
Nodi in Bereich Draschgrat

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Tutti 20 nodi visualizzati.

Bereich Draschgrat

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

4- A-Steig/A-Kamine

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

5 Poppitz

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6 Kameradschaft

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

5- Hinterholz

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

5+ Rote Tarnung

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

7 Neue Turnerbergsteiger-Kante

Einstieg links vom Turnerbergsteigerkamin

7- Der alte Wolf

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6+ Beuteösterreicher

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6 Betty & Paul

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6- Hoch-Empor-Verschneidung

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

4 Aeroplansteig

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

5- Duettsteig

Route leads to the ridge where it merges into Draschgrat. First pitch is marked with blue paint. Well bolted and easy to follow.

7- Tristan-Express

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6+ Traum und Wirklichkeit

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6- Jungmannschaftsweg

Einstiegsvariante zum Draschgrat durch die linke Verschneidung

4 Draschgrat light

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

5+ Draschgrat schwer

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6- Draschpfeiler

Der Draschpfeiler ist eine Alternative zur letzten Seillänge des "Draschgrat schwer" und befindet sich direkt links neben dieser.

7- Verdonkante

Links neben der letzen SL von Hinterholz

Tutti 20 nodi visualizzati.

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