
Vie in Lake Louise del grado selezionato

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Tutti 26 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Louise Falls
5.11d Lords of Karma
Sportiva 16m, 7
5.12a Criterium

The extension to Rubber Lover. Sustained and gains a great position.

Sportiva 33m
5.11d Stage Fright

Absolutely sensational climbing up the 4 roofs with 4 cruxes separated by rests. Solid for the grade! RIP Dave Thomson! This was one of his last beautiful routes he made before he passed away.

FA: Dave Thomson

Sportiva 32m, 14
Outhouse Area
5.11d Venom

Continue climbing above Turtle Island, 22m. 70m rope lets you climb this in 1 pitch (Recommended) and lower back to Turtle Island anchors. Pull the rope and either rappel or lower again to the ground.

FA: Marc Dube, 1988

Sportiva 21m, 2, 8
5.12a Elbow Venom

TCU's + Long Slings. Climb Turtle Island, 22m (pitch 1) and continue up Venom, 21m. Skip the anchors and clip a bolt before traversing right and up to the anchors.

Trad mista 26m, 2, 10
5.11d Brave New World

Start via Top Gun (pitch 1, 22m) and Flameout (pitch 2, 35m). Medium cam recommended. Fix a back rope to descend.

FA: Peter Arbic, 1993

Sportiva 3, 7
Air Voyage Wall
5.12a Manhattan
Trad mista 25m, 7
5.12a Scared Peaches P1


The Amphitheatre
5.11d Donkey Show
Liquid Sky Wall
5.11d Dr Risk Goes to Hollywood
Pond Area
5.11d Eastern Block
Sportiva 20m, 10
Blob Rock
5.12a Unforgiven
Sportiva 17m, 8
5.12 R Parental Advisory
5.11d Chicks Call Me Daddy
Sportiva 11m, 8
5.12a Nobody's Girl

Steep buggy climbing comes to an abrupt end and a good rest. Switch gears and start crimping like mad to a big move to a slopper. Absolutely classic

FA: Peter Arbic, 1991

Sportiva 18m, 7
5.11d Wild Frontiers
Sportiva 23m
5.11d The Ugly Duckling
5.11d Sitting Duck
5.12a Sitting Duck alt. Finish
5.12a Cowgirls in the Rain
Hanging Gardens
5.12a Flying Squirrel
Rockfall Wall
5.12a The Crying Game
Sportiva 37m, 15
5.11d Dancing in Paradise
Sportiva 60m, 2, 26
Scorched Earth Wall
5.12a Brujo
Trad 30m
5.12a Shapeshifter
Sportiva 30m, 12
5.12 R Road Man
Trad 30m

Tutti 26 vie visualizzati.

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