
Nodi in Pirna-Cunnersdorf

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Guter Sommersektor, gutes Material, zu Unrecht wenig begangen, "kleines Liebethal"...

It is summer and above 30 °C, the heat is standing even in the shady woods, everything is melting. No climbing? Then it's time for Pirna Cunnersdorf! The 2nd climbing garden of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB (beside Liebethaler Grund on the other side of the Elbe river) was established in 1996 till 1998. 30 well protected sport routes up to 18 m from 3 to 8+ are awaiting you. The climbing is powerful on mostly artifical holds in the vertical quarry face and the sandstone is soft but okay, so please do not climb at wet conditions! The northern orientation makes a good cooling climate for summer, but sometimes long trousers or mosquito spray could be useful. The crag is in good condition, but not well travelled, so ~10 (out of 30) routes have moss or vegetation in the slabby parts, bring a (soft) brush to do other climbers a favor. The route numbers are written on the wall.

Last publication was in "Sportkletter- & Boulderführer Ostsachsen", Bergverlag Jürgen Schmeißer, 2014, ISBN 3-933787-62-9.

5+/6- Eckensteher

arete (4 bolts) to anchor. sign 5+, guidebook 6-

6- Kraftabzocker

crack (3 bolts) to anchor.

7/7+ Kurze Elle

guidebook 7, sign 7+

7+ Wampe

The access is officially only allowed for members of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB.

5 Spurensuche

The access is officially only allowed for members of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB.

5+/6- Gratwanderung

At 3rd bolt left 6-, right 5+

7- Rampenlicht

mossy but climbable with "padded" jugs after 4th bolt, lower part *

6+/7- Zugverspätung

sign 6+, guidebook 7-

6+/7- Lochfrass

sign 6+, guidebook 7-

7- Trickserei

The access is officially only allowed for members of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB.

8+ Schocker vom Hocker

The access is officially only allowed for members of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB.

5+/6- Damokles

sign 5+, guidebook 6-

6 Graue Eminenz

The access is officially only allowed for members of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB.

6+ Verklemmung

*crack to 4th bolt, better end there...

7- Schnapp Up

The access is officially only allowed for members of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB.

7- Kraftklotz

better end at 7th bolt, last part sandy

6 Fingernagelklemmer

The access is officially only allowed for members of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB.

7 Cooler Hund

The access is officially only allowed for members of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB.

7 Zappenduster

The access is officially only allowed for members of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB.

3 Uralter Weg

The access is officially only allowed for members of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB.

6- Schattenboxer

The access is officially only allowed for members of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB.

6- Winkelakrobat

The access is officially only allowed for members of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB.

6+ Muffengang

unclimbable vegetated

5+/6- Muggelgrapscher

sign 5+, guidebook 6-, unclimbable vegetated

5 Verschneider

The access is officially only allowed for members of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB.

6 Urstes Wandl

The access is officially only allowed for members of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB.

7- Stiegen Bungee

The access is officially only allowed for members of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB.

5+/6- Kantenschleifer

sign 5+, guidebook 6-

5-/5 Kaminroute

sign 5-, guidebook 5

6- Verrosteter Pfeiler

The access is officially only allowed for members of the Saxonian Climbing Club SBB.

Tutti 31 nodi visualizzati.

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