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Drive-By Boulder
YDS_ALT:5.11 Drive-By Crack


The crux is after the take-off, getting back into the crack, and then over the corner. Thereafter, the climb mellows down.

The take-off can be protected with a small nut.

Rack: Finger sized nuts to #3 cam. Full rack to climb and build an anchor.

Natural anchor. Possible with a long rope, around the base of a climber with thick trunk (Sneezewort or Cotton Milk Plant) all the way at the top and way back.

Sconosciuto 8m
YDS_ALT:5.11 - 12 Drive-By - Diagonal Project

The boulder evidently attempted to be quarried provides for a crack, that runs diagonally. The crack is formed by the outer rock overlapping the inner boulder , starts as a finger crack and widens to fist and half size towards the top.

Mildly overhanging and lacking in footholds, the crack eases up only after the crack turns vertical, and flares wider to allow some foot jams.

Rack: Finger sized cams all the way upto #4 BD Cam-sized pieces.

Top Anchor: Cracks that allow finger sized and hand-sized gear. Best to use tricams to avoid the cams getting bent.

Sconosciuto 10m

Tutti 2 vie visualizzati.

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