
Pubblicazioni associate all'area e ad aree più ampie Ciboulette et dioxine

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Tutti 3 pubblicazioni visualizzati.

Autore/i: FFME

Data: 2021

This climbing guide describes 8 climbing areas around Mont Lozère - 500 routes distributed in family-friendly sectors with routes in the 3rd, 4th and 5th frech scale or sport climbing in the 6th and 7th.

Aree: Lozère

Autore/i: Adrian Berry

Data: 2011

ISBN: 9781873341629

A selective guidebook describing some of the popular sport climbing and some trad climbing in the Languedoc-Roussillon region of southern France, covering 17 areas including the Gorge du Tarn and over 3,000 routes.

Aree: Gorges du Tarn

Autore/i: CAF

Data: 2021

The Gorges du Tarn is a legend / 400 perfectly secured sport climbing routes up to 80 m / 4c - 8c French. Grade - below 6a the offer is small

Aree: Gorges du Tarn

Tutti 3 pubblicazioni visualizzati.

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