
Nodi in Malkata dupka

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Malkata dupka

Nice area for climbing anytime of the year and in any weather. Steep and vertical. Beware of loose rock.

Upper Left

The routes on the left wall of the cave.

Upper Left
5b Azimut 1
5c Azimut 2
6a Azimut 3
6b+ Polyutsia

Run-out slab.

6b Plochata
6b Na kukovo lyato
6a+ Mefistofel (Mephistopheles)
7a Podarak na Eli
7a+ Topki v stenata (Balls to the Wall)
6b Ombre
6c Brom v chaya (Bromine in the tea)
6c Ride the horse
6c Edin probit dolar
Upper Right

The steep cave like walls coming out the right side of the cave. Some of the routes are in the sun for a few hours in the afternoon while others are always in the shade.

Upper Right
7b+ Carma Coma

The first route on the right side of the cave.

7c+ Doom
8a+ VTI
8a Oh! Hell!
8b Oh! Hell! ext.
8a Molya, meze i za konyaka!
8a+ Swingers
8b Proki
7a+ Swinging rocks
6c Rocks
7b+ Freerocks
8a+ Gushkin
Gushkin ext.


7c Mokri sanishta
8b Double Penetration
8a Firestone
Firestone ext.
7b+ Krastavitsata na zvyara
8b+ Domatito na zvyara
6b+ Zvyara beybi
7a+ Baby Face
6c+ Tsolovi nevoli
7c Darzost i krasota
7a+ Single pitch
7b Tangra L1
7b+ Tangra
8a Depresia
7b+ Depresia - Lyuti chushki

Link-up. Start on Depresia and veer right at the 3rd bolt.

7c Lyuti chushki ot zemyata


7a Lyuti Chushki

A variant of Lyuti Chushki Original that aid climbs the first several bolts then continues free to the first chain.

7b+ Lyuti Chushki Ext.

A variant of Lyuti Chushki Original that aid climbs the first several bolts then continues free to the second chain.

8a+ Lyuti Chushki Original

Climbs to the second chain.

8a Top 10
8b Placebo
8a Vazelin
8a Formalin
7c+ Formalin - Top 10
8a+ Paranoya - Formalin
8a Paranoya
8b Milady
8a+ Moby Dick
Mobby Dick - Formalin
7b+ Bez panika!
7c Nechiy drug problem
7c Reality Bites
7c Kartblansh
7a+ Kolkoto tolkova
Lower Right

The steep and vertical walls right in front as you reach the end of the trail

Lower Right
7b Neochakvano dobra kombinatsia
6c Kadeto tam
6b+ Brick in the Wall
6b+ Leyla lyav variant
6c+ Leyla
6c+ Pinokio
6b Plachat na slantseto
5c Rabat
6b+ Fantastichna svetlina
7a Shock
7b+ Shock direct
6c Lunna pateka
6b+ Rolling Stones
6c Slon balon
7b/b+ Tseluvka s magdanoz
7b+ Grafiti
7b+ Nu, zayats!
7b Kimbo
6c+ Nu, pogodi!
6b Yo-ho-ho
7a Posledniat mohikan
6b Metalwings
6b I butilka rom


Tutti 87 nodi visualizzati.

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