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Tutti 3 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
5.8 Shoe Fly-by

The right facing bolted dihedral near the right end of the wall. The last route to dry on this wall, seeping most of the year. This corner is also the garbage chute for the cliff above, so you’ll likely need to clean as you climb.

Rescrubbed Sept/23.

FA: Greg Sorensen

Sportiva 8m, 3
5.8 Butterscotch Puddin’

A hidden gem of a trad climb. Delicately come out from under the starting overhang and follow a finger width corner crack that takes gear well. The top tends to be gritty due to runoff from the upper climbing ledge.

FA: Jody Bernst

Trad 13m
5.8 Spring Fling

Located on the short wall just as you come up out of the cave along the trail below Pooh Wall area. Climb the dihedral at the left end of the wall, starting from an elevated ledge.

Rescrubbed Nov/23

FA: Greg Sorensen & Donna Sorensen

Trad 7m

Tutti 3 vie visualizzati.

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