
Ascensioni di Faraway Corner come Onsight

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Tutti 8 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Mer 1 Mag 2024 - 黎明 Liming
傈僳区 Lisu 立柱区 Pillars Area
5.10+ ~5.11 Faraway Corner Trad 15m Classica
Nice route,it is 6b+/6c route, so should be the same as the original grading 11a/b

Lun 18 Mar 2024 - 黎明 Liming
傈僳区 Lisu 立柱区 Pillars Area
5.10+ Faraway Corner - con EthanZ94 Trad 15m

Gio 14 Mar 2024 - 黎明 Liming
傈僳区 Lisu 立柱区 Pillars Area
5.10+ ~5.11- Faraway Corner Trad 15m Molto buona
Hell of a laybacking route. At the start there's a small stone with the name of the route and an 11a. I would agree to the stone. Pretty pumpy route. Climbed it in toprope at the end of the day.

Mer 18 Ott 2023 - 黎明 Liming
傈僳区 Lisu 立柱区 Pillars Area
5.10+ Dura Faraway Corner Trad 15m Classica
Patrick Munnings
Unreal rock and line. Gets easier as you go. So good

Mer 15 Feb 2023 - 黎明 Liming
傈僳区 Lisu 立柱区 Pillars Area
5.10+ Facile Faraway Corner - con Shining诗宁 Trad 15m

Ven 1 Ott 2021 - 黎明 Liming
傈僳区 Lisu 立柱区 Pillars Area
5.10+ Faraway Corner - con Meteor Trad 15m Molto buona
Layback porn

Sab 31 Ott 2020 - 黎明 Liming
傈僳区 Lisu 立柱区 Pillars Area
5.10+ Faraway Corner Trad 15m Buona
Lun 20 Mag 2019 - 黎明 Liming
傈僳区 Lisu 立柱区 Pillars Area
5.10+ Faraway Corner Trad 15m
Neil Hardwick

Tutti 8 ascensioni visualizzati.

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