
Vie in Mount Nemo del grado selezionato

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Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
5.3 Easy Steps

Climb the featured, but usually dirty, corner.

Trad 12m
Central Wall
5.3 Cinderella

Short offwidth starting just left of Mean Streak. Pull through the overhang onto the ledge left for easy climbing to the top. Two rings about 2m climber's left at the top for lowering. Fun climbing with plenty of fist and foot jams, and solid gear placements - a great intro to trad.

5.3 The Roof

Steep chimney crack climbing to the top. Climber's right of Enchiridion and Ten Pound Lunker Bass.

At the top, there are rap rings about 3m to climber's right, 2m below a dead tree trunk.

Trad 7m
Alfred's Wall
5.3 Evening Wall

Start at Vanna and climb right-trending ledges to the top.

White Trash Wall
5.3 Weekend Warrior

Short trad route that provides access to the big game ledge.

Central Zone
5.3 Corkscrew Chimney

Start at number 18C.

Climb the off-width chimney.

New Wall
5.3 The Window

Start at number 25. Climb a flake to a ledge below a large overhang, then move left and climb a corner to the top.

Big Gulp Area
5.3 Wormhole

Start at number 52. Get in the chimney, worm your way up.

Trad 14m

Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

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