
Vie in 酒瓶山 Wine Bottle

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Tutti 34 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
5.10d 老寿星 Ya Mummas as Old as Dirt

This route is the 1st climb on the far left side of the crag. Rarely climbed and slightly overgrown at the bottom. Otherwise this is a superb route.

FA: Dave Glidden, 2005

Sportiva 29m, 12
5.10b Mumma’s Gem

FA: Zhang Yong

Sportiva 15m, 6
5.10b The Red Wall
1 5.10b 17m
2 5.10a 20m

2 x pitches.

FA: Paul Collis, Kalle Viira & Juha Viitala, 2003

Sportiva 37m, 2, 16
5.7 Wild Equipment

FA: Li Shu & Lu Bin, 2002

Sportiva 17m, 6
5.9 Wild Equipment P2

FA: Li Shu & Lu Bin

Sportiva 20m, 8
5.11b The Wailing Wall

Above The Red Wall P1.

FA: Paul Collis, Kalle Viira & Juha Viitala, 2003

Sportiva 20m, 10
5.10d Happy Ending

FA: Juha Viitala, 2003

Sportiva 25m, 9
5.10b Carbonic Acid Trip

Located left of The Helsinki Handsaw Massacre.

Sportiva 26m, 7
5.10c The Helsinki Handsaw Massacre

You have to fight the trees at the beginning, but the top is nice and crimppy. Keep moving.

FA: Paul Collis, Kalle Juhani Viira & Juha Viitala, 2003

Sportiva 25m, 9
5.11d 长城 The Great Wall

FA: Paul Collis, Kalle Viira & Juha Viitala, 2003

Sportiva 25m, 10
5.11a Where's the Jug?

FA: Morgan Heater, Misa Heater & Li Shu, 2002

Sportiva 25m, 9
5.12a All For Love

FA: Zhang Yong, 2014

Sportiva 25m, 9
5.11d Empty Jug

FA: Morgan Heater & Qiu Jiang, 2002

Sportiva 25m, 8
5.11a 烦心事 Infernal Affairs

Directly right of Empty Jug and left of Tension.

FA: Tuzi, Xiao Lu & A Niu, 2008

Sportiva 25m, 9
5.11c 收紧 Tension

FA: ZhaoSi, Morgan Heater & Li Shu, 2002

Sportiva 25m, 10
5.10b 给绳 Slack

FA: Morgan Heater & Li Shu, 2002

Sportiva 25m, 8
5.10c 鸦片 Opica

FA: Blaz Germek & A Cheng, 2005

Sportiva 20m, 8
5.10b 树八戒 Emperor Shu

FA: Qiu Jiang, Morgan Heater & Li Shu, 2002

Sportiva 19m, 8
5.10a 兰蔻奇迹 Miracle of Lankou

FA: Qiu Jiang & Wang Yan, 2002

Sportiva 25m, 9
5.9/10a Blue Sky Sunrise

Between 'Summit No. 1' and 'Miracle of Lankou'. Start as for SN1, using either its first bolt or a sling for initial protection.

FA: AHui, 2014

Sportiva 20m, 8
5.9 第一峰 The First Summit


FA: Lishu, 2002

Sportiva 25m, 10
5.8 Watered Whine

FA: Li Shu & Misa Heater, 2002

Sportiva 18m, 5
5.6 Hidden Gem

FA: Paul Collis & Eman Lacoste

Sportiva 14m, 6
5.8 Irresistible

FA: Eman Lacoste & Paul Collis

Sportiva 15m, 6
5.8 抠门 Stingy

Located directly left of 'Vino Line' and directly right of Irresistible.

FA: CMDI, 2007

Sportiva 25m, 6
5.9 Vino Line

FA: Li Shu, 2002

Sportiva 21m, 6
5.10a Break Up


Sportiva 15m, 6
5.10c Rich Man

Located on the Right Side, directly right of Brake Up.

FA: CMDI, 2007

Sportiva 25m, 10
5.10a Beer fish

FA: CMDI, 2007

Sportiva 24m, 10
5.9 Selfish

Located directly left of Unknown Soldiers.

FA: CMDI, 2007

Sportiva 25m, 8
5.10b Unknown Soldiers


Sportiva 23m, 8
5.8 劈叉 Bridge

This route is the 2nd last climb on the far right side end of the crag. The route is directly left of Tianjin Special 5.8, 15m. Start up Tianjin Special then take the left hand option after the 3rd bolt.

FA: CMDI, 2007

Sportiva 21m, 8
5.8 Tianjin Special

FA: Paul Collis, Bob Keaty & Pia Hockert, 2006

Sportiva 15m, 6
5.8 Little Plum - to merge

Tutti 34 vie visualizzati.

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