
Vie come boulder in Midgegoroo National Park

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Mount Randall Main Area DIY Area
V9 D.I.Y.

Sit start matched on right facing sidepull/undercling. Make your way up the steep face on the reinforced crimps to a ballsy topout. Powerful

FA: Andy Lampard, 2004

Nails Roof Proj

Looks like a hard crimp line through the roof to the left of the Hero Line. Top Looks absolutely blank and nails hard. Crimps again reinforced by glue. Has this one been sent?

2-Piece Proj

Friction slab to ledge, then small fist/hand crack section. Falling on the fist crack probably wouldnt bode well.

Hand crack


Cool crack proj

Little bit hidden, To the left of the hand crack. Looks kinda cool


Has it been climbed? could be more routes up through. Exposure on this line is spectacular.

Crimpy proj

Looks hard.


Sit start all the way left, work way all the way along the edge with a heel hook, bit contrived but avoiding mantling up onto slab creates cool sequence. Still fairly easy.

Boulder 2m
Mount Randall Clintons Playground
V0 Slippery When Wet

Up the obvious crack. Easy warm up with decent feet on face.

Boulder 3m
Break off

Used to be an interesting looking feature. As soon as the first climber touched the holds 2 massive flakes ripped easily off, now is a normal slab.

BoulderProgetto 3m
Edges 2.

Obvious line to the left of 'up the edges.' Harder than it looks. Watch your back. Careful of fragile hold halfway up

BoulderProgetto 4m

Cant fathom how this will be possible.

BoulderProgetto 4m
Up the edges

Obvious line of edges.

BoulderProgetto 4m
Got balls?

Highball. Up obvious flakes.

BoulderProgetto 5m
Hug me I'm brave

Could go

BoulderProgetto 4m
Cuddle Me I'm Scared

Sketchy. To the right of Hug me I'm brave

BoulderProgetto 6m
V4 Cornerstone

Super high hands to start. Start on right and bump left, then up on dimples.

Boulder 2m

Humungous move from the worlds biggest jug up to a crimp, slap right hand up and top out. Probably end up using hard beta slapping up arete on right side.

BoulderProgetto 4m
In the groove

Really cool looking moves in the feature up to a big undercling and up. To the right of Powerup.

BoulderProgetto 4m

Start on undercling, Trend right up and around bulge. Powerful and cool.

BoulderProgetto 2m
Bulge Direct

Same start as Bulge, but go straight up to the left of the bulge. Looks shouldery

BoulderProgetto 2m
Perched high

Starts up on ledge on top of Bulge. Layback. Landing could go really bad, so use a spotter.

BoulderProgetto 2m
Low Ridin'

Super low Sit-start just on the other side of the feature of Long Road. Move Left and then up to top same as Long Road.

BoulderProgetto 6m
V7 Do First, Think Later

Sit start way back in the cave. Follow the impressive crack out of the cave. Sustained and pumpy. Bad landing just before the jug in the middle and the end is super highball. Soft end of V7.

FA: Clinton Martinengo, 30 Ott 2016

Boulder 6m
The other one

Other obvious line out of the cave. Sit start and follow crack. End is the hardest bit, could be a bad landing depending how far along you end up going

BoulderProgetto 3m
V3 Sunset Arete

Stand start on the arete using the left face then up to the crack. Traverse right to finish at the top of the corner. Doesn't top out to keep things safe. Top out goes, but committing and some dire consequences... Sit adds a grade.

FA: Michael Taran, 30 Ott 2016

Boulder 3m

Arete, intercept 'the other one.' Finish same as "the other one'

BoulderProgetto 3m
V4 Corner Start (No topout)

Stand start and press the corner. Finish on the crack. Doesn't top out...

FA: Clinton Martinengo, 30 Ott 2016

Boulder 3m
Corner start

Up little corner and intercept 'the other one.' Finish same as 'The other one'

BoulderProgetto 3m
Outside arete. BoulderProgetto 3m
V0 Painful Shuffle.

Little offwidth you can do to get to the top of 'the other one'. Gnarly granite is painful. Just for fun this one.

Boulder 3m
Left edge

Sit start, along left edge.

BoulderProgetto 2m
Straight Sit

Sit start on crimps, slap to either edge and to top.

Eliminate avoiding both edges and going straight to top is possible, bit harder.

BoulderProgetto 2m
V2 The Wendingo

Sit Start on undercling, along right arete.

FA: Michael Taran, 2016

Boulder 2m
V5 Skeptical old man

Sit start and slap your way up to glory. Feature looks like the face of a skeptical old man with an eyebrow raised. Or a lorax. Hug the feature

FA: Luke Shelton, 17 Ott 2021

Boulder 2m
Mount Randall The Freefall Area Trackside
V2 The Arete

Traverse right along arete and top out at peak. Awesome feature.

Boulder 3m
V3 Squamish

Start right hand on undercling crimp, left low on the arete. Up to vertical edges then top. Avoid jugging up the arete.

Boulder 3m
V5 Squamish Direct


Stand Start with both hands on the undercling hold of squamish and trend right up the boulder on sculpted edges and technical feet. Eliminate the arete until the finish.

Finish by reaching as close as you can to the highest point of the boulder


FA: 2017

V5 Like Lightning

Stand start on obvious edge, top out as 'The Arete'.

Boulder 3m
V7 Like Lightning, Sit

Sit start on side pulls and low feet up to pinches.

FA: Clinton Martinengo, 2016


Through the undercling, big move up to slopey features. Awkward and poor feet.

V4 Harder than it looks

Stand start. Up slab, avoiding right hand arete. Tricky top out.

Boulder 2m
V1 Switch Blade

Sit start. Up arete, laying back to the left.

Boulder 3m
V0 Problem #5

Slab warm up. Variants across slab.

Boulder 3m
V4 Polishing turds

Stand start on obvious edges. Up into scoop to top

Boulder 3m
V3 Problem #6

Start on uncomfortable R crimp and a choice of left crimps, and go straight up into scoop. Delicate,

FA: Mitch Woodward, 2 Ott 2016

Boulder 4m
Mount Randall The Freefall Area Warm up area
V2 Problem #81

Up arete avoiding right hand boulder

Boulder 5m
V1 Problem #82

Start on jug and up. Avoid left boulder.

Boulder 4m
V1 Shield

Stand start. Up the shield feature with cool slab mantle into slopey top out.

Boulder 3m
V2/3 Shield, sit

Awkward sit start with right hand on jug around the corner (mind dabbing the boulder behind you!). Fun slab-mantle to finish.

FA: Michael Taran, 2018

Boulder 4m
V3 Strength In Numbers

Sit start. Follow the crack up.

Boulder 4m
V4 Megamouth, right

Sit start on ledge and up with crimps on face and arete, trending right to top out.

FA: Steve Holland

V4 Megamouth, left

Sit start as megamouth, right - trend left.

FA: Steve Holland

Boulder 3m
V3 Problem #85

Start matched on obvious crimp and smeary feet. Power up to crimp jug and top out.

Boulder 2m
V0 Light Stretching

Start holding the flake, moving straight up for the top out.

Boulder 3m
V4 Problem #87

Sit start on edge on right. Traverse left following the crack.

Boulder 4m
V2 Fridge

Up slab. Both aretes in

Boulder 4m
V6 Edge of Tomorrow

Stand start. Up face and left arete avoiding the slab of "Fridge". Tricky.

FA: Steve Holland

Boulder 4m
V2 Problem #90

Up face and right arete.

Boulder 4m
V7 Chemical Warfare

Stand start on good side pulls. Traverse lip to top.

FA: Steve Holland

Boulder 3m
V4 The Long and Short of It

Stand start, avoid the left boulder. Up the slab to the right of the crack.. Long move to the lip.

FA: Steve Holland

Boulder 3m
V4 Problem #93

Sit start. Up fridge.

Boulder 3m
Mount Randall The Freefall Area Main Area
Slab Project

Up slab – bald top out. Located on the far left of the parklife boulder

BoulderProgetto 5m
Direct Project

Straight up from ledge to "broken" holds.

BoulderProgetto 5m
V6 The Crack (sit)

Sit start on obvious ledge on the left. Traverse right to 'The Crack'. Adds some powerful climbing to the original!

FA: Steve Holland

Boulder 5m
V5 The Crack

Stand start, Up obvious crack. Highball.

Optional easy direct sitter that adds an easy couple of moves to the stand and doesn't change the grade.

Boulder 5m
V9/10 Parklife

Start on the triangle. Up to edges to finish. Classic.

Boulder 5m
V4/5 Less is More

Stand start. Tricky slab moves.

V3 Problem #12

Start on edges on left and up through undercling. Avoid the boulder on the left.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Boulder 3m
V2 Flake on Fleek

Stand start on massive undercling flake and walk your way up it to the top.

Boulder 5m
V5 The Original

Up slab. Scary but cool.

FA: Steve Holland

Boulder 4m
V2 Problem #14

Traverse along lip and top out.

Boulder 2m
V5 Numbers

Sit start on tiny crimps and up. Top out as for #14 Crux is getting off the ground!

FA: Clinton Martinengo, 2016

Boulder 2m
V0 Trad Santa

Squeeze up the chimney. Like some kind of trad climbing Santa.

FA: Alex Leslie, Apr 2021

V4 #15: Sliced and Diced

Sit start on low crimps - move up to obvious flake, then up arete avoiding boulder on left. The right hand starting hold has broken making the start slightly harder. Grade now closer to hard V4

Boulder 2m
V4 Gummy Bear

Sit start. Up bulge.

Boulder 2m
V1 Problem #17

Stand start. Good warm-up

Boulder 2m
V5 Gold

Up crack. Optional sitter with the creaky flake.


FA: Steve Holland

Boulder 4m
V2 Not Worth it


Boulder 4m
V3 Snap, Crack and Pop

Sit start on the creaky flake with good feet and make your way up to the easy angled finish via undercuts and slopers.

Named after the sounds the holds made on our ascents, update if done before.

V2/3 #20: Fontainebleau

Up slab to the right of the descent for "Gold". Mind your back. Crack is out.

Boulder 3m
V2 Problem #21

Stand start, up arete using the left face.

Boulder 3m
V1 Problem #22

Up arete.

Boulder 3m
Mossy Project

Up mossy slab.

BoulderProgetto 4m
V4 #23: Quiver

Low start into bulge, scary to top.

Boulder 4m
V9 Man in the Middle

Sit start. Up edges – long moves. Manufactured…but cool!

FA: Andy Lampard

Boulder 5m
Rails project

One of Andys hard projects. Up crimps avoiding bulge – an eliminate. �

V4/5 The Rails

Start in the crack. Up the bulge to the left. Nice feature.


Boulder 4m
V8 Eye Candy

Sit start in the crack. Trend right from the crack. Rad sequence.


FA: Andy Lampard

Boulder 2m
V3 #28: Phallic

Start on obvious jug up to crimps. Tricky top out.

Right hand edge has broken leaving a good side pull and making the problem significantly easier

Boulder 2m
V5 Phallus Candy

Sit start as "Phallic" - traverse the slopey lip left to top out as Eye Candy.

FA: Simon Peters, 11 Mag 2018

Boulder 3m
V3 #29: Under and Over

Sit start on edges up to undercling and tricky mantle.

Boulder 4m
V7 Wristy Business

Sit start with low right hand crimp and left hand flat side pull. Into jugs then cryptic sequence to the lip.

FA: Michael Taran, 30 Apr

V6/7 #30: Rails, slopes and weirdness

Stand start with edge. Up to slopers and tricky moves to top out.

FA: Andy Lampard

Boulder 3m
#30 extension proj

Stand start far left and traverse right on edges to the original. Surprisingly hard!

V6 Little Mesters

Start as Steel City Groove then take a delicate traverse left.

Boulder 5m
V8/9 Steel City Groove

Up obvious amphitheatre/groove. Technical highball slab with a massive dyno to finish. Classic. Easier the taller you are.

FA: Will Atkinson, 9 Set 2016

BoulderProgetto 6m
Bulge project.

Project. Up compression bulge.

BoulderProgetto 6m
V11 The Space Between Two Worlds

Sit start on obvious rail on left. Traverse right with long shouldery moves on crimps. Finish with a tricky slab top out. Located between 'Man in the Middle' and 'Steel City Groove'.

FA: Robin Yang, 5 Giu 2019

V3/4 Original Crimp Material

Left of "Stone in its foot". Stand start with left hand on good sidepull, feet on obvious low edge and right hand on high really thin crimp. Move straight up to average left crimp/sidepull, move feet high and eventually top out straight up. Trickier than it looks and isn't over till you top out!

FA: Ferdi, 26 Giu 2017


1 - 100 di 328 vie.

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