
Ascensioni in CMC Wall

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Tutti 2 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Sab 29 Mag 2021 - Yamnuska
CMC Wall
5.11b 5.11a CMC Sconosciuto 320m
Josh Worley
Quite the old school adventure. We bailed at pitch 3 (graded 11b R in the guidebook). The first two pitches were quite good and offered thoughtful climbing in the 5.10 range (first pitch is also rated R). The crux at the start of the third pitch is directly above the belay and I couldn't calm my thoughts and get the image of falling onto my belayers head out of my mind so down we went. Though the route saw a retrofit in 1990, the protection is still fairly old school and all 3 belays to that point needed backing up. One to come back for I suppose!

Sab 20 Mar 2021 - Yamnuska
CMC Wall
5.11c 5.11a CMC - con Rory Sconosciuto 320m Mega Classica
Ryan Macpherson

Tutti 2 ascensioni visualizzati.

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