
Ascensioni di Brighton Hotel

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Tutti 11 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Sab 3 Giu 2023 - Mount Keira
West Face Boulders Nitro Wall
V5 Brighton Hotel Boulder 5m
Kell Lenehan
Gio 16 Set 2021 - Mount Keira
West Face Boulders Nitro Wall
V5 Brighton Hotel Boulder 5m Classica
Dylan Hill
Mer 18 Ago 2021 - Mount Keira
West Face Boulders Nitro Wall
V5 Brighton Hotel Boulder 5m
Adam Rodwell
Dom 27 Giu 2021 - Mount Keira
West Face Boulders Nitro Wall
V5 Brighton Hotel Boulder 5m
Ryley Shaw
Sab 1 Mag 2021 - Mount Keira
West Face Boulders Nitro Wall
V5 Brighton Hotel Boulder 5m
Declan O’Brien
Mer 7 Apr 2021 - Mount Keira
West Face Boulders Nitro Wall
V5 Brighton Hotel Boulder 5m Buona
Alex Bjørkmann
Ven 3 Gen 2020 - Mount Keira
West Face Boulders Nitro Wall
V5 Brighton Hotel Boulder 5m
Hamish Reid
Could imagine lower moves but top seems out of my price range

Ven 14 Mar 2014 - Mount Keira
West Face Boulders Nitro Wall
V5 Brighton Hotel Boulder 5m Molto buona
Luke Hansen
Dom 25 Mar 2012 - Mount Keira
West Face Boulders Nitro Wall
V5 Brighton Hotel Boulder 5m Molto buona
oliver kerr
An awesome afternoon was spent working out the moves and then sending with Brett. The highball topout produced quite the adrenalin shot!

Mer 1 Giu 2005 - Mount Keira
West Face Boulders Nitro Wall
V5 Brighton Hotel Boulder 5m Molto buona
Johan Szabo
Did the first ascent of these two lines winter 2005. Grades are on the money.

Dom 13 Lug 2014 - Mount Keira
West Face Boulders Nitro Wall
V5 Brighton Hotel Boulder 5m Molto buona
Brett H
Tall, proud and heady.


Tutti 11 ascensioni visualizzati.

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