
Vie in 太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags

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1 - 100 di 127 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
鸡窝渡 Chicken Cave
5.8 Left Wing

Nice and easy. starts outside the wall left side.

FA: Paul Collis & Eman Lacoste, 2005

Sportiva 23m, 7
5.5 Juicy Lucy

starts inside and on top of the wall. merges with Left Wing.

FA: Paul Collis & Bob Keaty, 2005

Sportiva 18m, 5
5.10b Weekend Warriors

shared start with SUBARU.

FA: Paul Collis & Bob Keaty, 2005

Sportiva 24m, 11
5.12a See You At The Party Richter!

This climb starts at the top of Weekend Warriors.

FA: Marcelo Berti Lungo, 2011

Sportiva 11m, 4
5.11b Subaru

Excellent climbing and a great photo opportunity! Steep climbing on big holds ends with a tricky balancy crux on small holds. Possibly harder then the grade suggests.

FA: Hiroe Takezawa & Soichiro Fukuda, 2007

Sportiva 21m, 10
5.12c Snowden's Disco Ball

Extension of Subaru.

Tracciata: Andrew

FA: TJ, 2015

Sportiva 13m, 6
5.12a/b Calamity Jane

Feels like 12b/12c for some people. but many have confirmed that it is around 12a. just very unusual.

Starting with easy climbing, coming into the steep part with good holds followed by a bouldery part with small edges and a foothook to accelerate dynamically to a big jug. Topping out is not that difficult any more. (Martin)

Tracciata: Andrew

Sportiva 20m, 7
5.12a Lily

easy run out start into a steep roof.

FA: Mark Garthwaite, 2005

Sportiva 20m, 5
5.12d Grievous Bodily Harm

The gem of the cave...

FA: Seb Grieve, 2005

Sportiva 20m, 6
5.13a 深渊凝视 Abyss Gaze

线路在洞穴最深的地方起步(菜鸟左边),和菜鸟拱顶。 The route starts in the depth of the cave, on the left side of Weakened warriors. It also shares the same anchor.

Tracciata: Jerry zhong

FA: Jerry zhong

Sportiva 14m, 6
5.12c Weakened Warriors

The horizontal crack in the roof deep in the cave. right to left.

Tracciata: Eman Lacoste & Paul Collis, 2005

Sportiva 15m, 7
5.13a Rooster

The link up of Weakened Warriors and Grievous Bodily Harm.

FA: Logan Barber

Sportiva 20m, 12
5.13b Funky Chicken

FFA: Cheng Xie Wei, 2008

Sportiva 23m, 13
5.12d White Tiger (1st anchor)

Finishes before final boulder

FA: Shinsuke Kimura, 2007

Sportiva 20m, 10
5.13b White Tiger

FA: Shinsuke Kimura, 2007

Sportiva 25m, 11
5.4 Dirty Annie

on the cave's right side, it's the big ramp.

FA: Paul Collis & Bai Long

Sportiva 15m, 5
5.10a 西游记Journey to the West

FA: ola

Tracciata: Jerry zhong, 15 Mag 2022

Sportiva 5
5.11c Achterlijke Malloten

Short, steep boulder problem on dusty holds

FA: Peter Staves & Hotrocks, 2009

Sportiva 10m, 3
5.11b Scary Mary

climb either Dirty Annie or Clean Jean to access this fun traverse. climbs right to left.

FA: Dan Hannah, Paul Collis & Matt Warner, 2008

Sportiva 24m, 6
5.10d Clean Jean

FA: Nathan Johnson, Paul Collis & Peter Baher

Sportiva 18m, 9
5.10a Team Sweden


FA: Jenny Korlin & Jessica Nyeberd

Sportiva 17m, 7
5.11a Frank's Flake

Careful with the height and rope length..seriously. Also, just above the ledge at 10m some of the rock is loose with a high bolt.

FA: Simon Dilks & Frank Carn Prior

Sportiva 31m, 11
5.9 Turd Burglar

One tricky move at the start ends with two possible variations to reach the anchor.

FA: TonTon, Paul Collis & Matt Warner

Sportiva 16m, 6
5.10c Tufa Rufa

A steep start leads to beautiful easy stalactite climbing. Beware the big block with the big X on it. It could kill a water buffalo or anything else that might be in the way at the bottom of the hill.

FA: Paul Collis, Matt Warner & Ton Ton, 2008

Sportiva 17m, 7
5.10d Jugtastic

Steep and pumpy. This route is called "Jugtastic" for its plentiful large juggy holds.

FA: Paul Collis & Matt Warner, 2008

Sportiva 15m, 7
太空站 Space Buttress
5.10a Shenzhou Qi Hao

Nice for a warm up.

FA: Andy Halkyard, Paul Collis & Alice Ng, 2009

Sportiva 18m, 10
5.11c Close Encounters

Start up Supernova for the first 3 bolts, then go left above the first roof.

5.11d in the first topo

FA: P Collis, B Keaty & T Ton, 2008

Sportiva 30m, 13
5.11a Into Thin Air
1 5.11a 25m
2 5.10c 18m

Extension of Close Encounters / Super Encounters.

Sportiva 43m, 2
5.10d Super Encounters

This climb shares the same start as "Supernova" then traverses left, then up and over a roof. A hold may have broken at the roof and the route may be harder then graded.

5.10c in the former topo.

FA: Franco Bigazzi & Paul Collis

Sportiva 28m, 12
5.9 Supernova

Nice flake climbing. Its a pity this route is so short.

FA: Paul Collis & pia Hockert

Sportiva 16m, 7
5.12a Man or Astroman

FA: Tyson Wallace & Paul Qiu, 2008

Sportiva 25m, 10
5.11b Ass Roid Belt
1 5.11b 25m
2 5.11b 12m

FA: Colton Lindeman, 2008

Sportiva 37m, 2
5.11c First Contact

FA: Colton Lindeman & Dave Gliddon, 2008

Sportiva 18m, 7
5.13a First Contact Extension

FA: Colton Lindeman & Dave Gliddon, 2008

Sportiva 35m, 2, 14
5.10b Injury Time

Loose rock

FA: Jia Explorer & Erin, 2008

Sportiva 17m, 5
5.12a Space Walk

FA: Paul Collis, Bob Keaty & Qiu Xiang, 2008

Sportiva 35m, 14
5.10a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster
1 5.10a 20m
2 5.9 20m

FA: Eben Farmworth & Geordie Yip

FA: Paul Collis & Bob Keaty, 2008

Sportiva 40m, 2
5.10d Starship Entreprise

5.10c in the old topo.

This climb is located directly left of Klingon.

FA: Paul Collis & Franco Bigazzi, 2008

Sportiva 25m, 9
5.10c Klingon

A bouldery start leads to a crux mid way up.

FA: Paul Collis, Bob Keaty & Josh Wiseman

Sportiva 22m, 9
5.9 Aliens in Yangshuo

Lovely climb at the grade.

FA: Rozzie Tam, Paul Collis & Bob Keaty

Sportiva 20m, 8
5.11a Interstalagtic Cruiser
1 5.8 12m
2 5.11a 25m

The second pitch is stella. 2nd pitch was 5.11b in the former topo.

FA: Paul Collis, Bob Keaty, Claire Tetley & TonTon

Sportiva 37m, 2
5.10a Dark Star (pitch 1)

FA: Paul Collis & TonTon

Sportiva 15m
5.10b Dark Star (pitch 2)

FA: Bob Keaty & Paul Collis

Sportiva 27m
5.9 The Milky Way
1 5.9 15m
2 5.8 19m

FA: Paul Collis, TonTon & Dan Hannah

Sportiva 34m, 2
5.8 World of Delusion

FA: Paul Collis & Jim Gray, 2008

Sportiva 15m, 6
5.10d Schermuly

FA: Paul Collis & Jim Gray, 2007

Sportiva 25m, 10
5.9 Life on Mars

FA: Paul Collis & Bob Keaty, 2007

Sportiva 25m, 9
5.10a Extended Dimension

FA: Bob Keaty & Paul Collis, 2007

Sportiva 25m, 9
矮山 Low Mountain
5.10a Name? 1

Climbed on trad a long long time ago. exact location unknown. Never repeated. In most guesses, this route climbed up the left side of the Southface area to the cave system at half height.

FA: Dave Gliddon & Erik, 2005

Trad 4
5.12a Creative Imagination

on the left side of main wall. now has anchor half way up. belay is amidst the forest.

FA: CMDI Ozark, 2009

Sportiva 20m, 7
5.10c Power Struggle

FA: cmdi

Sportiva 18m, 8


5.11a 未知2


5.11a Dance! Dance! Dance!

In the corner very near the start of a zipline and a man-made cave entrance.

Tracciata: Andrew

Sportiva 25m, 8
5.11c Touching The Cloth

the face to the right of the corner and man-made entrance.

FA: James Murphy, Karen Potts & Roland, 2004

Sportiva 20m, 9
5.10b My Dad's Bigger Than Your Dad

FA: James Murphy, Karen Potts & Roland, 2004

Sportiva 20m, 7
5.9 Lazy Days

FA: Paul Collis & Lao Gan Ma, 2004

Sportiva 24m, 9
5.8 The Footsteps of Our Ancestors

FA: Paul Collis & Lao Gan Ma, 2004

Sportiva 21m, 6
5.12a Low Mt's Not So Low

Continue above the anchor of AF.

FA: Zhao Si, Giu 2022

Sportiva 40m, 17
5.10c Ten Thousand

FA: Oliver Balmer, Echo Woo & Shunbin, 2004

Sportiva 21m, 8
5.12c 未知4
5.10a Sheriff Fatman 胖警察

FA: James Murphy, Karen Potts & Roland, 2004

Sportiva 15m, 6
5.12b Principles office

FA: zhangyong

5.12b Ice-Cream Cone

Breaks right from the start of SF

FA: ZhangYong, 2018

Sportiva 25m, 10
5.10a In and Out

FA: Olivier Balma & Polina Brodowski, Nov 2014

Sportiva 12m, 5
5.11b Die Another Day

FA: Paul Collis, James Bond & James Murphy, 2004

Sportiva 18m, 7
5.12b 明日再死

the extension to "Die Another Day"

5.11a The Pig Emperor 猪八戒

FA: Dave Gliddon & Tyson, 2005

Sportiva 20m, 8
5.11d 未知3

线路下方写着5.11d,顶在Flake Out的顶旁边。

FA: Zhang Yong

Sportiva 20m, 9
5.10c Flake Out

FA: Paul Collis, Yang Ai Hu & Lily Lao Gan Ma Grigri, 2004

Sportiva 20m, 10
5.11a I forgot the name

This has become P1 of Monkey King.

FA: GuGu, 2009

Sportiva 20m, 8
5.10a The Monkey King - Pitch 1 Only


FA: Paul Collis & Liu Tao, 2004

Sportiva 20m, 8
5.10b The Monkey King
1 - 20m
2 5.9 12m
3 5.10a 20m
4 5.10b 25m
5 5.8 15m

The 1st pitch USED TO be a 5.10a, starting by climbing a dead tree at the base of the climb. The tree has been removed and replaced by the Via-ferrata entrance. (DO NOT CLIMB THE VIA FERRATA W/O PERMISSION). The new route uses Forgotten Name as the first pitch, with P2-P5 remaining unchanged. The route and anchors stop approximately 50m before the top of the tower.

Adding a tick (logging an ascent) of this route requires using the link up feature and listing Forgotten Name in place of the first pitch.

FA: Paul Collis, Liu Tao, Sylvain Langris & Oliver Balmer, 2004

Sportiva 92m, 5
5.10a The Naked Ape (TR)


FA: Paul Collis & Liu Tao, 2004

Sportiva 22m
5.10a Via de L'Rosa

GONE...Doesnt Exist

FA: The Israelis, 2004

Trad 5
5.10b Via de L'Rosa alternate P1

GONE...Doesn't Exist

5.10b Chinese Rose
1 5.10a 28m
2 5.8 15m
3 5.10a 30m
4 5.9 18m
5 5.10b 28m

From the ViaFerrata access, go right 30m and find a small plaque. these 2 routes start here.

FA: Kolon Alpine School, Nov 2015

Sportiva 120m, 5
5.10c Korean Rose
1 5.9 27m
2 5.10b 32m
3 5.9 17m
4 5.8 20m
5 5.10c 21m
6 5.7 17m

From the ViaFerrata access, go right 30m and find a small plaque. these 2 routes start here.

From half way up the 4th pitch the route veers left through some bushes which may be hard to see.

FA: Kolon Alpine School, Nov 2015

Sportiva 130m, 6
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes
1 5.8 25m
2 5.7 40m
3 5.7 30m
4 5.7 25m
5 5.8 30m

FA: Sylvain Langris & Olivier Balmer, 2004

Sportiva 150m, 5
5.12a/b 直上元宵


Tracciata: 张勇, 26 Feb 2021

SportivaProgetto 28m
图腾柱 Totem Pole
5.11a New Men Are Coming

Splits left above P1 of Le Nitrac.

FA: Jonas Bruchhagen & Richard Grob

Sportiva 20m, 9
5.10b Le Nitrac
1 5.10b 20m
2 5.10a 17m
3 5.10a 17m
4 5.9 17m

First pitch goes up then traverses right. There will be some loose bits of rock but its manageable. climb slow and deliberate. 2nd and 3rd pitches are sharp but enjoyable climbing. last pitch has a couple bolts run out on easy terrain with an anchor very far to the right. route does not top out the mountain.

FA: Richard & Jonas, 2012

FFA: 2012

Sportiva 71m, 4
5.10c Bald Eagles

FA: Gao Qing, Paul Collis & B Keaty

Sportiva 20m, 10
5.11a Trail of Tears

FA: Paul Collis, M Warner, TonTon & B Keaty

Sportiva 25m, 12
5.10c Fire Water

This route starts 10m up the wall. need to walk around left and into the cave. Belay from cave window in the center of the crag.

FA: Matt Warner, Paul Collis & Bob Keaty

Sportiva 25m, 10
5.10c A Man Called Ma

FA: Matt Warner & Paul Collis

Sportiva 20m, 10
5.10b Smoke Signals

FA: Paul Collis & Tyson Wallace

Sportiva 17m, 8
5.10d Skin Walker

FA: Tyson Wallace & Paul Collis

Sportiva 17m, 8
5.10c Tomahawk

FA: Paul Collis & Tyson Wallace

Sportiva 17m, 9
龙城 Dragon City
5.10a Caterpillars in My Underwear

30 meters to the left of the hangout. climb 5 meters up through the jungle to reach a ledge belay.

FA: Qiu Jiang, 2013

Sportiva 30m, 13
5.10c Dreyer Eyes

30 meters to the left of the hangout. climb 5 meters up through the jungle to reach a ledge belay.

FA: Qiu Jiang

Sportiva 30m, 14
5.10d 9.8066 m/s

30 meters to the left of the hangout. climb 5 meters up through the jungle to reach a ledge belay.

FA: Qiu Jiang

Sportiva 30m, 13
5.11b Where's the Beef?

30 meters to the left of the hangout. climb 5 meters up through the jungle to reach a ledge belay.

FA: Qiu Jiang

Sportiva 25m, 13
5.12a Wall Street

30 meters to the left of the hangout. climb 5 meters up through the jungle to reach a ledge belay.

FA: Qiu Jiang

Sportiva 25m, 14
5.10c Fashion Dragon

fun climbing powerful at the end

FA: Qiu Jiang & Tyson Wallace

Sportiva 25m, 10
5.12a Little Pussy

Shared anchor with Fashion Dragon

FA: William Chan, Nov 2014

Sportiva 25m, 10
5.12b 愤怒的小鸟 Angry Bird

FA: Qiu Jiang & Tyson Wallace

Sportiva 25m, 13
5.13c Dougs Dungeon

FA: Dave Gliddon

Tracciata: dawei

Sportiva 30m, 15
5.12c Double Dragon

FA: Dave Gliddon

Sportiva 30m, 13
5.10a Stairway to Heaven

FA: Dave Gliddon & Adam GoHard

Sportiva 19m, 6

1 - 100 di 127 vie.

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