mantle.

FA: 2012

V0 Limp Wrist

Easily up on rough rock

FA: 2012

V0 Roughneck

-No longer available due to rockfall.

Low traverse. Rough.

FA: 2012

V0- Tourbus Gulch

-No longer available due to rockfall.

Easy scramble up obvious weakness

FA: 2012

V2 Tourbus

-No longer available due to rockfall.

Bit of an eliminate, and all the better for it. Straight up, using face holds only. No arete. Gain ledge, balancy mantle, then carefully to summit. Not too hard, but gets a point for severity at the top

FA: 2012

V1 Mini Tourbus

-No longer available due to rockfall.

As for Tourbus, but finish after mantling

V0 Ramble

-No longer available due to rockfall.

clamber around on Tourbus face using whichever holds

FA: 2012

V0 Escape Route

-No longer available due to rockfall.

Rubbish at the right of the boulder

FA: 2012

Criss-cross boulder
V2 Directionless

Sit start with your feet in the crack, do not use the small detached rock on the right for foot holds. Follow the crack direct to top out. V1 if you use the jug on the left of the crack.

FA: Ryan Jones, 27 Mag 2018

Boulder 3m
V1 Right angles

Same start as directionless except follow the crack to the left and use the jug to top out.

FA: Ryan Jones, 27 Mag 2018

Boulder 3m

Tutti 21 vie visualizzati.

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