
Pagoda parking cliff

  • Contesto grado: US


New cliff, unexplored, plans to bolt and anchor and abseil in for a look.

Limitazioni per l'accesso ereditato da Kulen Basecamp

Must stay at the campground, cost not yet announced.


From the flat “parking” area at the pagoda head a few meters down trail to the little rocky lookout, you’re at the top. No word yet on bottom access.

Etica ereditato da Kulen Basecamp

As this is private land please obey all rules set by the campground. The largest cliff is beneath a small wat. Please respect the monks activities and enjoy climbing while being mindful of your noise and presence.


Grafico cronologico delle vie

Kimsroy and James noticed on a recon walk. Because the trees at the base were so tall we assumed it was only a couple of meters tall. Turns out it’s a lot taller than expected.


Questa parete non possiede al momento nessuna sub-area o via!

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