
Vie in Dritte Zinne

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Tutti 34 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
7 Ferdi

Tracciata: Georg Hermann, 2002

Sportiva 35m, 13
8- Elefantenohr

Shares the first 4 bolts with 'Radissimo'. Then straight to the lower off anchor. 4 further bolts.

FA: Kästle & Roth, 1983

Sportiva 20m, 8
8- Vergaser

Shares the first 5 bolts with 'Elefantenohr'. Half way between the 5th and 6th bolt head right towards the belay station of 'Flug des Falken' and 'Radissimo'.

FA: Kästle & Roth, 1983

Sportiva 20m, 7
8 Radissimo
1 8
2 7

FA: Diener, 1958

A2 Scherzkeks

Climb in via 'Flug des Falken'.

Tracciata: Calmbach & Stöhr, 1984

Artificiale 25m
9- Miss Papillon

The freed lower part of 'Scherzkeks'.

FA: W. Müller, 1987

Sportiva 10m
8+/9- Flug des Falken

FA: Georg Hermann, 2002

Sportiva 40m, 2, 19
Golden Lady

Tracciata: Schöllhammer

8- Schweinewalzer
1 8- 15m
2 7+ 20m

FA: Lebherz & Kästle, 1995

Sportiva 35m
8+ Dampfkante
1 7+ 15m
2 8+ 20m

FA: Georg Hermann, 1988

Sportiva 35m
10- Freiflug

FFA: Jörg Zeidelhack, 2007

5 Eichkatzel Direkteinstieg

The direct entry to 'Eichkatzelkamin'. Avoids the long traverse but is more difficult. The chimney is very polished but there are very good rest positions. Protection is sufficient.

Sportiva 20m
6- Solo per Scoiattoli

Climb in via 'Eichkatzel Direkteinstieg'. It's a very good alternative over the regular finish of the 'Eichkatzelkamin'.

FA: Kiefer, 1989

Tracciata: Kiefer, 2003

Sportiva 20m
6 Otto Normalverbraucher

The route starts right from the 'Eichkatzel Direkteinstieg' and the first pitch ends at the same belay. After the belay go straight up and then follow the bolts to the right through the slab. After the 4th bolt head left. The next bolt is far away but the section is not too hard. Then go up and follow the bolts until the top of the face.

It is possible to rap off twice with a single rope, once with two half ropes or walk off. To walk off don't use the belay in the face. Climb in the top. There is another bolt you can use to belay and sit comfortably while waiting for the second.

FA: Arthur Oswald †, 1997

Sportiva 55m, 2
8- Kurz und Bündig
6+ Public Viewing

Für Däle-Verhältnisse überaus gut abgesicherte Route entlang eines Riss. Zum Schluß kommt noch ne relativ fiese Platte. Der Umlenker ist nicht geschenkt

FFA: Georg Hermann, 2011

Sportiva 15m, 9
7+ Discopapa
1 7+
2 7
3 7-

FA: Calmbach, Stöhr & Manz, 1981

Sportiva 45m, 3, 6
7+ Carpe diem
7 KK

FA: Breithaupt & Manz, 1981

Sportiva 10
8+ Kapselriss

FA: Steimle, 1987

6+ Piazwandl

Starts at the first belay of Discopapa. The very nice dihedral and crack of the first pitch is already visible from the bottom of the cliff. A classic route at this cliff.

FA: Arthur Oswald †, 1957

Sportiva 35m, 2, 7
7+ Abkürzung

An alternative to the last pitch of 'Piazwandl'. Turns left at the second pitch after the belay. One short crux.

FA: Calmbach, 1983

Sportiva 3
8- Die Neunte
1 7+
2 8-

Starts left of the first belay of 'Discopapa' between 'Piazwandl' and 'Das Blöde Eck'. Well protetected.

FA: Kreiner & Dangeleit, 1988

Sportiva 2, 10
7- Das Blöde Eck
1 6+
2 7-

FA: Bieder & Friedrich, 1979

Sportiva 2, 5
8+ Glückskind

FFA: Georg Hermann, 2011

Sportiva 50m, 15
7 Hilti

FA: Riegg, 1980

7- Staffellauf

FA: Kästle & Klittich, 1981

Sportiva 40m, 5
7 Tanz in den Mai

FFA: Bodemer, 1984

8- Schlangenbrut

FA: Kreiner, 1992

Sportiva 6
7 Höllwand

FA: Arthur Oswald †, 1959

Sportiva 8
FR:7b+ Herr der Fliegen

Die Route startet im hintersten Bereich des Kamins und bleibt immer ca. 2 Meter rechts der 'Höllwand'.

Tracciata: Werner Hirschlinger, 2018

8- Herr der Ringe

FA: Kästle & Roth, 1983

4+ Eichkatzelkamin

Most easy route of the cliff and a classic. Start below the route 'Kamin' and traverse to the left until you reach the chimney of 'Eichkatzelkamin'. To save time it is possible to pass the first belay where the route crosses 'Discopapa' and 'Piazwandl'.

FA: Blickle, 1930

Sportiva 70m, 2
6- Kamin

The chimney between 'Dritte Zinne' and 'Westliche Zinne'. Always cool and may be wet after rain.

Compared to other climbs in the valley the protection is good.

Toproping the route isn't recommended. The single belay anchor is around and almost below an edge. Let the second follow or force him/she to lead

FA: Arthur Oswald †, 1976

Sportiva 35m, 8

Tutti 34 vie visualizzati.

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