
Vie in Savandurga, Magadi Road del grado selezionato

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Banyan Tree Pillar, Hotanagudda, Savandurga South Face, Banyan Tree Pillar
YDS_ALT:5.11 - 12 Unnamed Top Rope

Left of Louvre, apparently, a stiffer 5.11ish route that was climbed as a top rope route from the tree that marks the end of the Louvre first pitch.

Philip Coquard & Dominic Danard.(1989)

Prana Area, Karlamangala, Savandurga
YDS_ALT:5.11 X Nam's Chimney
1 5.11 R
2 5.6 X

The crux is at the overhanging off-width section. Then, the unprotected but easy chimney.

Gear: A single rack upto #6 BD cams. If you have doubles of the wider cams, would be helpful.

P1: 5.11R. 5.10 C1. 35 meters. 0 + 2 bolts.

Start on the slab below the crack, from mildly left, and connect to the crack.

The moment you hit the crack; the grade begins to creep up. Fists for a bit, and then the overhanging section turns to off width. Imagine that combination! Overhanging off-width. Not a fun experience. But we aided past the section, until the crack opened up and becomes a chimney.

In 2018, Sunny added couple of bolts for the anchor station, at the end of this pitch.

P2: 5.6X. 35 meters.

Not much to protect, but frankly, in a squeeze chimney you aren’t going anywhere!

For exit, top out, jump over the ledge to angle left, and around and down the ridge.

This crack saw a first ascent in Dec 2017. Ben Fisher and I got on the route but aided past the overhanging section where it widens to double fist wide.

Sconosciuto 70m, 2

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