
Via in Mira Nova

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Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
17 Mira Nova
1 17 18m
2 12 30m
3 13 30m
4 17 50m

Starts at the ramp below the large scoop.

  1. 18m 17 Up via the grey scoop past the 1st FH. Traverse out left and then around the block to easier ground. Up to ledge with tree and DRB.

  2. 30m 12 Up the obvious corner. Go left and up until you reach the large ledge beneath the short headwall.

  3. 30m 13 Walk left along ledge and climb around bulge to gain short steep corner. Up corner and then diagonally left until you reach a small section of orange rock below a steep headwall. Belay at end of orange section.

  4. 50m 17 Climb up the headwall past horizontal breaks, then traverse right to crack. Up and over to reach the large ledge. Traverse right along the set of ledges to reach the top of Master's Apprentice. Escape via the chains.

Be aware of loose rock on pitches 2-4.

FFA: Andrew Rule (1, Mark Gommers & Leia Clark p3 Andrew Rule, 2004

Tracciata: Steve Ioannou, 2010

Trad mista 130m, 4, 8

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