
Vie come boulder in Middle Marsh

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Tutti 20 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
V0 Dog God

Sit-start off good holds either going straight up or out left to the flake.

FA: Rod Marsh, 2001

V1 The Warrior

Crouching start off the good edge directly in front of the grass tree (spikey plant). Crimpy moves on gritty edges, straight up.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2001

Boulder 2m
V4 Xolotl

Start sitting on the block, beneath the vague arete. Hard move up to lip and mantle.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2001

V2 Sarruma

Powerful sit-start on good holds but with poor feet at the start.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2001

V0 Hurrian

Thin mantle 2m left of above problem, starting off the high right-hand hold.

FA: Madoc Sheehan, 1999

V4 Nahaul

Great thin face on vague arete starting just to the right of small tree on opposing high slopey holds. Slap for jug then mantle up and left.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2001

V4 Nahaul Variant

Mantle direct is slightly harder.

FA: Madoc Sheehan

V5 Too Many Slopers

Starts 2m right of Nahaul, on and just left of arete. Standing start on bad slopers, and find a way to get your foot up onto the one good foothold

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2002

V5 Too Many Slopers Direct

The direct sit-start of “Too Many Slopers”.

FA: Alister Robertson

V7 Too Many Slopers SS

Sit-start going left to join the start of “Too Many Slopers”. Now contrived and superseded by Alister's beta “Too Many Slopers Direct” but cool enough to include here.

FA: Steve Baskerville

V5 Destiny's Child

Starts 1.5m left of Nahaul, on small sidepulls. Up to the jug out right, and then up and left to mantle.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2003

V3 Girl’s Time

Up arête just right of corner to a solid mantle. Uses crack but not wall left of crack.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2003

V6 Madi's Traverse

Start as for Nahaul and keep go left to finish above “Girl’s Time” on slopey holds.

FA: Madoc Sheehan, 2002

V0 The Writing’s on the Wall

Corner crack from a sit or stand.

FA: Macoc Sheehan, 2003

V2 Pac-Man

Single move mantle problem. Sit-start on block, mantle overhang on slopers and good feet.

FA: Kaspa Snoad, 2023

V0 Dangun

The arete from the right-hand side.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2001

V0 Feveron

Arete from left-hand side.

FA: Rod Marsh, 2001

V1 Over Analyzed

Face just right of arete, without using the arete.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2001

Hands Free

The cool hands free slab just to the right of “Disillusioned”.

V3 Disillusioned

Don't ever bother, but if say, everything else is being climbed: Very close to the ground. Undercut sit-start off obvious slopey hold in front of small tree. Watch your feet.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2001


Tutti 20 vie visualizzati.

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