
Vie in Western Australia del grado selezionato

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Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Perth Avon Valley National Park Bald Hill
16 Fresh Meat
Trad 8m
Perth Avon Valley National Park Emu Creek Wall
16 Freestone Valley
Trad mista 14m, 1
Perth Walyunga National Park Tall Arete Area
V0 Warm Up Arete

Nice warm up climb

Boulder 3m
V0 Up You Go

FA: Jason Pickett, 2010

Boulder 4m
Perth Walyunga National Park Bee Wasp Area
V0 House Husband

Chimney behind the block left of route 4. A brave solo by a man hardened by domestic duties

FA: Peter Thomas, 2017

Alpinistica 10m
16 Avonagoodtime

Shares start with prior route (Avonentuly). Needs medium wires/cams. Pleasant once more. Over too soon

FA: Kate Swain, Peter Thomas & Neil Gledhill, 2017

Sconosciuto 9m
Perth Walyunga National Park Corner Crack Area
V0 Corner Crack

Up the obvious crack. Classic.

Boulder 7m
Perth Walyunga National Park Kids Boulders
V0 Arete

Right hand arete

Perth Walyunga National Park Jumperkine Hill
16 Where Were All the Hard Men
Trad 20m
16 Entrée
Trad 20m
Perth Barrington (Gosnells) Quarry Entrance Quarry
16 That's Be Right

Two carrots and a small cam (purple c4).

Sportiva 11m, 2
16 Tools of the Trade

Very loose rock on second half of climb. Natural anchor.

Trad 13m
Perth Barrington (Gosnells) Quarry Main Quarry
16 It's a Formidable Scent

This climb is located approximately 30 metres left from Krakaddiction.

Start at the bulge on the left side of the wall.

Climb the bulge to the sloping ledge and follow the finger cracks over the slight overhang to the top.

The crux is getting past the fourth bolt.

Small cams are optional. Large boulders are at the top for an anchor.

FA: N.Cole, D.Harding & D.Klicker, 2015

Sportiva 13m, 4
16 Krakaddiction
Trad 30m, 2
16 Toddler's Delight

The climb furthest to the right on the poolside wall.

Follow the face straight up past two bolts and finish at a DBB. Can protect with cams near the top.

Trad mista 10m, 2
16 Barry

Right of Toddlers Delight - Barry (16) 10m. up the vertical wall on small wires and cams. not a very good climb and a bit sketchy from memory ! dont remember how i got down either ? theres no loweroff. Stephen King 6/04/02

Trad 10m
Perth Barrington (Gosnells) Quarry ellis brook valley reserve Sixty Foot Falls RHS
16 City Muse

The arete. #2 RP protects the start

FA: A. Grant & S. Jones, 2013

Trad 7m
Perth Boulder Rock The Witch Area
V0 Problem #6

Warm ups on the back of the slab boulder. Option for a sit start with the deep flake on the right.

Boulder 2m
V0 Slab

Up the face. Slippery now due to graffiti unfortunately

V0 Not worth it

A dingy low ball crack, on the back side of the boulder, with an optional invert to spice things up.

FA: Alex Leslie, Mar 2021

V0 Problem #15 Boulder 4m
V0 Smeg Shmear

Stand start on interesting holds and the single edge for your feat

FA: Alex Leslie, Mar 2021

V0 Red Dwarf

Sit start and pull up the crack

FA: Alex Leslie, Mar 2021

Perth Boulder Rock Highball Area
V0 Scramble Boulder 6m
Perth Boulder Rock Watermelon Area
V0 Problem #29 Boulder
Perth Boulder Rock In-stink area
V0 Stand Up & Shout

Easy slab on a well featured face

V0 Left Rise

Sit start. Follow the obvious arete to the peak and rock over. Good warm up.

V0 Right Rise

Arete on the right of the peak.

V0 Big man Little pebble

Fun lowball starting on the lowest rail

FA: Daniel Crole, Mar 2021

V0 John Dory

Up the obvious flakes on the left.

V0 Problem #45

Start 1m left of John Dory

V0 Problem #47 Boulder
V0 Problem #48 Boulder
Perth Boya Quarry West Bay Leftside
16 Three Handed Game Trad 15m
Perth Boya Quarry East Bay Leftside
16 Keith's Klimb Trad 25m
16 Failsafe

Although easy there are no clips for the start of the route. A fun beginner climb alough the clips are a little off route.

Sportiva 30m
16 Acrobat

Whole sections are poorly protected and there's a fair bit of loose rock.

Trad 30m
Perth Boya Quarry East Bay Rightside
16 Fancy Pants Trad 30m
Perth Mundaring Weir Area/Beelu National Park Candyland Earth Boy
V0 Walk By

Sit start and up.

V0 Cruisy Corner

Up the easy corner crack.

Boulder 3m
Perth Mundaring Weir Area/Beelu National Park Winjan Boulders Approach Boulders
V0 Roll Up

Stand start on good flake.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Boulder 2m
V0 Freedom

Sit start on good holds and then straight up to more good holds.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Boulder 3m
Perth Mundaring Weir Area/Beelu National Park Winjan Boulders Main Area
V0 #18; Unknown

Easy Arete Cimb.

BoulderProgetto 5m
V0 Tick Pit

Sit start, then up the arete. Tricky.

FA: Claire Girdlestone

Boulder 3m
V0 Lefty Loosey

Squat start far right, traverse left.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

V0 Righty Tighty

Stand start on good crimp rail, then mantle up to slab finish.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

V0 Downside

Sit start on good rail up to jugs.

FA: Claire Girdlestone

Boulder 2m
V0 Don't Blink

Sit start on blocky holds.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Boulder 3m
V0 No Props

Sit start on slopey jugs.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Boulder 3m
V0 Missionary

Sit start on incut holds.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Boulder 3m
Perth Mundaring Weir Area/Beelu National Park Winjan Boulders Frontline boulders
V0 Left siders

Stand start on the left of the slab with left hand on good flake side pull. Stand up and top out.

Boulder 3m
Perth Mundaring Weir Area/Beelu National Park Winjan Boulders Project Boulders
V0 One Move Wonder

Stand start on good left hand side pull. Head out to good rail out left.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Perth Mundaring Weir Area/Beelu National Park Kamikaze
V0 Fractured

Stand start on small crimps, then straight up.

FA: Claire Girdlestone

V0 Work It

Stand start on big rail, then move up over bulges

FA: Jason Girdlestone

V0 On The Shelf

Start start on good rail then move left.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

V0 Zeike and Destroy

Stand start on good rail then move right.

FA: Andy Conlin

V0 Streak

Stand start with left hand high on the arete.

FA: Kim Van Amerongen

V0 Red Dot Special

Stand start on good holds then traverse right.

FA: Sylvia Galea

V0 Blue Eyes

Stand start on good holds then straight up.

FA: Claire Girdlestone

Perth Mundaring Weir Area/Beelu National Park Pipelines Main area
V0 Push Me, Pull You

Sit start on the seam


Perth Mundaring Weir Area/Beelu National Park Pipelines Haystacks Area
V0 - 1 Mischa

Trending left is V0, trending right V1.

FA: Mike Randall

Boulder 3m
V0 Travesty

Trend right.

FA: Kim Van Amerongen

V0 Sack Crack and Layback

Obvious layback crack.

FA: Kim Van Amerongen

V0 Jump Start

FA: Kim Van Amerongen

V0 Faithless

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Perth Churchman's Brook Lost Arrow Area
16 Fingers and Toes Variant Sportiva 10m, 1
Perth Churchman's Brook The Super Slab
16 Hello Possum Trad 25m
16 Skinny Dip

Start in the shallow groove in the black rock 3 m to the R of Ornet. Up the groove for 4 m, clip the FH to the L (on Dump Zone). Delicate steps up R through to grassy ledge. Continue up the wall to a ledge, then climb the crack in the wall above avoiding the jug of Caledonian Way. Finish up the L side of the wall above.

FA: John Watson

Trad mista 25m, 1
Perth Churchman's Brook Fang Wall
16 Could Have Been Better Trad 30m
16 The Fang

Start 2m right of First Route at a short wall with a sentry box at 4m and groove above. Climb left of the wall then right onto ledge. Up groove to next ledge. Straight up to sloping V-shaped ledge and traverse right to triangular rock. Step left and straight up to finish.

FA: 'Mac' McArthur & Dave James, 1976

Trad 25m
16 The Bite Trad 25m
Perth Churchman's Brook Slash and Burn Wall
14 - 17 Super Nova Connection Trad mista 25m, 1
Perth Churchman's Brook The West End
16 Calophylla Crack Trad 18m
Perth Darlington Deception Area
16 Rudi Trains For Makulu

FA: Rudolf Denk, 1997

Trad 12m
16 I'm Spartacus Trad 11m
16 Fist Full of Friends Trad 11m
Perth Darlington Pyramid Boulder
16 Pogue Mahone Trad mista 12m, 1
Perth Darlington Solstice Boulder
16 Born of Boredom

Left arête of the boulder.

Sportiva 10m, 2
Perth Darlington The Slot Machine
16 Short 'n' Sweet Trad 7m
Perth Darlington West Boulder
16 Prism

This route is on the West Boulder. See the "West Boulder".

Trad 6m
Perth Darlington The Eastern Slabs
16 Bongo Man

Start below the large flake (takes cams). Climb over the flake past a bolt to the DBB at the top.

Trad mista 15m, 1
16 Wild Honey Pie

Starts to the right of the gulley. Follow 3 fixed hangers to the DBB at the top.

Sportiva 15m, 3
16 Turpentine

Start to the right of PSD. Follow 3 BRs past a flake to the DBB at the top.

FA: Jon Gregg & Ross Weiter

Sportiva 15m, 3
Perth Darlington Upper Darlington Stone Masons' Hall
16 Smoking Child

The climb on the right end of the chasm.

The first bolt is shared with a route on the left. Follow 2 bolts, on the right, to the top.

Sportiva 8m, 3
Perth Darlington Upper Darlington Stonehenge
16 Snitch Slab Sportiva 8m, 2
Perth Nyaania Creek Reserve Tail
V0 Feeling da feet

At the right of the rock work your way up with high feet

Boulder 3m
V0 Conversational

North side of creek, opposite the Slap the Dragon and Round House area. Start hold at hip height, squatting on the big ledge to start.

FA: Jackson A, 13 Gen 2023

V0 Last Cause

Sit start with a lieback on good holds, then a short sequence up

Boulder 2m
V0 Contraversial

Start as Traverse City and go straight up

Boulder 3m
Perth Nyaania Creek Reserve Nest EGG 1 & 2
V0 Hatching eggs

Stand start on good holds. Up right hand side of the crack

FA: Lachlan Jennings, 15 Mar 2020

Perth Nyaania Creek Reserve Head
V0 Toothless

Sit Start left and work your uo the corner

FA: leigh Mavs

V0 An apple a day

Right of the boulder up the corner

Perth Nyaania Creek Reserve Wing
V0 Ungrateful Newcomer

Topo is facing down the creek. Starting on big side pull on the left, traversing right using big jugs at the top. Top out using the big steps.

FA: ClimbRefine, 16 Gen 2023

Perth Gobby Road Crags Dirk brook
16 Logotherapy

Middle of the face. 4Br with DBB at top.

FA: M Rosser & J Truscott, 2011

Sportiva 20m, 4
16 Perspiration and inspiration
Trad mista 20m, 2
Perth Gobby Road Crags Gobby slabs
16 Three greatest carrots Sportiva 24m, 3
16 Scratcher and Dents Trad 24m
16 Kelly's Caper Trad 22m
16 Joe Blake Woz 'ere Trad 21m
Perth Gooseberry Hill Quarry
16 Eggshells Boulder 15m
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