
Vie in Oz River

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Tutti 12 vie visualizzati.

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V2 The Tooth
V7 Ivy League

Stand start on good hold + crimps. Make your way up to the thin seam crimps to get to the good ledge above. You can top it out but the climbing is easy, loose and sandy after the good jug so you might as well jump down from the jug.

V2 Tree Hugger

Stand start on ledges and go directly up, trying not to dab on the tree. Very dirty top out.

V7 Nothing Static

Stand start on the good ledge as "Maha". Move up through crimps. Match on the big horn jug. Can be done static.

V4 Sally Girl

Start as "Maha" and climb left to the big shelf. Top out not reccommended. Guide book says to top out but there's now a big fallen tree in the way and it's extremely muddy/dirty up there.

V9 Razor Wire Education

Sit start deep under the roof. Do hard moves and link into "Maha".

V5 Maha

Start on flat ledge. Traverse Right on crimps to the big shelf at the right-side of the boulder. Paint is no longer an issue on this boulder and the friction is definitely good enough.

V5 The Pondering

Start on the good jugs and make your way up the arete.

V5 Boba Fett

Sit start on RH ledge and LH on "The Pondering"'s start jug. Move up crimps on the right face to top out.

V2 Honeymooners

Sit start as for "The Honeymoon". Traverse left through and out the corner to finish on good jugs

V7 The Honeymoon
V0 Watch Your Step

Huge hand crack up a slab.


Tutti 12 vie visualizzati.

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