
Ascensioni in The Red Boulder

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Tutti 24 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Dom 15 Ott 2023 - Harvey’s Marbles
The Gallery The Red Boulder
V6 Golden Orb Boulder Molto buona
Adrian Corvino
Sab 30 Set 2023 - Harvey’s Marbles
The Gallery The Red Boulder
V6 Golden Orb — 5 tentativi Boulder Molto buona
Adrian Corvino
Nearly got it, lost my nerve at the top lip

V1 Face/slab — 2 tentativi Boulder 3m
Adrian Corvino
V2 Scoop Boulder 3m
Adrian Corvino
V1 A — 3 tentativi Boulder 3m
Adrian Corvino
Sab 19 Ago 2023 - Harvey’s Marbles
The Gallery The Red Boulder
V4 Smoked Almond Boulder Molto buona
V1 Sunset Delights Boulder Classica
V4 Smoked Almond Boulder
James Hockey
V1 Sunset Delights Boulder
James Hockey
Sab 24 Dic 2022 - Harvey’s Marbles
The Gallery The Red Boulder
V1 Sunset Delights - con Glen Hayford Boulder Mega Classica
Iain Hunter
As good as I remember from the last trip! Glad we hopped on it.

Sab 3 Lug 2021 - Harvey’s Marbles
The Gallery The Red Boulder
V1 Summit Fever Boulder Molto buona
Tom P
Super fun starting moves. Seems that the beta is very height dependent. Found some filthy Gaston beta that I cranked through to top it out. I really liked this climb.

Gio 1 Lug 2021 - Harvey’s Marbles
The Gallery The Red Boulder
V1 Sunset Delights Boulder Mega Classica
Iain Hunter
Probably one on the best slab climbs I've ever done. There's an awesome variety of moves. Cruxy start, becoming more secure the higher you go. Really felt 'in the flow', something which rarely happens for me on slab.

V1 Summit Fever Boulder
Iain Hunter
Fun! Would like to repeat this one.

Sab 19 Giu 2021 - Harvey’s Marbles
The Gallery The Red Boulder
V4 Smoked Almond Boulder
David Barrie
Gio 9 Lug 2015 - Harvey’s Marbles
The Gallery The Red Boulder
V3 The contortionist Boulder Mega Classica
David U
Probably favourite climb of bouldering trip. Found a sneaky side pull that probably makes it a v2, but super fun contorting moves with a memorable finish, sitting facing the sunset.

Mar 5 Dic 2006 - Harvey’s Marbles
The Gallery The Red Boulder
V2 V6 Golden Orb Boulder Molto buona
hand foot match

Dom 26 Nov 2006 - Harvey’s Marbles
The Gallery The Red Boulder
V3 V4 Mixed nuts Boulder Buona
V3 V5 Mac and Cheese (Chocolate Almond) Boulder Molto buona
V1 Sunset Delights (Smoked Almond) Boulder Classica
Maybe the best V1 slab at Harveys

V5 Sushi Train Boulder Molto buona
3rd shot

V3 The contortionist Boulder Classica
Mar 18 Apr 2006 - Harvey’s Marbles
The Gallery The Red Boulder
V4 Frustrations Neighbour Boulder
V3 Hidden Boulder
Lun 5 Nov 2001 - Harvey’s Marbles
The Gallery The Red Boulder
V3 The contortionist Boulder Classica
Really cool, you can do it the hard way or the easy way


Tutti 24 ascensioni visualizzati.

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