
Ascensioni ripetuta tra 2003-01-01 e 2003-12-31 in North West come vari tipologie da Susy G

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Tutti 36 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Mar 30 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
Pilot Error Cliffs Pilot Error Area
21 20 Pilot Error Trad mista 12m, 1 Buona
Entry 1: 21 April 2003. With Andy and Horney. Dropping 25 times onto that Petzl bolt was more than the bolt or my belayer could really handle. Note to self - return Xmas 2003, remember to bring abs. Entry 2: 30.12.03. With Ben, Simon, Rob and Pommy. Returned Xmas 2003, brought abs and entourage. YES!!!!!

Dom 28 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Huey and Satellites
18 Huey Trad 16m Classica
With Andy. For such a short route this has heaps of variety and packs a few punches.

Sab 27 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
21 Auto Da Fe Trad 90m Classica
With Simon. Two long thin pitches with great moves. I didn't expect to be negotiating an overhang on a slab climb. Unexpected spice!

Sab 27 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Death Row Pinnacle
18 Death Row Trad 45m Classica
With Simon. i've always wanted to do this climb and it was just as good as I'd hoped it would be.

23 Birdman of Alcatraz Trad 30m Mega Classica
With Simon. An outstanding lead by Simon. I loved the cruisy start, the thin traverse (we're talking fingernail crimps and matchstick edges), and the super lactic diagonal (which turned my forearms to wood).

Ven 26 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Right Preludes Wall
18 17 Preludes Trad 35m Molto buona
With Brendan. I liked it so much I did it twice.

Gio 25 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Vanoise Area
21 The British Beat Trad mista 15m, 2 Pessima
With Ben and Brendan. Don't bother unless you like being sandbagged and can climb slabs.

15 The Venus Trap Trad 15m Buona
With Ben & Brendan.

Gio 25 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Cheops Buttress
17 The Only Way To Fly Trad 15m Buona
With Ben. Nice.

Gio 25 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Spellbinder Area
17 Spellbinder Trad 27m Classica
With Ben and Brendan. A veritable gem.

Gio 25 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Vanoise Area
15 Agent Orange Trad 25m Molto buona
With Ben. Sensational little climb. A good recommendation from Andy m the walking talking guidebook.

Mer 24 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes The Red Wall & Toccata Wall
14 15 Toccata Trad 50m Buona
With Ben. The confounding elements increased the challenge - baking sun at 7.10am and the left seam streaming water from the rainstorm.

Mar 23 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Left Dog Face
18 Jackal Trad 25m Molto buona
With Ben and H. Some awesome hand and fist jams on this.

Mar 23 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
16 Yo Yo Trad 90m Molto buona
With Ross. The gods looked down and they saw Ross and Susy climbing together again. And the Gods said "in keeping with tradition, we shall create an epic". And so it came to pass. Night fell. And upon her return to Brisbane, Susy purchased a small clock to hang upon her harness garment. Amen.

Mar 23 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Left Dog Face
18 Howling Wolf Trad 28m Buona
With Ben and H. The crux is a nice move.

15 Puppy Love Trad 35m Media
With Ben and H.

Lun 22 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
13 Kestrel Trad 50m Classica
With H. The sweetest 13 you'll ever find. A great way of warming into Araps.

Lun 22 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
Atridae Muldoon Area
17 lphigenia Trad 45m Molto buona
With H. The bulge on pitch one is a boomer. Pitch 2 is pretty ordinary

Lun 22 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
Atridae House of Atreus
16 13 Hell For Leather Trad 30m Molto buona
With H. Easiest 15 in the universe including Mars.

Lun 22 Dic 2003 - Arapiles
Castle Crag
17 Swinging Trad mista 20m, 2 Molto buona
With H. A little ripper. Scary to do at night though.

Lun 22 Set 2003 - Arapiles
Colosseum Wall Area Colosseum Wall
15 14 Nero Trad 13m Buona
With Ross. Go-ey for the grade!

Dom 21 Set 2003 - Arapiles
Declaration Crag Area Declaration Crag
16 16 R Marmot's Mall Trad 12m Pessima
With Ross. I-yuew. Greasier than a breakfast at the Cosmopolitan cafe...

Dom 21 Set 2003 - Arapiles
Atridae House of Atreus
17 Surface To Air Trad 30m Classica
27 Mar 05 with Ben. With Ross. There's serious climbs and there's fun climbs. This is the funnest climb I've ever done. 30m of twist locks on huge buckets with fantastic feet high up on the Atridae. Hooted and grinned the whole way

Ven 25 Apr 2003 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
18 Skink Trad 110m Mega Classica
With Ross. Also in my top 3. I love the traverse, the thin hard move round the corner and up to the hangng belay, the pain in my feet, the hanging belay, the slabby shit - the whole 5 hour she-bang gave me enough adrenalin to make it through a 5 year old birthday party, a night at the outlaws and a funeral. Now that's value for money ($22 for a number 12 smiley stuck at the hanging belay)

Gio 24 Apr 2003 - Arapiles
Bard Buttress
18 Eurydice Trad mista 65m, 2 Classica
With Horney. Gareth and Fleur followed. First pitch felt more like 19, second pitch more like 15

Gio 24 Apr 2003 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Central Organ Pipes
11 Piccolo Trad 33m Molto buona
With Ross. Every type of placement under the sun awaits the creative trad lover

Mer 23 Apr 2003 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Front Wall and West Face
18 17 Oceanoid Trad 75m Mega Classica
With Horney. Only did the first pitch, but what a pitch. The traverse around the blocky bulge on was freakingly memorable - as was the MEGA rope drag. Very awesome climb

Mer 23 Apr 2003 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Uncle Charlie
16 Coming on Chris Trad 25m Molto buona
With Horney. Our tribute to Chris - and a great climb it was. Loved the scary door knob hold

Lun 21 Apr 2003 - Arapiles
Fang Buttress and Surrounds Fang Buttress
17 Kamikaze Trad 20m Pessima
After Andy.

Lun 21 Apr 2003 - Arapiles
Atridae Agamemnon Area
10 Agamemnon Trad 40m Mega Classica
With Andy and Horney. AF leading unprotected chimney section: "No Suse, I fucking DON'T want you to unbelay me while you take a picture"

Lun 21 Apr 2003 - Arapiles
Pilot Error Cliffs Lois Lane Wall
14 Eurylochus Trad 33m Media
After Horney. Andy lead pitch 2

Dom 19 Gen 2003 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Central Organ Pipes
9 Conifer Crack Trad 80m Media
With Ross. On the way to Tannin

Dom 19 Gen 2003 - Arapiles
Far North Lower Curtain Wall
18 Entertainer Trad 20m Mega Classica
With Ross. What a blast

Dom 19 Gen 2003 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes The Red Wall & Toccata Wall
19 Tannin Trad 35m Mega Classica
With Ross. Nut placements are superb. A great climb. I was pretty psyched beforehand. Came in underthe roof too low initially (bad strategy). Headed out of the Piles at about 9.30pm and back to Mel at 2am!

Sab 18 Gen 2003 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Central Organ Pipes
17 16 Libretto Trad 50m Media
With Ross

14 C.S. Concerto Trad 50m Media
With Ross


Tutti 36 ascensioni visualizzati.

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